My thought is that romance certainly has a place in storytelling. This is not to say every tale's plot should entail a romantic interest, but having same would open potentials that would be missed by some of us. That said, literature and related arts benefit from discipline, structure, and natural limitations. A Sonnet, for example, or Haiku, are exemplary of this principle. In Pillars of Eternity the designer is the storyteller. It is for the storyteller to craft the plot and furnishings.
I am quite invested in storycraft. Ultimately there are two ways at least to approach the question. On the one hand options are good. On the other there is merit to limiting options, especially when the number of options actually gets in the way of the story you are trying to tell.
I makes sense to me to provide for, yet for now leave out, the romantic complications. Then later, when the game is robust and has had time to mature, perhaps provide the feature whole and complete as a purchasable module, one among hopefully many.