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Everything posted by marelooke

  1. Tried to play some Civilzation: BE, got annoyed and went on a Diablo 3 binge instead. First time I bothered with the Season stuff, decided it was a good time to level a monk so that's what I've been doing, got her to lvl70 in like 2 days, completed 2 of the 4 "Season chapters" so far (only Urzael left to complete part 3). I just hope Chapter 4 won't require me to kill Malthael on Torment or I'm gonna cry. I really dislike that bossfight (think I killed about everything else on Torment 1 already, but I've avoided him like the plague). I also noticed there's a bunch of other additions that happened since I last played (like the Kenai's Kube) so got some stuff to explore, also seem to be much easier to acquire blueprints for...stuff...now. Still missing some conversation achievements because there's a bunch that require you to talk to people at really illogical times in the campaign, which is annoying (like the one for the Enchanter to talk about Belial that requires you talk to talk to her between saving the refugees and killing Belial...).
  2. I think calling EVE a MMOSS (Massively Multiplayer Online Space Sim) wouldn't be inaccurate...though you don't get to fly your ship the way you generally do in space sims, but the economy/political/fleet aspects... Lovely game, alas, I don't have (or want to spend) the time the game requires to truly enjoy it.
  3. Some more Mordheim for me. I finally decided to take on The Library in my Sisters campaign, so that wrapped up Act I for me (well, for the Sisters at least). Given that they removed respawns, I was massively overleveled and was lucky to not encounter any bugs (or they were fixed, either way works ) it was a bit of a cakewalk (not to say that some of these dimons didn't put out some pain...), the biggest challenge were the coloured portals ... My Sisters Warband also hit Rank 10 now, I swear the game suddenly went up in difficulty, I've had a few OOAs (even on some of my veterans) while I had been going for ages without any...or I've just had a run of bad luck (or bad tactics, hehehe )
  4. While it's nice to be able to turn them on/off from the main menu the design of said menu is atrocious. I don't get what's wrong with using established UI conventions to signify whether an option is checked or unchecked (modern Android "smart"phones are also annoying in this way). It just makes things hard for colour blind people, like me, for no good reason at all. So yeah, I only knew which of the two "states" the selections were on when I tried to launch a campaign and it said a faction wasn't available due to the DLC not being enabled. Ugh. Anyway, apologies for the rant Managed to overplay my hand in Mordheim and got one of my old timers a chest wound, bummer. Kinda loving the Smuggler though (giving some ranged pwnage to the Sisters), not sure if I'll pick up the 2 new DLC characters though, they don't really seem to be my cup of tea.
  5. Made it through Amnesia: The Dark Descent yay! Then I went and was just going to play the tutorial of Endless Legend...3 hours later...just one more turn...
  6. Managed to find the nerve to pick up my Amnesia playthrough. Found half the orb, Choir area is next and then there' s whatever comes after that... Already saw some electricity fielded-off entrance so I'm guessing the ending must be getting near now... (but I've thought that before, so yeah...)
  7. I've been playing it on the PC for quite a while (nearly 3 years I think), so can't comment on the console port specifically, although I can say that patches always land on the PC first (due to console approval process etc.) meaning that consoles get content later, but also get all of the bugfixes and balance passes along with it. Digital Extremes had a hand in the creation of the original Unreal Tournament so the gunplay is pretty solid. The game can get pretty grindy if you let it though. It's generally my go-to game when I want to shoot things and don't want to be bothered by a story or a toxic PvP community (I avoid PvP in Warframe and it's not a central part of the experience, though it's there).
  8. People that backed the Consortium sequel on KS should check out the latest news posts as they are planning on providing additional rewards to loyal supporters ("superbacker" status).
  9. Game is just an Asian grinder and given how the cash shop works they're just trying to squeeze players for as much as they can before inevitably failing. I have *no* idea where all the hype for the game came from (a cynical me would consider "paid reviews" and/or "low standards"). I mean, for a game that only has PvP at the highest levels, punishes one for actually engaging in it (unless you P2W your way past that with a cash shop item, then you can gank/grief to your harts content), has a big focus on economy etc. but about 0 character customization (outside of the character creator, and even the character creation leaves much to be desired, eg. I don't care that I can mess with every finger bone if there's only like 10 ugly hairstyles to choose from) without having to open your wallet I really fail to see the appeal. To top it off you're forced to pick a family name for your character(s) but names still need to be unique *major facepalm* EVE Online has just as good a character creator (I'd even go as far as to say that the BD one is *heavily* inspired by it, to put it mildly), has an even more awesome economy and, for a game where most of the time you don't see your actual player character has *much* more character customization in the way of clothing, hairstyles etc. But it's not F2P and SciFi instead of fantasy. Anyway, BD might evolve into something. There's stuff there that's good, but it's got a looong way to go and whether it will ever get there given the extremely bad first impression a lot of people got is debatable. EDIT: tried firing it up again. Apparently their "anti-cheat" system now detects Comodo Antivirus (among a bunch of other common programs) as a "threat", their "solution" is to uninstall your antivirus. Moreover I now found out that apparently that piece of software sends loads of data about your system to their servers, apparently also keystrokes. Maybe I should just get rid of the game entirely. EVE is a completely different kind of game. i was playing EVE some years ago but it started feeling more like work and i got tired of it. you see, the thing about BD is that it wasn't what most imagined it to be (me included) and so everyone was in some way or other disappointed with it (some more, some less). and to be honest, so far i find it less grindy than GW2 that was supposed to be a grind free game. EVE is rather different indeed, though given the focus of BD on trading/economy and the very similar character creator I thought a comparison wasn't entirely crazy. But yeah, EVE ends up being work if you want to get anywhere, it's also the main reason I quit. I guess the problem with BD is that it was hyped up to be more than it was. As I said earlier in this thread: there's some novel mechanics there that could possibly be interesting. There's been attempts at quests that aren't just "kill stuff" either. But the game is marred by a bunch of problems that I personally found rather painful: character costumes are bland, doesn't matter how much you level up, your character will look pretty much the same the cash shop, it's the one way to actually look different (but the same as all other cash shop purchasers, I guess), but prices are insane. And at least one item (the Ghillie suit) could be considered P2W, gamebreaking or at the very least a very bad idea... the writing/translation is not exactly great the first 10 levels fly by, seemingly because quests where shortened(?). I mean, the start of the game seemed to move much too fast to me compared to the levels after that lack of a decent explanation of most systems (I used Youtube to try to figure most of them out) toxic community (really, the forums are a horrible place) the anti-cheat system is broken and refuses to run the game when eg. Avast, Comodo or a few other quite common applications are installed (don't even have to be running), their "solution" so far boils down to getting rid of your anti-virus/anti-malware software. the (combo based) combat system, so far, doesn't seem to live up to the hype. GW2's seems more dynamic to me. Then again, the mechanics aren't that well explained and I'm not that far in yet. It's been too long since I really played GW2, so making comparisons to that game is a bit hard for me, though at least there I managed to get my character to her final quest (which was a group quest, so I never completed it), albeit years after release. Moreover I found the story a lot more engaging (which likely boils down to the writing/translation point above) BD might improve over time, and I'll keep an eye on it (assuming they get their anti-cheat fixed), but as I said before I'm not quite convinced that given the negative press and the likely exodus of disappointed players the game will do well enough for that to happen.
  10. Game is just an Asian grinder and given how the cash shop works they're just trying to squeeze players for as much as they can before inevitably failing. I have *no* idea where all the hype for the game came from (a cynical me would consider "paid reviews" and/or "low standards"). I mean, for a game that only has PvP at the highest levels, punishes one for actually engaging in it (unless you P2W your way past that with a cash shop item, then you can gank/grief to your harts content), has a big focus on economy etc. but about 0 character customization (outside of the character creator, and even the character creation leaves much to be desired, eg. I don't care that I can mess with every finger bone if there's only like 10 ugly hairstyles to choose from) without having to open your wallet I really fail to see the appeal. To top it off you're forced to pick a family name for your character(s) but names still need to be unique *major facepalm* EVE Online has just as good a character creator (I'd even go as far as to say that the BD one is *heavily* inspired by it, to put it mildly), has an even more awesome economy and, for a game where most of the time you don't see your actual player character has *much* more character customization in the way of clothing, hairstyles etc. But it's not F2P and SciFi instead of fantasy. Anyway, BD might evolve into something. There's stuff there that's good, but it's got a looong way to go and whether it will ever get there given the extremely bad first impression a lot of people got is debatable. EDIT: tried firing it up again. Apparently their "anti-cheat" system now detects Comodo Antivirus (among a bunch of other common programs) as a "threat", their "solution" is to uninstall your antivirus. Moreover I now found out that apparently that piece of software sends loads of data about your system to their servers, apparently also keystrokes. Maybe I should just get rid of the game entirely.
  11. Maybe will lower expectations. ME 3 was a really good 3rd person shooter. I agree, i had some fun in it, even in MP modes. Imho ME2 was a much better third person shooter than ME3 (I played ME2 a bunch of times, ME3: once), but to each their own. Didn't touch MP in either game though.
  12. Had an epiphany about that document in Rise of the Tomb Raider I seemingly had no access to anymore. Managed to get it, so got the game to 100% completion. Back to PoE (and Endless Paths) now, Fampyrs are so bloody annoying... EDIT: made it to floor 11 op the Path, getting a good remind of all the things I disliked about the game. Ugh. Time to take a break from Od Nua at least.
  13. Now that White March if fully released I've actually picked up my PoE playthrough. I've been game-hopping for a while now, not having really beeg "gripped" by anything lately but I'm actually enjoying PoE now, maybe it's because the start of the game is behind me now and there's more options in combat. Likely some of the tweaks Obsidian did to combat since release have also helped. The fact that the story is also starting to get interesting might also help. Either way, I just arrived at Twin Elms but decided to go back to Caed Nua and see how deep I can go. Last time I left at level 4 (did they zero index these levels?), so I went and killed the "boss" on level 5 and am now on my way to clear level 7.
  14. $175 to preorder the CE I've splurged on some Kickstarter projects... but damn that's pretty damn steep for what's on offer and with my luck I'd get a bunch of import taxes and customs charges on top of that... I think I'll pass.
  15. Yeah, publisher ruined the setting from what I understand. Bummer as the original concept looked way cool but since most of that (unused) lore was recycled for Warframe I doubt we'll ever see Dark Sector as it was originally envisioned.
  16. I'm at 69hours now, so yeah I've only had it happen to low rank ones, so it's just easier to fire them than to deal with the consequences. I've also barely played anything other than my Sisters Warband (did get started with the Mercenaries though)
  17. I've fired two or three so far I think, at least in my sisters warband though I'm sure I have *much* less hours put into Mordheim than you... I think two of them were low ranks with Skull Fracture (can't be bothered dealing with that) and the other one was supposed to be a gatherer but lost a leg, so yeah... Seems I'm playing a "Warlock" in Grim Dawn, though I'm not sure if the order in which your classes come matter (if they do then I'm playing something without a name, which likely is bad since I have kinda no idea what I'm doing currently but so far it seems to work )
  18. Some other games also do this, so I made sure my microphone has a hardware switch. Which, of course, I forget to turn off half the time when I *do* want to use it...eh, rather that way than the other way around, really
  19. So, euhm, I got sidetracked again and managed to actually finish Bioshock after sod knows how many years. I always enjoyed the storytelling, atmosphere, setting etc. But the actual gameplay, not so much, oddly enough. It's still unclear to me as to why it's considered such a classic though (compared to Half Life 2, for example...)
  20. Dungeon Keeper 3 confirmed?
  21. It told me to stop playing it a few weeks ago after playing it for like 45 minutes, maybe an hour...so I did. I don't like ham-fisted narratives with stupid "twists". Hehe, I consider the "story" to be more of a checkbox item, at least so far (bot a little ways past the "We can see you" achievement).
  22. Tried some more levels (puzzles, really) in SUPERHOT. It's quite fun though I'm not terribly good at it, so I take it a few puzzles at a time. I've also been trying a bit of Black Desert Online, I think the game was mentioned here a few times because of the character creator. I initially had little interest in it (since it's a game allowing PvP, moreover it hails from Korea so the fear of the grind was putting me off as well), but it was recommended again to me so I had a closer look and decided to give it a go. The game's like Guild Wars in the sense that you buy the game and after that it's free to keep playing, as a result there is also an in-game store (about which a lot of rage is going around due to the pricing, I hear). So what can I say so far (made it to level 15 so far)... The PvP aspect should not concern most people, it seems the penalties for random ganking/griefing are such that unless you *really* anger someone it won't happen since the risk/reward ratio is so skewed against the ganker as to not be worth it. Character creation, well yeah, it's pretty neat and very much like EVE Online so you can create some unique looking characters with it. Unfortunately there is a bit of a lack of hairstyles (though you can adjust these somewhat), combined by the fact that so far all gear lookes pretty visually similar (except, as far as I can judge, the items you get from the, rather pricey, in game store) means that the starting areas look like they have an army of clones running around, which is rather a shame. The tutorial is pretty horrible (it also feels extremely condensed, the first 10 or so levels literally fly by and after that it slows down massively) and you'll have to rely on the help menu, videos, forums, in-game chat and good old trial and error to figure a lot of things out. There seem to be quite a few novel systems in place with regards to trading/drops, eg. you have to establish "trade routes" to be able to access some merchants, it also allows you to send workers to farms to produce things for you (as I understand, haven't messed with this so far), moreover there is no fast travel at all, meaning, I assume that moving area specific items to another area (where they cannot be found as easily, for example) will be profitable (same way you can make money in EVE by buying in one system and selling in another). There also seems to be no "global" stash/bank, that is, there are "warehouses" which sort of function as a stash but it appears they are limited to the specific area you are in (makes sense as otherwise splitting up the market would be a bit ineffective). Combat seems fun compared to (most) other MMOs and uses mouse targeting combined with a combo system (no tabbing around). Just spamming basic attacks seems pretty ineffective even at low levels, so you really need to at least learn some combos. There's also the typical double tap to dodge, I haven't tried facetanking hard enemies so can't speak as to how necessary the dodging is. (it also was never mentioned in the tutorial, so far anyway) There are mounts (got a donkey), that can get killed, and you can tame your own in the wild (at least horses, not sure if there's other things you can tame to server as a mount). There are also pets that will pick up loot for you and do other stuff for you, though haven't seen/found any of those yet. There is also some form of a parcours system (eg. you can climb up/over things, not just awkwardly hop and see where you end up), not quite sure how far it goes yet but I've had to clamber up a few buildings to rescue cats already.
  23. I played it a bit with a friend, and even then I've found it to be extremely unenjoyable. It's one of the games where I really thought not even a price tag of 2€ is worth it. I liked it single player when it was just Zombies. But then they added superzombie types (exploding zombies?) late in the first area and the second area (or second and third?) and it just lost all appeal to me. They made the mistake to keep the cool weapons/blueprints from you until near the end of the game (keeping the good stuff for too long seems rather common, or maybe that is because when they start cutting content it's near the ending first...?). That's when the game got truly enjoyable for us (never made it far in single player because, yeah, tedious). The first and especially the second area were rather unappealing, after that things improved but that's a very long slog to go through to get to the good (better?) bits...
  24. I'm level 11 in Grim Dawn (thanks for letting me know it was fully released btw). Can't put my finger on exact changes but the game "feels" a lot better than when I last tried it. Also seems a bit easier, somehow. Have to pick a second class now, wondering if Arcanist is a good pairing with Occultist: let the pet(s) do the tanking and nuke nuke nuke with the Arcanist abilities? Also still playing Warframe, new quest was released recently, kinda positively surprised they didn't take this opportunity to introduce more grind. On that note, a lot of the high level (well, Void) content has become a lot less unbearable since I figured out that I'm actually powerful enough to not have to bother too much with PUGs since I can, if I want to, solo pretty much every Void mission. I hope they'll rework the tutorials though, as this game has surprising depth (and complexity) once you get past the initial hump, which I'm sure, most people don't. I mean, the tutorial isn't particularly easy (at least not last time I tried it with a new account) and once you're through you're just dumped into your ship without any explanation, once you figure some basic stuff out the difficulty falls off rather quickly (unless you go looking for hard challenges). Also it's kind of bad if you need the forums/wiki to figure out that certain things even *exist* in the game.
  25. Got stuck on some battle in D:OS for now (the two headed fire dude with the icon that keeps reviving his cronies). The main issue being that I'm basically three manning him since my pyro/geo-mancer only has offensive Pyromancy spells, and tossing fire at fire elementals seems to be kinda counter productive (who could have guessed ). Finding some offensive Geomancy spell would probably solve all my issues with that fight. But the entire random finding of spells and stuff is kinda...meh. Also kinda annoying that enemies keep going for my wizards, I could take the stench skill but I had the bright idea to make my wizard the high charisma character... oh well... So playing more Warframe. Saryn Prime has been out for a bit now and Saryn has been my favourite frame for quite a while (apparently with 18% of my time spent with her, though I think those stats are only accurate since they revisited the Star Chart a bit over a year ago). Kind of a shame that there's so much whining about her skill rework (which I quite liked, barring for the fact that they decreased the survivability of the non-Prime Warframe which sucks since she has a lot of melee abilities...). (for the uninitiated "Primes" are "improved" versions of the "normal" versions that are, theoretically, harder to get, in the beginning they just had a different focus, now they are just plain upgrades to the normal version) Trying to get my reputation up with a few other Syndicates now (which should bring me in the positive with 4 (out of 6) of them, will be a fun balancing game then to keep them all happy-ish afterwards... Also trying to get my hands on the Ivara Warframe (got 2 out of 4 parts now), I'm slowly getting better at those Spy missions, just need a bit of luck with the drops now... Kind of curious about the new patch that should drop soon (today? Wednesday is usually patch-day...), especially the Sabotage mission rework.
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