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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. That would be too easy, where's the challenge?
  2. For the first time in 8 years or so I'm sick, my body feels like it had been crushed underneath a 270 ton mining truck wheel, my stomach hurts like...like I don't know, a lot, my brain inside my skull feels like a reactor going out of control and my heart starts racing when I lift my hand. But the hardest part is still in front of me, I have to cook me a proper meal, I haven't eaten anything today. Oh boy, this' gonna be fun.
  3. Look at their hand positions, the powder pan covers are closed, the thumbs are right next to them so they can open the covers quickly, no hands on the triggers and all guns pointing in a safe direction. It seems the artist knows a thing or two about firearms.
  4. Wals, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but let me educate you on the human body: men-teats are not suited to breast feed the young, so why should I bother about their absence on badly-cropped photos? Anyway, man, I SO wish a had (and was allowed to own) a PTRD:
  5. Played Risk: LOTR with friends for 5 hours straight, then I played Magic The Gathering another 2 hours or so. My head is dizzy from thinking about tactics for so many hours, but it was so much fun.
  6. Man, I envy you, all I got was this blasted Steyr STG 77 (AUG) in 556. I wish I had gotten a rifle with less plastic and more steel on it, chambered in a battlefield-worthy cartridge. When handling and shooting the AUG it felt like a supersoaker. Speaking of heavy steel and big cartridges, this, ladies and gentlemen is why you must not leave any air space between the butt plate of your rifle and your shoulder pocket. Especially if the rifle happens to be a 98' in 8x57 with a steel butt plate and you shoot it from the bench. (Its kind of hard to see but the bruise is actually almost palm-sized, the red part is just the center. )
  7. Went to the shooting range, good thing the winter break is over now, feels like an itch that has been scratched. Sent a million bullets down range and hit like a laser, shot several 3cm groups with open sights at 100 meters. My reloads worked perfectly. And now I smell like powder a factory.
  8. Oh man, can of worms².
  9. This song totally rocks.
  10. That dude has the worst eye infection I've ever seen.
  11. I'm living proof that this isn't true.
  12. If you look at what ''average'' is then its really not a big deal to get above average and it starts to get interesting at ''extremely good''. Being able to do more than ten push-ups is ''above average'', and so is being able to deadlift your own weight more than once. Above average is nothing.
  13. That thought never crossed my mind.
  14. Very true. Though were it happened is a place I know very well, its the highest place around here and there are zero artificial lights around. There is a big automated flight control radar there though, but no lights. I wish I could have been there when it happened.... And she saw odd lights and what she described as huge stationary white sparklers lined up in the sky, a pair of six each. My first thought was fireworks, but one that lasts for ten minutes staying perfectly still and then begins to slowly move to the horizon?
  15. A good friend of mine just visited me, she was completely out of breath and extremely excited. Never seen her like this before, she tells me she saw something up in the night sky and the description and drawing she gave me is quite...extraordinary to put it lightly. I can't really explain what she saw but what I do know is that it certainly wasn't a plane, a helicopter or weather balloon thats for sure, the size alone rules out conventional aircraft. And she could see it for ten minutes straight only a couple of kilometers away from where I live. Hearing that from a grounded, serious person is kind of scary.
  16. What about dramatically limiting monetary and medical health assistance for those who got sick due to their unhealthy, irresponsible and stupid lifestyle? Now that would wake up a few people and save tons of bucks.
  17. I oppose bans and treating people like pet animals, bans are usually the easy way out for those who have no idea about the source and nature of a problem. Life might cause cancer. BAN it! I find it funny that the people who rave about banning/severely reducing consumption of alcohol, sugar and smokes are the same people who legalized (almost brutally forced it onto everyone) questionable genetically enhanced plants that not only completely destroy whats left of natural ecosystem but also has completely unknown effects on the human body. What I think is that some hands weren't greased and some people are now pissed off. Anyway, personally I blame aluminum and plastics used in the food industry for creating a new flood of cancer, aluminum is highly carcinogenic as is the plastic residue in bottles. And food is stored either in plastic or aluminum containers. Oops.
  18. True, there must be a smallest distance, when objects get closer to each other the gravity goes through the sky, if an object gets infinitely close to an other object the gravity also gets infinitely high, thus creating a black hole. Since I don't create a gazillion black holes with each step (now that would suck) there must be a smallest distance/space. According to the string theory - lets see if I can get this one right- strings are the smallest ''objects'' and they vibrate thus creating some space around them creating the smallest distance thats possible between two objects. Or something like that. I'm tired.
  19. Thats a misleading name then, I mean, both exercise require the chin reaching the bar. I'd simply call them reverse-grip pulls and be done with it.
  20. I honestly have no idea what the difference between chins and pulls is, I used a close grip (less than shoulder-width simply because its the most comfortable stance for me), palms facing away from me and pulled till my chin almost touched the bar, keeping my lower body perfectly straight. I have very little knowledge about body weight exercises. I'm good with palms-facing-away/down exercises because my biceps brachialis (sp?) is very strong I think. And @ 213374U thanks for the stretching link, I'll try that right away.
  21. Swollen lymph nodes? Maybe you're about to get sick and thats the first sign?
  22. Did some chin-ups today, for some reason I found them much easier with palms not facing me. Could only do 12-13 per set with proper form (though I REALLY felt my sore chest having done bench pressing yesterday), need to perform this exercise more often. I like it.
  23. Banged my lower shin against a barbell, the pain level could be best described as MOTHER OF GOD RAAAARGH! This how it must feel to get shot in the leg. Must have popped a vessel, got a lump there half the size of a golf ball. But set backs like that won't stop me from finishing my exercise, no sir.
  24. I love this particular version of the song.
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