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Posts posted by Valsuelm


    I was not even talked about reparations. And I am not American so I can't say much about it. But its seems to me that race card is played there quite often to my taste. So again, what will make race card void in US?

    Really and how often and can you give an example of what the "race card" being played is to you ?



    One has to live under a rock, close their eyes and ears, or truly have a broken brain to not see it played nearly everywhere. Modern society is inundated with it. Drowning in it even.


    • It's plastered everywhere in the 'Mainstream Media'.
    • It's legally institutionalized in 'Affirmative Action', the 'Civil Rights Act', et al
    • Touted over and over by referencing a 'Civil Rights Act' as some sacred and holy thing.
    • If you question or have an issue with the aforementioned Act in any way, you're racist.
    • If you question or have an issue with Immigration in any way, you're racist.
    • You apply for a job, insurance, file taxes and many other things,you're asked what 'race' you are.
    • 'White guilt'
    • If you question of have issue with Islam, Muslims, or anyone hailing from a predominantly Islamic part of the world, you're racist (neverminding that believing in religion X doesn't actually change one's race)
    • If you question or have issue with Israel, you're racist (neverminding that believing in religion X doesn't actually change one's race, but good luck telling that to those who actually think they are literally a master race and God's chosen.)
    • If you thought or dared to say anything negative about Obama, you're racist.
    • If you voted against Obama you're racist. (Voting against Ben Carson isn't).
    • 'Uncle Tom' in modern pejorative
    • If you post a video such as I posted on a forum, some people will get uncomfortable and triggered
    • BLM, BET, National Association of Black/Jewish/Asian/Latin/etc (fill in the blank), etc (one can go one for a LONG time here)
    • Good luck forming a 'National Association of White' anything and not being called a 'racist' or worse.
    • All sorts of things associated with 'Native American' X
    • Constant references to the 'KKK'


    I could spend an hour or more listing things off the top of my head, and anyone with a brain could spend a lot more time that than compiling a list way longer than what I can come up with in an hour. Not to mention the oodles of things that aren't easily summed up in a sentence, or other things that could be that if mentioned would trigger some here on the most extreme level possible.


    And we're just talking about the 'race card', there are other related things that could be mentioned (such as 'Sexism')...


  2. Nobody who has hasn't seen Brazil (but eventually plans to or was ever even thinking about it) should watch that video. :p


    Thank you. Brazil has been on my 'to see' list forever. I shall skip the watch, for now.






    Man I wish I still had Meddle on vinyl...


    • Like 2
  3. If that hand gesture is considered WS then Italy is the most WS country in the world.


    The notion that if a bad guy/group is doing something then everyone that does so are like them is ridiculous. And alt-right being the trolls they are will take advantage of that. Looking forward for alt-right to show up en masse in Starbucks ;)


    Aren't they currently boycotting Starbucks?


    So what it comes down to is does the 2nd Amendment which reads "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." permit carrying arms in public? It has never been interpreted that way before to my knowledge.


    It has in fact, always been interpreted that way, by anyone who can read and understand plain English.


    I suggest you learn yourself what 'bear' means. ;)


    There are few clearer passages in the U.S. Constitution than the 2nd amendment. That it's even debated is testimony to just how mislead and lost the populace at large is. Though at this point there are oodles of other more glaring examples of that....


    The U.S. Constitution is deader than Bernie was on that famed weekend, and it doesn't prop up quite so nice. I look forward to the day that you realize that. I give you enough credit to think that day it is coming, even if you do not.

  5. Can state violence against

    a) other states

    b) other states people

    c) it's own people

    sometimes be justified, and if so, when?


    Can individual violence (outside of any form of self defence) against

    a) other individuals

    b) the state

    b) the state of other people

    sometimes be justified, and if so when?


    I'm interested.


    Justifiability is very subjective.


    There is absolutely nothing that isn't potentially justifiable to someone, while at the same time be unjustifiable to someone else.

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