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Posts posted by Valsuelm


    snip - Ethnocentrist video - snip


    You know, not understand the basics of what a majority and minority is, really discredits any points made on that basis.



    Who is failing to understand what a majority and minority is? How?


  2. I'm a fan of Sandra.... she's a mainstay in my car audio playlist.



    Most in the U.S. have never heard of her as her solo work was never really released stateside (record companies have always sucked), but they still know her voice, as this was definitely a big hit stateside:


  3. The following happens far more often than most think. In fact, at some if not most media outlets, such things are very much the norm...




    I have a few friends in the industry as the result of going to a university reputed to have one of the best if not the best communications schools in the nation. Two of those friends are actually Emmy awards winners at this point. The **** they'd tell you would blow many of your minds, and turn many of your world views inside out and then on it's head .


    The world is not as advertised.



    Worth a watch if you've never seen it:

    • Like 1
  4. ★~(。◕‿‿◕。✿)



    No doubt Kirsten has turned many a man Japanese. Maybe some women too.


    I know she's made me


    on at least a couple of occasions. I'd wager others here could say the same.





  5. Out of intellectual curiousity, I wonder how many more attacks will have to happen until the Brits are finally willing to talk about mass importing Muslims could be the problem.

    Denial is a very powerful thing many people take part in, especially when encouraged to do so by the bought and paid for mass media they were indoctrinated into.


    We've been at the point in the west for quite awhile now where we're going to have about as many people realize that mass immigration is a problem as we're going to.


    And we are as much past the point of talking about this as a man who has already been stabbed and is bleeding out is past the point of talking who stabbed him out of doing it.

  6. It's not a 'terror attack'. Those come from the 'news', politicians, and other Evils who would have you ignore reality and fear boogiemen.


    It was a 'suicide bombing', act of war, mass murder.


    Calling such as what happened at the Manchester Arena a 'Terror attack' is applying the sheen of ignorance over the event.


    But then we got that era where every kid had to medicated bc of ADHD/add/etc when before parents just beat ur ass until u straitened up


    Yes, the old fashioned way was just perfect. Getting my literal ass kicked when the teacher said I had trouble paying attention in school totally did something to fix that problem. It didn't leave me a crippled, suicidal adult that needs several types of medication and major therapy just to survive, let alone function. Not at all. :ermm:



    Something bad happened to you, but that wasn't it....


    Tragic. It sounds like the story is still developing, but there are casualties.


    I recommend not reading the comments section on that article. Ugh.

    It's the Sun, I recommend not reading it at all :p



    ****ty as the Sun, Wapo, NYTimes,etc may be, they are sometimes the first with info X. Particularly when it's a tragic event.


    As for comments... run of the mill for anything like this from what I saw... but I certainly may have seen different comments than Hurl as there are a few hundred of them.

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