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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Did some one handed dumbbell shrugs. Its feels very satisfying to pick up a 70kg dumbbell with one hand like it weighs nothing and then shrugging it. Its also a good balance exercise. I also had a nice chat with my 84 year old neighbor about gardening, her family threats her like **** because shes old but if you talk to her you quickly realize shes actually smarter than any of those people.
  2. Well, I'm just taking apart my slim PS3 and its shocking how dust-free it is, its like the insides of a recently-cleaned space shuttle ready to take off. Forget that dust cleaning part. And boy, I don't know what the screws are made of that hold the magnetic plating, but it destroyed two of my best screwdrivers. Wolfram-steel alloy? I'm actually surprised they don't self-destruct quicker, my last two playstations died approx two years after I bought them.
  3. Sounds like it has collected so much dust it overheats almost instantly... is your PS sitting on a carpeted floor? Can your hear the fan? Maybe a simple cleaning does the job. I have my PS sitting on two rolls of duct tape so there is space between the floor and the PS. Does a great job in preventing overheating. Well, it did.... I'm going to take mine apart but I'll probably feel like a medieval surgeon not having the slightest clue what part of that contraption does what.
  4. Already tried all of the above + unplugging my screen for a minute etc. Oh well, a new PS3 costs like 150 bucks.....
  5. Well that sucks. Nope, its the a slim one. Oh, thats great news, I'm getting a used PS3 and see if it works.
  6. Just an idea - what about ammunition that cannot be bought but only crafted? From a realistic point of view it makes a lot of sense, what are the odds that backwoods shopkeeper #14 has arrows in stock with exactly the spine, shaft diameter, length and tip weight required for your magical bow? Or bullets for your muzzle loader that fits the bore perfectly? Back in the day before muzzlelaoders became standard on the battlefields calibers weren't standardized and varied greatly so guns came with their own bullet molds. Buy lead, powder and wood from a shop and make your own ammunition. The rare crafting materials also drastically limits ammunition quantity.
  7. Don't know if this is the right place for this topic...my Playstation 3 died...partially. I only get a black screen, though the PS3 seems to start and load just fine, guess the graphics card got fried. Checked the cable, its fine. Oddly there weren't any signs of the GFX cards impending death though, it worked and then, boom, when I started it up again - dead. Any suggestions? I've got to rescue some saves, is it possible to swap the GFX card with one salvaged from another PS? Is it not worth it/impossible?
  8. Yeah, I never watch films featuring Kate or Rhona, don't like them.
  9. Physical strength is just a tiny fragment in the complex mosaic that is ''having backbone.''
  10. ^ Something I just noticed, Is it just me or does Kate totally look like Rhona Mitra?
  11. Went for a walk along the Danube river when a van almost ran me over. I was walking on the very side of the street and that guy passed me with 80/kmh easily and missed me by mere centimeters. Later I came across a bunch of pimple-faced teens and early-twenties wearing shades the size of their heads, sitting on the ground drinking beer. I asked them who the fock drove that vehicle. I told the driver that if there were less a**holes like him there weren't as much traffic deaths and the he should do me a favor and go hit a tree with his stupid car. They didn't say anything but when I was walking away they talked behind my back, I turned around and told them if they weren't such cowards they would say it to my face. Later I came across at least two dozens more sitting on the ground next to their cars drinking themselves into a coma and flinging around trash. I'm not an old geezer, I'm in my mid-twenties but I really have better things to do than getting drunk alongside a road and then driving recklessly. This used to be a nice place. And those people are allowed to vote. Oh, humanity.
  12. Good point, genetic diversity is always good, though the worst case of plant damaging pests I get is June bugs, and nothing helps. They love to eat my beloved birch trees and even though I removed/re-cultivated all the dry, dead soil in my garden (the larvae live in dry, dusty soil) they sweep across my garden like a firestorm from hell every single year. Predator-tree. One more reason to have one in the garden.
  13. I'm trying! Yep, I mainly bought it because of its spectacular colors in fall, but its a beautiful plant in all seasons. I did not know that there are more plants in the sumac family though, but I have the tree version, its already taller than me. I heard you don't need to buy more than one tree because it grows a quite aggressive root system with saplings shooting up right and left. Did you know that the sap of that tree glows in the dark?
  14. Got a bad case of Friday-late-afternoon boredom, found a ton of old Lego bricks when I moved some stuff around. Since most of the bricks were light grey I built a Lego mountain-fortress style castle, with two courtyards, complete interior, furniture, dungeon.. 8000 bricks, maybe more. It was fun, guess you really cant be too old for Lego.
  15. Spent the afternoon with gardening. Removed old leaves and dead branches to help the sprouting plants grow. Took me 4 hours to remove sprouting Canadian goldenrod from a 5x7 meter area, those plants are evil, they may look cool and smell good but they grow so fast and create such a tight root system that they kill off every other plant. Even ordinary grass. Had to remove the entire top layer of soil. Thinking of planting some stag's horn sumach trees there. They're awesome, especially in fall.
  16. So I did standing upright rows and lateral raises, these are the exercises I was looking for, very little front delt and lots of middle and back delt involvement. Sounds like fun, I totally have to give that a try someday. What are doing as cardio exercise? Some intensive cycling should do the trick, have as many steep inclines and mountains in your cycling route as possible. In my experience there is nothing that is better for cardio than mountain cycling.
  17. I don't need no Thief 4, I'd sell my soul for a remake of Thief: The Dark project and Thief:The Metal Age with a modern graphics engine. Imagine the sunken Hammerite cathedral rendered in the Unreal 4 Engine. Gives me shivers.
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