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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbmT39gTJCw
  2. I've got a Patrick star for you.
  3. The guy on the far right with the square satellite dish bolted to his head, a stiff gust and he not only breaks his neck he takes off like a plane. A strange way to go, but it definitely sounds more entertaining than seppuku. The Krag is an incredibly beautiful, smooth rifle, always wanted one but they're so damn rare. :<
  4. I never had to deal with fire ants, but I had to deal with giant ants the size of my thumb living in the roof of my house. There was no other way than to exterminate them, sadly. Still, I wouldn't fry my worst enemy in a burning soup of molten aluminum, I'd only do that with politicians.
  5. Very interesting but I'd feel like a major d!ck pouring molten aluminum into an active insect colony.
  6. Watched ants from two different ant hills making contact, what first looked like a little harmless skirmish with minor losses suddenly turned in a massive full blown battle with one side getting totally annihilated, it was like in a horror movie. The attacking ants (big red & black ones) hunted down and totally slaughtered the small helpless black ones, they bit off their heads by the hundreds, bit them in half, sprayed acid into their faces, chewed the already dead bodies into pieces with their huge mouthpieces, they were totally going insane and even attacked inanimate objects. They eventually pushed the little black ones back to their hills entry hole and I watched a seemingly endless amount of big ants invading the enemy hill. I can only imagine whats going on in there right now, a little big drama in my garden. I almost wanted to interfere to help the black ones, but thats nature.- What have I learned today? Nature is a bloodthirsty b!tch that spits on the weak. And being a small ant sucks.
  7. Like I said, on short range sights aren't that important, but I wasn't really talking about ''across the room distances which are rarely longer than 5-6 meters.'' Still, even in close-ish quarter combat I prefer optics, our Steyr STG77 has a 1.5x magnification scope with a wide field of view, you can use it with both eyes open indoors no problem. Instead of relying on ''naturally pointing'' the gun I have a nice circle reticle and I know that when I pull the trigger everything in that circle is getting ventilated pretty quick with 0 misses. Can't get more convenient and easier than that. We could shoot it with our gas mask but we had to tilt out heads horribly, straining our necks. We got a special L-shaped adapter for our filters so we got a better cheek weld. Everything being equal the guy has trained shooting with sights for years is 10000x more accurate and faster than the guy who has trained shooting without using sights for years - at any distance. Everyone is using sights whenever possible - for a reason. I had a medieval crossbow years ago, it had no sights so I used the bolt itself as reference, I put the bolt tip under the target and hoped for the best - and hit every single time, bolts touching at 20 meters. It was scary how easy it was to shoot, I only had to guess the distance so I corrected the space between the bolt tip and the target shooting either higher or lower. It took me a year+ to hit like that with my bow, I learned to hit that target with my crossbow in 15 minutes and could extend the range by 100% easily. It was SO much more comfortable to shoot than a bow. I wonder what I could have done with sights. Oh, and 6.5 - Swedish Mauser! Pleasant to shoot, accurate. Very popular here in Austria, wins matches like no other rifle. Had a Carl Gustav 1916 Swede mod96 years ago. Nice rifle.
  8. All of those are thicker than Audrey's, and less veiny. And man, look at her shoulders, bones barely covered with some skin. Gives me 1945 vibes. Anyway.
  9. A marksman could probably learn to do this with enough practice at very short ranges, I tried it once with a rifle- and I have been shooting rifles competitively for 9 years now- and couldn't hit squat past 10 or so meters. A shotgun shoots its pellets with a spread of 0.5-1 meter diameter (depending on the load used) at clay bird shooting distances and it DOES have sights, a so called bead sight and a front sight. The bead along the top of the barrel acts as a rear sight which makes acquiring targets easy and fast. Doesn't work for longer ranges though, with slugs. Shooting a shotgun even though it does spread its pellet a lot without any kind of sight is very difficult. And trust me, I've been shooting rifles long enough at distances of 30, 50, 100 and more meters to know that without using sights and aiming along the barrel like I'd do while wearing a helmet hits would be pure luck. See how this gentleman is using the bead sight on his shotgun shooting clays. He looks down the sights like he would on a rifle. I've read many reports of Arbalest crossbows (those really heavy ones with draw weights up to 1000lbs) being used at 400 paces and even more incredible ranges. Makes sense, those weapons were often used from besieging troops against single targets on top of high castle walls which requires a good amount of accuracy. Also there is no reason to assume that well made historical crossbows were much less accurate than modern ones. Accuracy is all about consistency. Firing the exact same projectile at the same speed with the same sight picture should make a ragged hole at any distance. I'm sure people back then could build bolts and crossbows with surprisingly tight tolerances, good enough for some long range precision. All you need to know is the drop of the projectile. Like I said, all you need to know is the drop of the projectile. Thats true for a crossbowman as much for a rifleman. People make consistent hits with their recurve BOWS at 100 meters no problem, let alone crossbows. Crossbows were so popular because you didn't have to train troops for decades on their weapon system. You could create entire platoons of soldiers hitting targets with their ranged weapons in a couple of months.
  10. Not talking about muscle at all, I had just never seen arms that thin and long before. Looks scary. My apologies. Gonna try to find some girls with incredibly sexy knee caps for you. Do you like large patellas? Rounded or square-ish? Or do you prefer caps with pointy edges on the top?
  11. I'd sell my whole family to slavers to get a high def version of this song from this particular concert.
  12. Finally got the present for my uncle's 50th birthday. Its a Swiss bayonet M1889 96/11, made in 1889, one of the finest bayonets ever made, kind of hard to obtain and not cheap either. The quality of that blade not just blows my mind, it nukes the hell out of it. Even high quality blades in the several hundred bucks category are put to shame by this thing. Its also razor sharp and very pointy, like it just left the factory, which is cool for a blade thats 125 years old. No oxidation whatsoever and it balances so well it would make a devastating dagger when not mounted on a rifle. Pics: Photo with my German Solingen M1908B bayonet (bottom).
  13. So thats how chestnuts are created?
  14. Eraserhead. I'm in a love-hate relationship with that film. Impossible not to hate it, impossible not to love it. And that song goes so well to those scenes...
  15. Thanks! I've been lifting weights for a decade now, I'm pretty sure the added bone density, tendon thickness and overall stability of my leg prevented worse injuries like a fracture.
  16. Got no less than 8 x-rays, 2 x rays with weights pulling on my leg, tendons and bones are where they're supposed to be and intact, though I tore a nerve cord in my leg, thats why it hurt so bad. My leg is going to recover to 100% in 6 weeks or so, thats super important for me, I can't go mountain climbing or cycling the way I like with a 90% or 80% functional leg.
  17. Thinking about going to the hospital now, the pain has gotten almost unbearable, can't even crawl to the toilet anymore. Maybe my foot IS broken. I should have stayed in bed today.
  18. Been walking in the woods and slipped out on a wet stone while my right leg was trapped between two large rocks. Twisted my knee and ankle at least 120 degrees, hurt so bad that i felt really sick for a couple of minutes. Had to make it back to the car which meant limping a couple of very painful kilometers through dense forest uphill. Now my leg is really swollen, though I think I only injured all my tendons and pulled all my muscles attached to my foot, the bones seem to be intact. Hurts like a motherf.. though, feels like truck parked on my leg.
  19. Got my hair cut, I couldn't stand having it semi-long no longer. I have no idea how people can live a happy life with their long hair, it always gets in the way, it needs constant brushing, washing every day, its annoying, it gets awfully filthy when sweating, its hot and doing sports with only semi-long hair sucks lots. I cannot describe the orgasmic feeling when the trimmer cut my annoyingly long hair back down to 4mm on my sides and back of my head. People with long hair are mad. And now I appreciate short hairstyles on women even more. (Because short hair is a clear sign of sanity)
  20. I call BS on that guy with the helmet and the crossbow, there is a reason why archers and crossbowmen had open-face helmets. Try it yourself, wear a motorcycle helmet and try hitting a target with a crossbow. (Reminds me of me trying to shoot a rifle while wearing a gas mask, its extremely hard. I wonder how those guys in WWI did it.- )
  21. That guy totally nosedived into the floor.
  22. You sure as hell would be, especially if you were living in a very rural area in the middle of nowhere with only 4 neighbors living there - which are all 500-1500 meters away. I haven't checked out the prices of security cams that have night vision capability, but I'm pretty sure they're too expensive. My budget is really tight right now. Tight as in ''non-existent.''
  23. Just did my daily garden patrol when I noticed that my biggest parsnip plant was missing. There was just a big hole and no trace of the parsnip, not even a single leaf. I inspected the hole and there were no tunnels of voles, footprints or other signs of the usual suspects - root-eating animals. I've lost plants to animals before so I know how that looks like. In fact, I don't even think it was an animal, the plant itself is rather poisonous so animals and insects avoid those parts like the plague, only the root (approx the size of a coke can, w/o the roots) itself is edible. Touching the leaves gives you a rash and eating them screws you up big time. I don't care so much about the plant, whats creepy is that someone must have walked around in my garden and pulled out a plant. Whats even more creepy is that it must have happened at night, I spent most of the day in my garden yesterday, when the plant was still there. I've always had the sneaking feeling that someone does enter my property from time to time to mess with my stuff, little things like missing garden tools, strange nosies at night, damaged plants, and all that. So, WTF?
  24. Thats actually a funny idea. But hey, your mothers birthday AND mother's day in a couple of days? Your mom is one lucky SOB.
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