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Everything posted by Bester

  1. The voice is so monotonous I quickly forget what she was talking about and almost fell asleep. If they don't know how to make a presentation, how are they going to make a game?
  2. This is going to be on kickstarter soon Oh it actually is there and has been for some time http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/594743529/player-driven-rpg-unwritten-echoes-of-twilight
  3. Got proof? So far it's wishful thinking. Yeah. Lost the url though. Google it up.
  4. Of course that video isn't actually a promotional video for the north koreans. And that moment where they casually show a class room full of PCs for a few seconds, that's actually papier-mâché, as we all know that in reality they eat tree bark and grass when they're not being shot by the kgb.
  5. $31 for me, heh. Still I'll get it for the arena thing. Sigh.
  6. It's not a fake. I can bet a few items in dota2 if anyone's interested.
  7. What Obsidian? It's Bethesda and it's gonna be sheit. MAAAYBE they'll let Obsidian make an addon if they feel like it. Obsidian didn't even manage to get 85 on metacritic last time.
  8. Nice Halloween abuse with Pudge
  9. Oh, yeah. I was doing it in opera. Really professional of bethesda lol.
  10. It redirects me to http://bethsoft.com/ Not you?
  11. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/fallout-dev-launches-thesurvivor2299-teaser-page/1100-6416193/ What happened to that countdown site? It now redirects to bethesda's site.
  12. That video where one model is running around ONE level, it takes around 50-60 minutes to make FROM SCRATCH in unity. That part where one model is gesticulating and then his model waves hands,... models in unity are sold with basic movements like these or you can buy a pack with lots of movements for 50 bucks. This whole thing is clearly a fake. The guy has done nothing game-wise, he only made a video and a few arts to get money and run. If indeed he intends to make a game, then he hasn't even started yet. Then why this kickstarter then? It's a scam...
  13. GOD DAMN it. Got me super excited with that description and then the video, and then I see some foreigner in a garage, talking some nonsense with a giant accent. He's got no studio, nothing. Sigh.....
  14. Angry birds... so deep, man. xDD Yeah right. First of all, those issues are important to YOU, not to all. I'm a fulfilled individual, I'm not fifteen, I don't have complexes of inferiority and so I don't give a flying f... about what some people might think about me because of the social group I belong to. And censoring things left and right won't change what they think about me either. And I don't want some people to try to get into my head and change what I think about some other social groups by censoring games/films/books. It won't work. I'll think what I'll think, and it will be based on my interactions with them. Supposing otherwise would be taking me for an idiot and THAT would be offensive. And second, a game isn't an inspirational video, it's an entertainment product. Don't like? Don't buy. If you start thinking that it owes you something, like it must inspire you or it must discuss important social issues (read this last part in a soft caring voice), then let's ban all films, games and books that don't exactly inspire OR have a gay iranian political refugee, a black guy, a jew, a trans-gender and a strong confident woman. After we're burned books, let's forbid history class cause history was mostly written by a white male and it's therefore discriminatory and offensive, then we'll just forbid school and knowledge altogether and then we'll live really well from that point on. Then we'll have mouth police patrolling the streets and checking if you're talking about important social issues. If you're not - PRISON TIME. With people like you, there are always all those "important social issue" except the one called "freedom of speech". That one is reserved for you only.
  15. Is it the fact that this generation can't get it or is it the fact that this generation believes that the days of companies benefitting from socially unacceptable themes, like sexism and racism, won't be supported by people anymore? Politically unacceptable you mean. From your political point of view. I don't understand people who want to drag politics into every aspect of their life and even impose it on others, proclaiming that a certain thing is suddenly "socially" unacceptable. Just because it's a humor you don't understand, doesn't make you the king of all people to rule out what is acceptable or not. All sexist/racist/cripple/dark humor is acceptable by me, it's not your place to deprive me of fun by labeling it as "socially unacceptable". Murder is socially unacceptable. Humor is ok. If you don't understand or like it - just don't play it. The more people say this or that is socially unacceptable, the more "rules" we're going to have against this or that. I hate it.
  16. I haven't played it yet, but it seems to me that the game is just a mix of teen/black humor that this generation simply can't get with all their "serious concerns for sexual equality" etc. Maybe I'll give it a try. The trailer doesn't seem funny or racist though, it's insipid.
  17. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-vs-dead-rising-3 >Our captures show the game upscaled to 1080p by the Xbox One - with results that are expectedly unkind to thin objects and flickering alpha elements like trees or fence-work >It's also unfortunate that the game runs at far from the promised locked 30fps - rather a chugging 20fps during the zombie action while out in the big city
  18. Somebody called me a little twerp and said that I've stolen (i'm an honest guy, i don't steal!) a few posts earlier and that was fine, so what seems to be the problem now, officer? Anyway, I've been sort of subtle, so I'll just explain it openly this one time. I'm not discussing piracy in this thread and I never was. As much as I don't want to discuss anything serious on the internet, I'd probably discuss the piracy in here if people didn't: a) immediately think I'm an a..hole and openly imply that I'm one. Did I pirate anything? You can't tell from my posts, but they assume anyway. I feel wounded! b) get super personal, instead of discussing the theory c) jump on the blame wagon d) assume digital goods are exactly like the physical ones and refuse to discuss it e) show off their ignorance of basic judicial principles with some weird twisted pride f) be as humorless and tedious as humanly and inhumanly possible g) be as prejudiced as a 90 year old catholic
  19. It's very clear to me that you use tea bags twice or more. You're a little twerp who's stealing money from poor Indian families who gather tea in fields all day long and color yourself as the righteous one and the one we should feel sorry for if someone makes an attempt at catching him.
  20. If you use a tea bag twice, you're stealing from the tea manufacturers! So um... how many devs starved to death or couldn't pay rent after their game got pirated? As far as I know, most AAA game devs get paid six figures. And by "working their ass off" you mean they seat in a comfy chair, have access to the best health insurance, psychologist, gym, work 8 or less hours a day? Yeah they sure work their asses off, that's the very definition of it. They're like the uranium miners of the entertainment gulag industry.
  21. I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen. Yes, copyright infringement is totally equal to actual robbing and stealing. Totally. Yes. Yes it is. Robbing and stealing is the unlawful act of taking something that doesn't belong to you. Copyright defines a certain form of ownership. Illegally taking something under copyright is robbing and stealing. It doesn't matter if you received it second-hand; you're merely complicit in the act. Deal with it. Stealing a valuable item (value > 100 euros) = crime. Stealing with a gun = felony. Stealing a video game = infraction. But if we follow your logic, then piracy = genocide for all I know.
  22. I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen. Yes, copyright infringement is totally equal to actual robbing and stealing. Totally. Dirty commoner! If ye speaketh another word against our Lord the Publisher, ye shall call upon yourself Inquisitorial questioning with torture, followed by death on righteous fire to cleanse your thieving bastard's soul! Thou hast been warned!
  23. I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen. If you shoplift a box with Witcher and get caught, you'll get neither jail time, nor a thousand dollars fine. In most civilized countries, you'll have to buy the game or they'll call the cops and then you'll pay a 50 euros fine to the government. Of course in the US, you might get arrested, beaten up by cops, have your anus inspected for drugs etc, but as I was saying, I'm talking about civilized euro-countries here. In normal countries, stealing things under ~100 euros isn't a crime/felony (like a bank robbing would be), but an infraction.
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