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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. I love how Unreal Tournament 4 is coming together piece by piece. It already looks like an UT99 made with todays technology which is absolutely wonderful.
  2. OH my, this is sadly SO true!
  3. Drugs are for the weak.
  4. They should hire me, I would squish them like overripe fruits and wouldn't even feel bad about it.
  5. Great music to get ready for lifting weights.
  6. Called a friend, then the connection got worse because he was hiking somewhere in the mountains. Suddenly the connection broke down completely and I heard someone speak really fast and loud, like 6 times faster than normal, for 40 seconds or so. I could not understand anything but it really sounded like words. One of the strangest phone interferences I've ever had, it instantly reminded my of the movie ''Mothman Prophecies'' because it sounded exactly like the creepy calls the protagonist received.
  7. My fridge is making nosies like a dieing cat. Paranoia level: 2000%
  8. Today I practiced rifle shooting from the prone (unsupported) position with rapid target acquisition at various distances and rapid loading and scope adjustment drills. Sounds relatively easy but I can assure you that after half an hour when you are getting a sore neck it becomes exhausting.
  9. NASA's new most powerful rocket booster ever ground test. Awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts9sFtUSeQE#t=162
  10. Since you have lowered your reps have you increased the weight? 10 is a great universal number for reps to keep in good overall shape. Its right in the middle of building muscle plus strengthening bones and building endurance.
  11. Tinting is fun even though it does not make much sense. But colors. Now I can finally make magic wielders look like proper elemental mages.
  12. How many reps were you doing and how many reps did the kinesiologist recommend?
  13. ''Didn't work '' would've been wasting my time taking awful mobile phone pics, instead I stood there and enjoyed natures beauty. Sure I wish I could've taken proper pictures but it was still a total victory.
  14. Thats not what I said, I do it that way because that is what works for me. Do whatever works for you.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYutFjN1kmY
  16. I prefer remembering those events in my head rather than looking at sub-par photos, only really good photos are worth it, only those beat my memory and imagination. And since I'm always hiking through the roughest terrains with all my camera gear I think It wont bother me much taking it everywhere I go, I have already reached the point where not having a backpack on my shoulders makes me feel incomplete.
  17. I never use the camera of my phone, either do it right or don't do it at all. If I used my phones camera I would not be able to look at the photos because they would not be half as good as if I shot it with my Fuji.
  18. Today I witnessed a particularly beautiful sun + cloud combination. The sky was all black and dreary with rain clouds when suddenly the super thick cloud cover tore open and the sun shone through. The high contrast of the sun and the black clouds around it created an epic scene, the sun painted the landscape underneath the opening in a hazy warm golden light. I've never seen anything like it before, if angels were flying through that opening in the cloud cover it would have been perfect. And no, I did not have camera with me which I'll regret for the rest of my life. But I learn from my errors, from now on I'll always have the camera with me, I'll make it a part of myself.
  19. I just bench pressed 3x reps 284 lbs or 128kg, but with dumbbells and non-arched back on the flat bench, which is a personal record. I'm now going to try 140kg, may the god of iron be with me. *edit* Nah, couldn't do it, too exhausted from the previous lifts. Next week.
  20. Agreed, only desperate hot single women may touch my doomsday supplies pile, for a price.
  21. Today a neighbor told me that a friend of him is one of those ''doomsday preppers''. He has a whole depot filled with fresh water, dried food and other essential supplies, and I now know the exact location, which is only a 5 minutes drive away. You don't tell anybody about your doomsday supplies storage location, once its no secret anymore those supplies are basically worthless. What a fool.
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