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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Stock cubes contain a lot of food preservatives and various flavor enhancers, which aren't very healthy and would kind of ruin the purpose behind the meal. And the soup is tasty without that crap.
  2. I call it the caveman-soup because its so simple, healthy and effective. Its lots of leek, potatoes, carrots, parsley and parsley root crudely cut to roughly equally sized pieces and cooked for 21 minutes in water. - No stock cubes!- There is only two things to consider: don't cook it to death or all the vitamins will be gone and the leek must not be cooked for longer than 10 minutes or it will completely disintegrate. Not a masterpiece but it definitely gets the job done. Plus its very tasty. Its also a perfect auxiliary meal for those who do lots of sports, it replaces tons of the minerals you lose through sweating.
  3. Running is always the best solution, but its not always possible. Knowing you're from Sweden I was more thinking along the lines of a small folder knife, that doubles as tool to open boxes etc. Remember, nobody wants a knife fight, not even your attackers. Having a knife is a great a**hole repellent, you don't even have to use it to be effective.
  4. Carry some kind of defense weapon...In case you suddenly find yourself in a less than ideal situation and you can't talk you way out of it or run away.
  5. What I'm doing right now is freezing my butt off, its in the middle of the summer and temperatures here have dropped to barely above freezing point. The hell? Summer pls.
  6. It would be interesting to buy two identical high quality watches, equip them with the same brand of batteries, start them absolutely simultaneously and watch how long it takes till one is off by one second.
  7. I'm well aware of my insanity, but it has never directly affected time and space.
  8. Today I somehow cheated the universe. I went cycling, my usual route which takes me about 40-45 minutes to complete, depending on my mood, yet according to my watches I completed it in 23 minutes which is totally and flat out impossible. I couldn't do it that fast if I was super angry and on coke plus speed. Some higher power gave me 22 minutes. Thank you, thats very nice of you who or whatever you may be! Kidding aside, I have no idea what happened. Maybe I can't read numbers anymore?
  9. ''Now Gandalf lead the way'' = ''Wals needs magic from a powerful wizard to find a sex partner''
  10. This is so very surprising.
  11. ''One must appreciate what the Russian propaganda machine accomplished. ''
  12. I've read books about IRA snipers, and I couldn't disagree more. Those sniper teams were incredibly professional specialists, from their shooting techniques, escape routes, techniques of destroying evidence etc. I imagine other branches were similar organized and skilled so I wouldn't say those would turn into street thugs after their ''War''. Also, as far as I know many of the ex-IRA specialists went to the middle east to work as instructors for ''various organizations''.
  13. Also in the movie ''The jackal'', in the end the ex-IRA terrorist played by Richard Gere was also the good guy, and very few people had a problem with it. Its easy to forgive movie characters who are trying to redeem themselves through heroic actions for the greater good.
  14. Well, the protagonist said his bombs never claimed any civilians lives, thats why he is the good guy and the IRA bomb guy who only cared about killing as many people as possible is the bad guy. If the ''War'' of the IRA was justified or not - debatable, but portraying them as evil incarnated would be wrong. I'm not interested in starting a discussion about this political topic though.
  15. In which part of the movie did they lionize the IRA?
  16. Aaaand 10 bucks just magically vanished from your piggy bank. Shes fine but sadly my eyes, cerebral cortex and hands are highly allergic against plastics and I'm not interested in having a free helicopter ride to the hospital because of an epic anaphylactic shock. Anyway...
  17. Huh, its not common for Austrian dishes to contain tons of ham and cheese, I rarely ever eat cheese and I don't like ham very much. You should have eaten a Wiener Schnitzel, an Apfelstrudel or a Kaiserschamrrn instead.
  18. Blown Away. (1994) Not bad, IMO one of Tommy Lee Jones best performances. The explosions were pretty weak though, can't stand those Hollywood fireball explosions. Real explosion with nitro look different, way more shockwave, no fire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L45ldbKfmY4
  19. Yeah, our graveyards are deluxe. Where have you been? Anyway, today I feel like a manly alpha male. Been sighting in two rifles at the shooting range, also beat two shooters which were shooting their high end scoped rifles with my iron-sighted WWII rifles at 100 meters. And now its time to move some heavy objects, its chest day, 130kg bench press, heavy incline and decline presses as well. And later I'm going to play Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory on my favorite server.
  20. In difficult times like these you have to be creative to stay fed. Remember when we used to eat the homeless? No blasted digging. Ah, the good old days....
  21. Because nostalgia....
  22. I get my proteins from the graveyard.
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