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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Lord Humungus and his gang from Mad Max 2 would totally rape the remaining living people in TWD to death. Can't mess with 80's badassery and survive. I also want to see Snake Plissken make an appearance.
  2. If someone gave me the silver required I could certainly cast a few bullets. Silver melts at 960 Celsius, thats close to the max temp what my electric melting furnace can reach (remember, lead melts around 400 Celsius), but it would work. Though you should be aware of silvers brittleness. Silver is not an ideal bullet material and may break apart inside the barrel when it gets squished through the forcing cone at blistering speed, let alone properly engaging the rifling and make it spin. A silver projectile would probably start to tumble a few meters after leaving the barrel due to the damage and the lack of gyroscopic stabilization. I think shotgun pellets with a plastic shot cup and wad to soften the acceleration would work better. Gold would work much better, its soft enough, very dense, it would probably stabilize and fly true. $$$ though. Remember, one shot would send 32-42 grams of Gold into the bullet backstop. (Thats an ounce per shot, thats about € 900 per shot, or 720 BP ) If I was rich I'd totally do it though.
  3. Decompose? I'm gonna put their corpses on my necklace. Anyway, I woke up feeling like puking, went to work feeling like puking and now I home still feeling like - yeah you guessed it -
  4. I'm at work and so angry right now, I'm fighting the urge to rip my co workers and boss to shreds with my bare hands and beat them to death with their own limbs.
  5. 130 kilogram squats. You know your leg exercise worked if you can't stand up from the toilet anymore.
  6. TWD is like a car accident. Its awful, horrible and I don't like it (anymore), yet I can't stop looking.
  7. This looks to be tons of fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9oQL6DxJp0#t=223
  8. Unfortunately we're not allowed to own any 20mm Anti Aircraft cannons.
  9. And pop peoples heads like little seedpods.
  10. Everything is potentially dangerous when it mutates. A flock of mutated ten-story tall ducks would kill more people in 5 minutes than Ebola in ten years.
  11. Ah, good 'ole Ebola, it doesn't frighten me in the least. Its such a quick killer that it can't spread much, especially across continents. Before you can infect somebody else with your raging Ebola you've already turned into a puddle of plant fertilizer.
  12. Yes, its an extension tube. It looks retarded IMO but in competition shootings its teh rage. Saiga 12's with extended mags don't look much better either. But since this a girls thread:
  13. Isle of man, home of the hardest, twistiest yet also fastest rally stages.
  14. Oh man, one weak series finale if I ever saw one. Rick and the crew got themselves into another mess that could have easily been avoided with logical thinking and common sense. How unexpected.... Also one thing that annoys me to no end - why doesn't anyone carry a BUG (Back up gun) or backup knife or shiv? Small weapons concealed in boots or on inside side of belts.
  15. Sand dunes!....in the sky?
  16. I did a ''Which GoT character are you'' test and what did I get? 90% Tyrion.
  17. James Bond - For Your Eyes Only. I just noticed Tywin Lannister is one of the bad guys henchmen. And that old Lotus Esprit turbo is one sexy beast.
  18. Today I spent 6 hours straight on improving my rock garden carefully positioning and re-positioning hundreds of small to big rocks. Then I planted some neat plants. It was way more fun than it sounds.
  19. We're getting wind from the Sahara desert here in Austria. Its not only warm and dry making the spring weather really awesome, it also carries so much desert sand with it that the air looks a bit brownish-foggy.
  20. Nicholas Cage is a god.
  21. Spring FU** yeah!
  22. Went cycling. As if long distance cycling on a very uphill-y route wasn't hard enough I got wind blowing right into may face all the time slowing me down considerably. I don't even know how this is possible, I changed the direction many times and still got constant strong headwind. Then I got wind blowing from f*cking everywhere except tailwind. This whole ride was like a metaphor for my life. And I've been thinking about buying ducks. I get nasty bug invasions every single year, so why not let a pair of ducks wreak massive havoc in the snail, fly and mosquito territory. Plus, they're cute. My neighbor has two of em for this very reason.
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