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Posts posted by Valsuelm


    Russia was pulling for Trump while the American media was pulling for Clinton. Seems fair to me.

    So you support hostile Russian activity in undermining American democracy over the free excercise thereof of the press?


    Glad to know where you stand as an American.



    'American democracy' was undermined long before you were born.


    And I'll take the unsubstantiated yet mildly plausible alleged interference by the current Russian government over those who have certainly been undermining elections in the U.S. for the better part or more than 100 years. ie: The Brits, random blue bloods of Europe/Mideast, and Israel.


  2. Wonder if they will ever get Trump off Twitter.


    It's a decent possibility.


    The overlords of the Twitterverse do despise him and they can legally pull the plug on him any day they want to. A manufactured high profile scandal where Trump says X and the good overlords of Twitter are finally compelled by their goodness to shush Trump's advertised evil is plausible. The Russian thing will eventually run out of steam, and they'll need to make something else up to keep the fire stoked.

  3. If anything, the KGB is quite happy on what they achieved years back. 


    Well yea... I mean, they convinced one hell of a lot of people that they lost, when they did anything but.


    Like em or not, it's reason to celebrate.

  4. Donald Trump fired the man who refused to pledge his loyalty while leading the agency investigating his campaign for impropriety and collusion with a foreign adversary that engaged in attacks on this country's election process.


    The standard of ethics as demonstrated by this Administration is beyond abnormal, even by the usual Washington dysfunction. This has the stench of Banana Republic-like authoritarianism. Except on the scale of World Superpower.


    To say that this is a non-story is ridiculous.


    Well.... I and a lot of other people saw the firing coming last year (in other words, a million miles away). If Comey's firing is even a remote surprise to you, I know what to tell you as much as I'd know what to say to someone who was awed by the sun setting in the west and not somewhere else.


    II guess I should have wagered you again? lol

  5. Yeah, if we could get an official vote count before the ****ing MSM proclaim the next French President, that would be great.


    National elections in the west are largely dog and pony shows. What you want will never happen under the current power structure. A structure that will never change via election.

  6. I'm curious as to what folks here think of this scenario that has recently come up in my world. I know where I stand on it, but it's an interesting ethics question of sorts methinks. I find this forum to be an interesting cross section of modern society, so pose this scenario here for consideration.


    If you spend the time to read this and answer, thank you in advance.

    If this is too much for you, no problemo, I'll see you in another thread.


    Cast of Characters:


    Jebediah: Main character. Friend to most below.

    Bob: Jebediah's good friend of a great many years. Oft a drinking companion.

    Betty: Bartender, also a friend of Jeb. Fun loving girl, lives life to the fullest.


    Megan: Bartender, Jeb doesn't know her well. Single Mom, relatively new to town. She doesn't impress Jeb with her bartending or people skills so he is somewhat indifferent to her.

    Ghengis: Owner of the bar Empire of Suds, and a friend of Jeb's. Smart savvy businessman. Also an ex-cop.

    Fred - Co-Owner of Empire of Suds. Known to be ornery at times.

    Alexander - Former Owner of Empire of Suds, and friend to Jeb, Bob, Ghengis, and Betty.


    Betty and Megan both used to work for Ghengis at Empire of Suds, a local tavern. At some point in time in the last year or so they both left his employment. Jeb doesn't know why Megan left, but he never heard she left on bad terms. He generally didn't care much either way as she didn't work on the nights he usually went.

    Betty stopped working at Empire of Suds as she didn't' get along with Fred, the new co-owner of Empire of Suds. She told Jeb when asked that she left on good terms with Ghengis, and so far as Jeb knew there was no reason to doubt that. Betty had worked at the Empire for years under the previous owner Alexander, and left a few months after Ghengis and Fred took it over. Jeb was sad to see her go, and visited Betty at the new bar she worked at, until Betty moved out of state with her boyfriend.

    Once upon a time, a few years back, Jeb used to hang out at Empire of Suds, with Betty (who tended bar) and Ghengis almost every Thursday. This was before Ghenghis took over ownership of Empire of Suds with his friend Fred, and was just a customer. Good times and good conversation was always had. Jeb's friend Bob was sometimes there, but not all that often. The nights would often end with just Jeb, Ghengis, and Betty hanging out having fun, long after everyone else had left.

    Somewhere along the line Jeb heard that Betty and Megan had moved in together, and were roomies for awhile. Later on, Jeb heard they were no longer roommates and had some kind of falling out. Jeb knows no details other than this. However, Jeb never knew Betty to have a falling out with anyone. In his eyes, she's the epitome of the fun loving loves everyone girl.


    Act 1:

    One day Bob texts Jeb and says he's got some news regarding Betty that he should hear, but he can't tell him in a text. Jeb makes a mental note of this, and some time passes. Jeb eventually see Bob in a place where they can discuss things discreetly and Bob tells Jeb that he found out that Betty had been stealing from The Empire of Suds, and that's why she was no longer working there. Jeb asks how Bob found this out, and Bob says that Megan told him. Bob asks Jeb to never tell anyone what he told him as he doesn't want it getting back to him or Megan that they were the ones who said anything.

    This bothers Jeb, as he considers both Betty and Genghis friends. The accusation is a very serious one. It doesn't jive with person Jeb knows. He finds it hard to believe that Betty was stealing from anyone, especially Ghengis who was their mutual friend. And if she was stealing from Genghis, did she steal from Alexander (the former owner) too?

    Jeb tells Bob this. He also mention the falling out between Megan and Betty, and perhaps Megan is making things up for some reason. Bob says no, he believes Megan, why would Megan lie about such a thing?. Jeb has always known Bob to provide good information on things. Jeb doesn't know what to believe.

    Act 2:


    Some time passes, and this whole things bugs Jeb a bit. He doesn't want to think less of someone for no good reason,  especially someone he considers a friend. Months go by. Jeb mentions nothing to no one. One night he's hanging out at the Empire of Suds. As has happened many times before, but hadn't in awhile, it ends up being just Jeb and the owner Ghengis at the bar. Everyone else had gone home, and closing time wasn't too far off. Jeb and Ghengis are discussing all sorts of things as usual, and eventually Jeb thinks to ask Ghengis what he thinks of an accusation that Betty was stealing from him.

    Jeb opens up the conversation by saying the following: 'So hey... I can't tell you who told me this, because I'm sworn to secrecy, but this bit of info has really been bugging me, and I'm hoping you can set me straight. Someone who usually gives reliable information tells me that Betty was stealing from you, and that's why she's no longer working here.'

    Ghengis laughs. 'Yea... that's bull****!! hahahaha'

    'Ok, good. I thought so.'

    Ghengis goes on to list a number of reasons why it's bull****, not the least of which: 'If it was true, she'd have left here in cuffs, friend or not. Because, well.... she be a theif, and I hate thieves, and at that point she'd no longer be my friend.'

    Knowing Ghengis, retired cop extraordinaire, Jeb knew this to be true.

    The conversation moved on, Jeb felt better as he talked to one of the horses and found the accusation he was concerned might be true to be unfounded.

    Act 3:

    Some time later, Bob meets Jeb out for a drink. Jeb thinks, 'Hey, I should tell Bob the good news. That the accusation made against one of our friends turned out to be Bull****'. Jeb was somewhere he could speak discreetly with Bob so he begin to....

    'So hey... I spoke with Genghis a little while back, and you know how you told me that Megan told you that Betty had been stealing from Genghis. Well, he says it's bull****.'

    Bob: 'Hey! I thought I told you to never tell anyone I told you that!'.

    Jeb: 'Don't worry. Neither your name nor Megan's name were mentioned. Genghis doesn't know who made the accusation, nor does he care. I just wanted to know the truth, and not be wondering if Betty was a thief anymore'

    Bob is upset. In his eyes Jeb broke his trust by mentioning the situation to someone. And proceeds to berate Jeb. He goes on how he told Jeb to never tell anyone, and that Jeb broke his trust.

    Jeb again mentions that no names were mentioned. Neither the accusers nor the person who relayed the info. And that he just wanted to follow up on an accusation against his friend. He wonders why Bob wouldn't want to do the same.

    Bob in upset at Jeb for breaking his trust, and Jeb is put off that Bob thinks this, as Jeb doesn't think he did anything wrong.



    A) Considering that Jeb didn't mention Megan nor Bob's name when talking to Ghengis, do you think that Jeb violated Bob's trust?


    B) If yes, do you think Jeb what right or wrong to do so, given his motive?


    C) Do you think it is reasonable for Bob to be upset with Jeb?



    Please feel free to elaborate as much as you'd like.


  7. From my experiences, people complaining about homogenous societies are either not part of it in some way (minority themselves with no historical connection to the land, or outside due to cultural reasons) or have a degree of self hatred in them (anti-social, nihilistic, etc). 


    Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. 



    Oh the irony. Oh the naivety.

  8. From my experiences, people complaining about homogenous societies are either not part of it in some way (minority themselves with no historical connection to the land, or outside due to cultural reasons) or have a degree of self hatred in them (anti-social, nihilistic, etc). 


    I would add 'just plain gullible' to your list. After all there's a hell of a lot of propaganda out there that 'diversity' is good good good good good good good!!! and nothing but!


    It's become a sacred cow to some. Similar to 'Free Trade', 'Progress', 'Global Wa' errr.... 'Climate Change', et al that serve the same ends....


    :lol:  Val vs Volo, oh man, let me get my popcorn!


    I've got $50 on the man from Kanada! Any takers? I'll give you 3:1!


    Volo is to savage, these ods are not worth it 



    Well... perhaps the fact that I was complimenting him is lost on some here? Maybe he himself? I don't know.


    There's no 'vs' occurring, unless one thoroughly misunderstood what I wrote.

  10. You claiming that all white people (or all people whom have the same skin colour) are the same? That's racist not to mention ignorant. The French and the English need to talk to you as well as all the other whitie mcwhities. The Arab countries need a chat too. Let's talk SA countires. How bout Kanada and the US? Hell, how 'bout Texas and California. LMAO


    Love it. people bash racism and prejudice don't blink twice to spout racism and prejudice.


    Ya know V. When you manage to post without using/misusing the word 'Nazi', you actually hit the nail on the head more often than not....


    Unfortunately you've made yourself the 'boy who cried Nazi'. You would do well to shed that.


    This post, was spot on.




     Not to mention the oodles of things that aren't easily summed up in a sentence, or other things that could be that if mentioned would trigger some here on the most extreme level possible.



    You keep using that word. I'm guessing this thread and the "White Supremacy" thread are some sort of attempt by you to "trigger" people, but that hasn't really happened. Most people are engaging in a rather calm and rational discussion about societal issues. So who is this really 'triggering'?



    Try re-reading what you're quoting, because you're misinterpreting what you're reading as your 'guess' is way off.


    Also, I think you should search the forums for how many times I've used the bolded word. You'll discover that your accusations are unfounded.

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