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Sandro G Meier

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About Sandro G Meier

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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    Sandro G
  • Interests
    PC GAMES(most of)

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  1. After Triumph announced AOW 4, I've been back in AOW 3 again, still quite fun. Just the flow was too slow, cost too much time though. By the meantime, I still working on TOEE. And the clock of Chinese New Year vacation is ticking. Happy time is always that short, I guess...
  2. 能在这么多帖子里看到一个中文贴,很亲切。 很可爱的孩子哇,画得不错。
  3. Well, hardly to say it‘s better than 3, but I like 4 more than 3, it's more interesting for me, even with its imbalance and terrible AI. And I found the class development mechanic most fun of me. It's always token a place in my every PC.
  4. Actually even The Elder Scroll could be played in 3rd person view. And Risen (another series from the Gothic developer, though I personal not likely recommended it).
  5. https://www.gamesradar.com/square-enix-gives-away-2-free-tomb-raider-games-on-steam-and-asks-us-to-stay-home-and-play/ Seems it's SE who give away the games, steam had nothing done with it.
  6. well, from so far I knew, if you don't feel any serious difficulty on your breathing, better not go to the hospital which normally increase the risk of infection.
  7. Drizzt,Bruenor and Catti-brie? And as so far I could remember,last game bears dark alliance title seems got a not that good reception...
  8. Have been playing Might & Magic 7 for a period of time. Finally got my both light side party and dark side party into the celeste and the pit, next would be on their second promotion.
  9. R.I.P,Mamba
  10. Just got tower of time for free on GOG, plus former wasteland 2 and postal 2 giveaway, a pretty great Christmas/ new year gift for me.
  11. Well,before I could actually see the true gameplay,I would hardly say OLE ! But still the name made me bit blood-boiled.
  12. At least the trailer told nothing, but I remember long long time ago, there's a picture indicated the era of IV should be around WW I / WW II
  13. AOE IV ? Well, I never expect that would happen....
  14. A Dawn of the Civilization period setting (early Sumerian Culture Style,The 'Creator' still could be contacted, mix with some Cthulhu elements maybe...) and Also a Dune like setting (Sand-covered planet, several space noble houses , Galaxy Empire/emperor, and of course not forget the sandworm ) last I would say is the Planet of Apes setting (Yep, the protagonists must be those apes)
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