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Everything posted by Bester

  1. And by the way, it's actually 2011 news. And they closed this thing and apologized to the pirates.
  2. Never would I pay a thousand euros for a game as bad as Witcher, pirated or not. The reasonable thing would be to ask for 50 euros. Then I'd be like "ok, you caught me, here you go". Thousand? Not gonna happen.
  3. "Openworld" with no possibility to jump. Compas - stolen from Skyrim. Torch - stolen from Dark Souls. The only good thing - tactical pause at 18:20 if you're interested.
  4. Make a 5 minute movie saying you're an indie developer who's being oppressed by big publishers, get 300k dollars on kickstarter and then just hire some ukranian homeless people who will code for food. You've got no excuse. Will you code for pizza or hamburgers? I can place a chode between your ham burgers for free. Send me your picture.
  5. MANY things could make it a tragedy. Off the top of my head: Fireball miscasts? Wait for all 50 spiders to act before it's your turn. Fireball not memorized? Wait for all 50 spiders to act before it's your turn. Then hit once and wait more like an idiot. Spiders not in perfect position to throw a fireball in? Wait for all 50 spiders to act before it's your turn. You roll 1 on initiative? Wait for all 50 spiders to act before it's your turn. No, thank you.
  6. Remember that spider den with a drow under the Athkatla Graveyard? A perfectly fine location. Made sense in every way. Had 50 or so small spiders. Required a fireball to deal with it. Now image this scenario in TB. Don't imagine the whole scene though, or it'll take you years.
  7. Make a 5 minute movie saying you're an indie developer who's being oppressed by big publishers, get 300k dollars on kickstarter and then just hire some ukranian homeless people who will code for food. You've got no excuse.
  8. You understand exactly what I'm talking about, but pretend not to, which is kind of stupid.
  9. And it was still tiresome when there were lots of critters.
  10. Stand by, Rat 1 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 2 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 3 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 4 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 5 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 6 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 7 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 8 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 9 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 10 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 11 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 12 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 13 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 14 one is acting. Your turn! You try to jab rat 3 and miss. Stand by, scorpion 1 is fleeing. Stand by, scorpion 2 is fleeing. Stand by, scorpion 3 is fleeing. Stand by, scorpion 4 is fleeing. Stand by, scorpion 5 is fleeing. Stand by, scorpion 6 is fleeing. Stand by, Rat 1 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 2 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 3 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 4 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 5 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 6 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 7 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 8 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 9 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 10 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 11 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 12 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 13 one is acting. Stand by, Rat 14 one is acting. Your turn!..... Hello? You still there??? YOUR TURN!!!!!! HELLOOOOOOO.
  11. I think when somebody throws a wikipedia article quote, it's officially the end of any semblance of discussion.
  12. How is this time travel going to work with the story? We aren't going back in time, the Dark Portal is turning red, bad guys are coming through. We look at the Orc Clans as they were, but things are happening now. The end of this expansion will launch the next one.
  13. I wanna play this draenor addon, but I don't want to buy MOPA cause it's ****. And now suddenly I have to?
  14. How much does it pay, Fearabbit?
  15. Blasphemy. The word "canon" means nothing to you lot. The reason behind this "turn-based" b.s. is because Fargo is too lazy to change his W2 engine to accommodate RTwP.
  16. Looks like more people are for the turn based combat in Torment. Ridiculous.
  17. It's five minutes long.
  18. http://n4g.com/news/1388010/cod-ghosts-on-xbox-one-has-frame-rate-issues-and-is-the-main-reason-not-to-buy-says-ex-ign-editor
  19. Is it acceptable to think all four look like ****? Isn't that picture misleading as all those pictures are acceptable in gaming journalism, as there has been written article after article if those are wanted or unwanted content in the games. And there isn't any opinion that is absolute dominant with gaming journalist or gaming media about subject. And nobody has lost their job because of any article that deal with any of them and even devs that made games with them have their jobs still and there is no demand of their resignation. So to me that picture looks like something from fox news, story with invented facts so that they can report "news" that support their world view. Elizabeth's cleavage has been drastically reduced because of feminazi "critique" just before release. The new Tomb Raider has lost all sexiness, cleavage and whatnot, and now looks like Ellen Page. These tendencies propagate on journalism and have a very defined source.
  20. >to mimic the porting and memory allocations What's that supposed to mean? Games don't handle memory allocation, your OS does.
  21. I smell something rotten and disgusting http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=709124
  22. The normal demo link is dead.
  23. Why would anybody want to offer a game with "generic" setting? It's the worst adjective for the noun "setting" that I know of.
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