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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. There are multiple grounds on which to sue, and at least a couple of them have solid ground. (Note that lawsuits don't always need solid ground to get off the ground)


    I'd be surprised if it ever went to court though. It is definitely in United Airline's best interest to offer Dr. Dao one hell of a settlement (with a standard non-disclosure agreement) to avoid the continued negative publicity, as well as some possible legal scenarios unfavorable to UA as well as potentially the airlines at large. This is something they want to put behind them asap.




    Zoraptor, Nikki Haley also said that regime change is not only inevitable, but Trump's top priority for Syria after they defeat ISIS and remove the Iranian influence over Syria.



    She did, but the UN ambassador position has no actual power and is used (by basically everyone) for hatchet jobbing each other, the only dependant part is who is hatcheting whom at different times and on different issues. Samantha Power did exactly the same thing and said exactly the same things, nothing actually came of it. The US won't fight Russia unless they have to, and if they tried that they'd have to.


    We've also been told the strike is a one off, and that the US won't themselves remove Assad from power by people like McMaster and Tillerson who are far higher food chain than Haley. If it's Turkey andor Saudi & rebels vs Syria and Russia it's the latter who wins, every time. Saudi loses pathetically to shoeless Houthis and Turkey, well, they were just told that they weren't wanted for the Raqqa campaign because they were too crap. The US will try and leverage Assad out via Russia and try and block Iran off from western Syria with 'their' rebels (indeed, they already tried exactly that last year though they lost rather badly) and that's about it- unless something else changes, or they're bonkers.



    Well, they're definitely bonkers. You've got a guy who thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax as chief in commander, plus the usual Christian fundamentalist suspects.



    I have a nice bridge catalogue I'd like to show you.



    Speaking of the 80's I remember Sally Field of all people testifying before Congress on the hardships of working farm families. She is wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and never once lost a moment of sleep worrying about the weather of health of a crop. So what qualified  here to testify before congress? She played a farm wife in a movie.


    I'd say we lost our minds as a people for electing Trump but the truth is it happened a long time before that. Just one more step in the long descent into self parody.

    That is problem with politics today. If you are doing it whole life you are so disconnected from majority of population. I think that it should be mandatory to work as middle class/lower class employee for at least 10 years until you are eligible to became politician


    Two words... TERM LIMITS. We need them in the worst way.


    There are term limits. They're called elections.


    If those aren't good enough, keeping people from voting in who they want is definitely not the answer.


    If ever there was a false light on the horizon, 'term limits' are it. They will do absolutely nothing to alleviate any of the problems in Washington, and very arguably and probably would exasperate them.

  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/congress-officially-made-it-legal-to-kill-hibernating-bears_us_58e93960e4b05413bfe36c1b?


    Hunters in Alaska can now track and kill hibernating bears thanks to a U.S. House and Senate resolution rolling back Obama-era regulations against the practice.

    President Donald Trump signed the bill into law on Monday, which rolled back Alaska’s ban on killing the vulnerable bears, along with wolf cubs in dens. It also allows for hunters to target the animals from helicopters.

    The Republican-sponsored legislation impacts 76.8 million acres of federally protected national preserves across Alaska.

    Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) took to the Senate floor last month to denounce the previous rule that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued in August.

    Murkowski called it “bad for Alaska, bad for hunters, bad for our native peoples, bad for America,” and a “direct attack on states’ rights.”

    In Sullivan’s argument, the lawmaker said the change was for Alaskans “who value hunting as a deep part of their culture.”


    Never mind that 'Federally protected national preserves' are thoroughly unconstitutional.


    Never mind that giving a non elected body the power to 'regulate' is very arguably unconstitutional, and historically has always lead to thorough corruption...

  5. She'd certainly be a better choice than Clinton. Or Trump. That said, as successful as she I just don't see her with the eprosnality to be President. For exmaple, could she live with herslef sending people to their deaths like a President needs to. Every president no matter their believes has to be wijlling to deal with that kind of live and death decision making.  


    Methinks Oprah would have no trouble at all sending people to their deaths, nor would most anyone else who has supported War X we've been involved in, in the last ~120+ years. They'd just do what they do now: blame someone else for making them support evil, and pretend it isn't evil....


    There are certainly people in Washington willing to make that easy for you; who will be happy to convince you to do the deed, showing you 'intel' and all sorts of things to convince you you're doing a good thing. All you have to do is buy the bridge....


    Oprah is a success in part due to her pragmatic ruthlessness. A trait most every self made billionaire possesses.


    How old is Bernie. I mean he looks ancient as in he doesn't have 12 good years left. I don't know if you have another communist. Probably wouldn't be the same. 

    Bernie isn't going anywhere next election, even if he was 10 years younger. His days as a contender are done.


    There are plenty of commies in the U.S.A. Oodles.

    • Like 1
  6. I was listening to someone talk about how much safer things used to be in DC. They said you could walk around the Capitol Building and see Ted Kennedy, or even walk up to the White House and ring the doorbell.


    But then later on I thought about it a bit more and I was like "Was this in the 60's when the Kennedy's were shot, or the 70's when we had Watergate and a bunch of high level staffers got convicted?"


    We've given up a lot of our freedoms in the name of security.


    Nah.... only some have given up their freedoms. The rest of us have been kicking and screaming all while being told we're the crazy ones by folks gullible enough to believe the pure BS they're fed in the bought and paid for media and by bought and paid for politicians....


    The folks that pull the strings on the government are evil mofos, more evil than you and most give them credit for, and far smarter than you and most give them credit for. And those are the two primary reasons they get away with what they get away with.


    But hey... I'm just a whacky conspiracy theorist guy. A cynic even (apparently).


    Here's a truth: The U.S. is far less free than it was 100 years ago, and far less secure as well. The same could be said for 50 years ago, or 20 years ago as well.


    That is not an accident.


    Can you wrap your head around it and explain it?


    The U.S. is not a free nation. Relative to the rest of the world? Sure. But that's one hell of a horrible comparison. Relative to itself once upon a time it's become a tyrannically Marxist state with oodles of fascism through and through.


    'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.'

  7. Val you are far too cynical!


    I'm not sure what gave you the impression I was cynical. I'm probably one of the least cynical people on this forum.


    Then again, much is lost in communication when black and white text is all you have....


    WASPs hate Trump because he allows jews and blacks to part of his Mar-a-Lago club, the intelligence community hates Trump because of his foreign policy, the left hates Trump because of him being atheistic to political correctness, the International banking cartels and business hates Trump for his America First policy, his own party hates Trump because of him telling the neo-cons to shove it, the media hates Trump because of his persona and the academia hates Trump because of his gut first and anti-intellectual stance. 


    So who is he a tool of?




    This might explain Trump's hair.

    • Like 2
  9. "That Obama guy reads his speeches too much.  Let's elect a guy who doesn't like reading anything longer than the kid's menu at Denny's!  No way that can go wrong, right?"

    The days of that President are very likely at least two generations off, fortunately.

  10. They were relatively polite those policemen at least. They didn't spout 'racist!', they only spouted 'madman!'..


    Whatever their motives they are deluded if they don't think immigration has caused an increase in crime in their nation as well as many other problems. Police peoples are known for being deluded though, finding two that are isn't hard.


    All that said, I don't know the details, but taking things out of context is the name of the game in modern propaganda land. I've no patience or respect for it in the arena of serious discussion. If the documentary maker that Fox paraded is guilty of such dishonesty, may his balls rot off his body. If he's innocent of the charge, cheers to him.


    Yes, Gary Johnson is a towering example of an orator and a genius.

    :lol:  said no one ever! He was just the least undesirable choice. And an opportunity to help the cause in 2020 if the LP can manage to get it's act together. You an I live in the reddest of red states. The only way our votes were going to count for anything was voting for either Johnson or Stein. I am WAY philosophically disinclined to do the latter.



    Not sure where you live, but newsflash!!!!!: Texas is certainly not among the 'reddest of red' states.


    That's an old reputation that is nowadays is just good for business, not much to do with reality. Unless one ignores the giant socialist population cells in the major population areas of Dallas, Houston, et al as well as the 'Mexican Invasion', which brings with it one hell of a lot of blue voters (though some certainly question the validity of many of these votes).


    That said, if you do ignore those two things, the state is indeed as red as they come. As is much of the rest of the U.S.: ignore the large urban centers and things get much more red.


    For 'reddest of red': look to your northern neighbors of Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, or a little further afield at Wyoming or Kentucky. Though all of these states suffer a degree of imported socialists/'useful idiots' in their larger cities, they don't suffer as much as most other states do, yet.


    Also, I look forward to the day that you realize that the 'libertarian' and 'green' parties are not the answer. They have been both thoroughly bought and paid for by the same folks who own the reds and blues. You're a stubborn dude, like many a libertarian party liker I know, but I do hold out some faith you'll see the light at some point. Granted, it's a light on some dark things, not a pretty conclusion to come to, but it's the reality all the same.

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