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Posts posted by Valsuelm



    The guy is actually a pretty good example of the effectiveness of brainwashing the young. A science show for kids on PBS, how can that possibly be bad? Right?


    One could write a book....



    Except this clip isn't from the kid's show. Feel free to find some clips from the kid's show that are brainwashing the youth.   :thumbsup:



    The bolded is largely irrelevant to the post I made, except when taking the argument deeper to possible conclusions, which you're so far indicating is beyond you, sadly.


    And good luck finding many clips that aren't...



    Does this bother you Val? That it's offensive morally speaking? That it's co-opting "science" so sell a political viewpoint? That it's not particularly entertaining? The solution is the same... don't watch it. There are many, many, and more shows I won't watch and never lose a minute of sleep if they are occupying air time. What remedy are you hoping for here? That it be taken off TV? That folks  don't watch. Well if it's the latter I'm way ahead of you and if it's the former don't waste bytes on your data plan asking for that. Nothing you can do.


    You know why I'm basically a happy guy? I pay no attention to things that irritate me. Bill Nye does not exist in Guard Dog's world.And if folks want to watch his show, laugh at it, even believe it's all fact that will change nothing in your life or mine. You and I agree on somethings, disagree on others but even if we were opposite of everything the sun will still come up in the east and set in the west. The big river still flows south and our dogs still love us. Bill Nye can't make you believe anything true or false so don't lose sleep over it,


    If you think I get offended. You are mistaken.


    Ignorance is not a solution.


    Well you created this thread so either it bothers you or you just wanted to point out the absurdity of it. Considering this guy wanted everyone who didn't believe in man made global warming locked up (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/14/bill-nye-open-criminal-charges-jail-time-climate-c/) the level of expectations from him isn't real high to begin with. Like Malc said, he's just a guy with a unrealistic TV Show. Jerry Springer has one of those. It does not mean you have to watch. So I'm going to assume this bothers you. Well the solution there is easy. Unlike when we were kids there are endless cable and internet channels to watch. There is never a time when there isn't something else on.


    Now if you want his show taken off for (insert any reason here) then I'd have to say that would be a very... liberal... position to take. After all, it is the left wing anti-liberty types that want to ban everything they don't approve of right? It would be hypocritical to do that kind of thing while castigating them for it. 


    On a different note remember how awful it was when we were kids on Labor Day Weekend? Well, if you are in your 40's and remember a time before cable TV. We had just four channels and the Jerry Lewis Telethon was on every one of them 24-7 the whole weekend. That sucked.





    You assume quite a lot, and you're way off.


    With the general exception of the posts I make in the Music thread, any given post I make outside of it likely has a large myriad of reasons why I make it. Neither of your two guesses are on the mark. Never is one of the reasons because X bothers me, and pointing out absurdity wasn't a goal here.


    Also, I spent most of my non rainy (and some rainy) labor days outside as a kid, or if inside reading or playing games with other kids. My family was an early adopter of cable (had it in the late 70s), so the option was there, but I usually didn't make use of it when it was sunny out.... Things back then did not suck relative to today, by any means. If you really think so, I truly feel sorry for you, because you're missing out on a heck of a lot of what life has to offer.


    we can see obsidian and chris getting back together.  go for a spin in the old buick skylark. drive down riverside and reminisce. talk 'bout the good times. good times.



    HA! Good Fun!

    Train wreck of a movie. Even more nails on chalkboard than listening to Avellone speak.



    It's actually a pretty phenomenal movie. Avellone is the awesome. But he will not be getting back together with Obsidian again.

  4. Whom?


    If you grew up in the States in the 90s, you would likely have been exposed to him.


    I know many a folk Stateside who think he's the shiz, have fond memories, etc.


    The guy is actually a pretty good example of the effectiveness of brainwashing the young. A science show for kids on PBS, how can that possibly be bad? Right?


    One could write a book....

  5. Does this bother you Val? That it's offensive morally speaking? That it's co-opting "science" so sell a political viewpoint? That it's not particularly entertaining? The solution is the same... don't watch it. There are many, many, and more shows I won't watch and never lose a minute of sleep if they are occupying air time. What remedy are you hoping for here? That it be taken off TV? That folks  don't watch. Well if it's the latter I'm way ahead of you and if it's the former don't waste bytes on your data plan asking for that. Nothing you can do.


    You know why I'm basically a happy guy? I pay no attention to things that irritate me. Bill Nye does not exist in Guard Dog's world.And if folks want to watch his show, laugh at it, even believe it's all fact that will change nothing in your life or mine. You and I agree on somethings, disagree on others but even if we were opposite of everything the sun will still come up in the east and set in the west. The big river still flows south and our dogs still love us. Bill Nye can't make you believe anything true or false so don't lose sleep over it,


    If you think I get offended. You are mistaken.


    Ignorance is not a solution.

  6. Some of you are greatly underestimating Hillary Clinton's pull with women voters (particularly middle aged women) and 'minorities'.


    She had name recognition. Yes, for many familiar with her it was the kind of recognition that evokes images of a guillotine in a more perfect world, but for more that's all they knew. Her.


    There are millions of near mindless out there, that make even the dumbest person in this thread look like Einstein. Issues to them never get deeper than 'he's black', 'she's a woman', 'I heard o dem', 'They said that guy gonna take my EBT card away!', etc. And they vote...


    Worse than that, as each year goes by these folks make up a larger and larger percentage of the populace.


    That said, I do think Bernie would have beaten Trump if he was a serious candidate. However I do not think, nor ever thought that Bernie was a serious candidate. (He was, what many mistakenly thought Trump was.) I was aware of his soul selling more than a decade ago, but most had never heard of him prior to ~2015. He;s anything but the independent he claims to be. He's just a typical self absorbed relatively easily bought off middle of the power structure IQ maybe ~115-120 dude, who believes much of his own bull****. At this juncture of the game the powers that be need someone smarter than that in the White House, that actually is a player. Hillary was (and likely still is) such a person. She is smarter than Bernie, capable of playing at a much higher level, and doesn't believe most of her own Bull****.


    The truth is, that in 2016, there was no better candidate than Hillary for team evil to to put the blue shirt on and run. If you find that hard to believe, your assessment of the political landscape in the U.S. as well as the world is quite a bit awry. Worry not, you're among the vast majority.


    And all that said, sometimes the powers that be, do miscalculate. But they also always hedge their bets...

  7. My ram (Gskill Trident Z 3200 CL14) OCed to 3200 (with advertised timings)


    I'm curious which model Trident Z 3200 you picked up.


    The only 3200 speed Gskill ram currently on the official QVL for the Taichi is not a Trident Z, so unless you've seen a QVL I have not, you went outside the QVL and got lucky (good for you, considering how many other people out there have said they've had bad experiences outside the QVL for Ryzen).





    I've been toying with the idea of upgrading my MB/Proc/RAM, and have settled on the Taichi if I do. I generally would prefer some good TridentZ ram in my build. If you've gotten some 3200 to work without any issues I'd love to know which sticks exactly.

  8. :lol:  Rolling Stone LOL. No there is a publication with zero credibility!


    More than the WaPo to anyone who really pays attention...



    This is not to say Rolling Stone is much of a credible publication. But it's had it's moments.


  9. How soon until House of Cards gets canceled in favor of the far more unprecedented series called US Politics.


    I swear, the world feels like a spectacle at times.


    House of Cards should have ended already. It was a great show the first couple of seasons but has gone downhill since Season 2. Hopefully it redeems itself this season and returns to the path it's predecessor took.


    The majority of politics in the public eye at the national level is one big dog and pony show full of smoke and mirrors. A spectacle it is at almost all times.

  10. McCain is now well known for being all talk. Also he was always a womanizing, unprincipled idiot who only got anywhere because of his Dad.


    Being corrupt as **** helped him quite a bit, though I guess it's safe to say that his daddy taught him that. However, idiot he is not.


    McCain is smarter than the average Joe.Truth is almost everyone on Capital Hill is. They play a large chunk of the U.S. population, including many on this forum, all the time.

  11. Good grief.


    Trump committed a major breach of Intelligence and operational security by sharing the highest level of classified intel to a foreign adversary -- the same adversary his team is under investigation for colluding with -- from an ally source that did not want the information to be shared --least of all the Russians or Syrians, which has now been compromised.


    Additionally, other US allies have gone on the record stating that they will now be more hesitant in sharing Intel with the US because the President can't seem to get out of his own way to keep his braggadocio in check and keep his mouth shut when he's being played by Russian Spymasters.



    You do realize the U.S. President can pretty much tell anyone in the world anything they want right? They have the legal power to declassify pretty much everything except the nuclear launch codes (though Clinton was somewhat plausibly accused of even doing that ~20 years ago) .


    Also, no U.S. ally that matters said anything of real consequence on this issue.


    Also, government officials share and discuss 'classified' information with publicly advertised 'friends' and 'enemies' all the time. Particularly government officials working in the executive branch. In fact, it's safe to say that in any given behind closed doors discussion between 'top' foreign officials contains more 'classified' subject matter than not. If you think otherwise you're naive.


    The issue is a non-story. Nothing but a pot stirring propagandic red herring.

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