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Everything posted by Endrosz

  1. Calisca will have VO. Sawyer mentioned at the start that the bulk of voiceovers were done recently, and they're not hooked up yet.
  2. I forgot to check the number of viewers on the stream. Anyone did? That is usually a good indication of how much word-of-mouth merketing you'll get out of it.
  3. The backer NPCs have "Backed by:" and the nick listed at the end of their description. Wow... that's so... not cool.
  4. The choppiness really sucks, this is the worst stream I've ever seen from a quality standpoint. The game's beautiful, though, everything I ever wanted from an iso RPG and more.
  5. Drink beer = +1 DT Friendly fire drops Calisca, literally (Fan of Flames)
  6. Im gunna lookie at Mistah Sawyer and Mistah JesseCox plahying Pillarez of Eternitty. Cant wait. Twitch stream Start time: Thursday at 22:00cet / 4pm EST / 1pm PST
  7. This is fun, from the blurb, both on Steam and GoG: "So gather your party, venture forth, and embrace adventure as you delve into a realm of wonder, nostalgia, and the excitement of classic RPGs with Obsidian’s Pillars of Eternity!" :D
  8. Details: The security guard in the monitoring room plays Hearthstone on a semi-transparent tablet. The game is not my cup of tea by the looks of it, but Blizzard is still a master of cinematics, that's for sure.
  9. The South Park creators are avid gamers, and they made an episode about "free" games with microtransactions. http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s18e06-freemium-isnt-free (Note: SP episodes are available for stream watching right after the premier, then not available for a while, like 3 weeks, then available again forever. It's some contract thing with Comedy Central. It's possible that you'll read this post in the "currently not available" zone.)
  10. Yeah, I like it too. We must start a petition or something to get this implemented... inXile did at least 2 major UI overhauls through the WL2 beta. There is hope.
  11. I'm with Silent Winter, I would like portraits in the middle. That's where the skill buttons and status effect markers pop up and health/stamina status is displayed, I want all that info in the most central place.
  12. These random video game news are sure fabulous. (Not that I mind.)
  13. It's about the same level of authenticity as Far Eastern countries and people are portrayed in Hollywood movies.
  14. Believe me, I was tempted to add a joke along that line the to the title, but resisted. "Level 31 Siren looking for team health regen and team shield boost partners. No ninja looters."
  15. And to start, I finished my first playthrough of Borderlands 2, and looking for co-op partners, EU timezone preferred, for TVHM, the DLCs, especially the arenas, and all around fun. My steam id is "endrosz", feel free to contact me via the Steam client. I'll get a new mic soon, the old one died some time ago.
  16. Post a message if any of these applies: -- You're looking for co-op partners or help in a cooperative game, like Diablo 3 or Borderlands 2 etc. -- You're looking for friendly multiplayer opponents, like a long PBEM strategy game or Sins of the Solar Empire etc. -- You're looking for someone to coach you in a competitive game, like a MOBA or Starcraft 2 etc. -- You're available for any of the above
  17. Gaider is a lot more smart and a lot more knowledgeable than the people who try to explain his job to him. And there's the funny gap, you see, which breeds the jokes like he tweeted. High balls of concentrated stupidity are coming his way all the time, now he simply strikes back some of those. Compared to the number of high balls of stupidity whizzing past him every single day, this is just a coffee break project, not a big deal. I don't care about BioWare, I was never a fanboy, I have no intention of playing the next DA, never played Mass Effect (I read the story on a wiki to decide on playing), and I found their incoming co-op thingy also rather lackluster; and I have no love for Gaider, but he's not a fool. The people who are all over BioWare's games being NOT THE WAY I WANT THEM, now there we have a delicate cuisine of fools. Gaider simply enjoys the meal that is before him. Again, I would do the same. Change of career? He's fine, and having a great day writing tongue-in-cheek tweets. --- There is only one proper punishment if you don't like what Gaider does: don't buy the games he's involved with. Everything else is chaff.
  18. I'm also in the camp who's astounded by and rejects this change. Why? Why change a thing that was working just fine? I have nothing new to add, but I wanted to say where I stand on this.
  19. These Gaider tweets are all brilliant. So, thanks for the entertainment? If I were to be in his shoes, I'd troll over-the-top bitching and moaning in a similar fashion.
  20. Oh, I'm not denying that a tech character offers several different shades of fun. My personal favorite was the flamethrower. But the game sorely lacks a bank, my inventory was always filled with stuff I will need and might need later, and I spent way too much time playing "the inventory game". If it only had a bank to store things, that would've added +200% enjoyment to my tech playthrough.
  21. I consider Arcanum's main story to be the best cRPG story. Tim Cain really has a mind for "different", whether it's Fallout, Arcanum or Bloodlines. I converted the game into a tabletop RPG campaign, it's setting, lore, and story is so amazing. Arcanum is one of only three cRPGs to have the honor of being converted for tabletop by me. But yeah, you really have to suffer through some horrible gameplay to enjoy that story. Especially if you're a tech character, carrying all that **** around and still having everything worse than the magical equivalent.
  22. Started playing Borderlands 2 -- the criticism I've read is unfounded. Bigger, better, smoother. The new classes are especially great, loving Maya's Phaselock. In the last BL 1 DLC the main quest hub was a train station, but the train there wasn't moving, it was added while you were away, and removed the same way. Now in BL 2 we got moving trains, and as an obsessively curious explorer, the first thing that came to my mind: will it kill you if you stand in its way? Of course it will, it's Borderlands. Bonus points for including a quest goal with "badonkadonks". I learned that word from this video (I'm a fan of Hugh Laurie).
  23. It requires jumping through some hoops. The offer is valid until Oct 26. so you're still good. 0. Make sure your Steam profile is set to "Public, viewable by anyone". 1. You need to install the Playfire client. It's similar to Steam, but it's additive rather than a replacement. 2. Link Steam account to Playfire account, you will be offered this during installation. 3. To qualify for the voucher, you either need to play for 1 hour or play the tutorial mission. 4. Playfire tracks your Steam stats, and will automatically detect achievements and such. However, the tracking occurs sporadically, based on server load, so it's possible that you won't see an update for several hours. If you don't see your Steam stats updated inside Playfire for a full day, then contact support. I had to do this, because my Steam profile initially wasn't public (I changed it after learning that it's a requirement), and the tracking didn't work, and they solved the issue within 24 hours. That's some mighty fast support request resolution. 5. The voucher will be sent via email automatically after Playfire detects that you qualify for the reward. You can get Enemy Within for 4 pounds with it. It's less effort than it sounds, especially now that I explained everything. You can uninstall Playfire if you wish after getting the voucher.
  24. Thanks for the heads-up, this is a big saving for me! Based on my what I've seen my friends playing it, I still think the old X-Com 3: Apocalypse is the best X-Com, but for free, I'm willing to give it a try.
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