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Posts posted by Valsuelm



    Ah, the judgemental dot dot dot of Val. So predictable. :)

    Hey, at least he isn't calling you the worst teacher in America like Sharp_one might. :p

    He has already had his go. My confidence was shaken. ;-)



    Nah... if there's one person I've pulled punches with on this forum it's you. and that's no joke. ;)

  2. I know you're a bitter partisan, but this is what happens when you can't get people from the other party to vote on any major piece of legislation. Everything must be passed solely by the party in power, which is harder for the Republicans. After all, unlike the Democrats, at least some of the Republicans vote on principle. However, I think that, in fact, the continuing resolution will go through and hopefully we'll get something even better eventually, which is an actual budget complete with an appropriations process and a look towards funding. They might end up shutting down the government for a few days, but I also think that the public is getting to be inured to this sort of thing. Now, however, if the Dems shut down the government, that'll be a ballsy and iffy move on their part. Won't matter if the GOP can't get their act together in the House, though. In the House, the Democrats can put all the blame on the GOP. In the Senate, that's not the case.


    I think the current strategy of hate has been successful, and it's driven by a president who gives plenty of fodder to the opposition (aw hell, just about everyone), but at some point the opposition party will have to offer up something other than hating on the pres. By that, I don't just mean CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. Don't forget the Democrats are also part of the opposition party. ...And the Democrats are the elected representative faction of the opposition party, so they have it in their power to do things other than foment this 'resistance' movement.


    Right now, I'm not in a betting mood, but I'm looking to see whether I think this resistance movement/hate Trump crap will be a winner in the midterms. It might just work, especially in a first administration mid-term election, but it might not and, worse for the opposition party, it might actually backfire. I'll keep thinking and then maybe bet. After all, I'd like to see if the magic mirrors around this joint beat my prognosticating abilities.


    EDIT: I'm not in a betting mood. I'm not in a better mood either, but I'm also not in a worse one.


    Eh.... demographics don't bode well in the long run or even mid run for the Republicans or those that vote Trump at the voting booth.


    Swallowing and ignoring rampant election fraud coast to coast doesn't exactly help either. Of course, pointing that evil out which one has benefited from in the not so distant past isn't exactly wise. Better to let as many of the masses think they still have a say as possible.


    Rome is burning, has been burning.... a lot of people just haven't noticed yet. In fact some parts of town think the party has never been better.


    The future's so bright we've gotta wear shades? That's not the sun rising folks....


    Those that call themselves Democrats will win by default more and more as time goes on. Trump's win (which good Leferd will tell you I called) is more than likely the Elephant's the final hurrah!. This is not cause to celebrate team Donkey. For what will rise up next will gulp near everyone down into darkness.



    My students are doing country presentations this week, and I was talking to them about presenting with the accent of the country. It was decided that most European accents are safe for anyone, but you can really only get away Indian and Japanese if you are white. Chinese and Mexican sounds pretty offensive unless you are from those cultures. It was a fun conversation. My French accent is pretty solid.


    Ah, the judgemental dot dot dot of Val. So predictable. :)



    Just like the Spanish Inquisition.

  4. My students are doing country presentations this week, and I was talking to them about presenting with the accent of the country. It was decided that most European accents are safe for anyone, but you can really only get away Indian and Japanese if you are white. Chinese and Mexican sounds pretty offensive unless you are from those cultures. It was a fun conversation. My French accent is pretty solid.




    Using Ben's example of divorce, how many wife's who were stay at home moms or didn't make anywhere near what the husband made be okay with the husband keeping the house/car/boat/land/etc he paid for that she didn't?

    How many women think the court system should be overhauled to not be biased towards women when it comes to kids?

    How many women are okay with the man NOT paying on the first date? How many women think its equally wrong to slap a man like it is for a man to slap a woman?


    I'll conceed that the "men are evilz" is small but a majority of feminists are in the "special treatment equal equality" from what I have seen.


    What do you mean by special treatment? 


    You seem to be implying that being a gentlemen and treating women equal are somehow at odds. On the contrary, I'd say they go hand in hand. If I ask a woman out on a date, I'm going to hold the door open, pay for the meal, and not sexually harass her. But realistically I'd do the same thing if I asked a male friend out to dinner, except maybe the door thing because that is weird. This has very little to do with equal pay or legitimate equality issues.


    I agree courts should not be biased towards women in regards to kids. I'd say we've come pretty far in that regard, at least in California according to all my divorced friends.



    By some people's modern standards the bolded above is sexually harassing someone.


    While you yourself may not do it, many a self describing feminist has cried Wolf far too many times in the eyes of a great many men and women.


    The ultimate effects of the #metoo and modern feminist movements are not going to be good for the average woman, anymore than they're any good for the average man.









    Some of the subjects he touches on are a bit tough for many to tackle. (...)


    He's often (but not always) definitely an advanced level of content



    There's nothing "tough" or "advanced" about rank idiocy such as "women are destroying civilization". 



    Yeah it is outrageous statement, almost like patriarchy is holding women back right? :)



    Patriarchy is holding women in back, but not necessary ways that people think when they hear the claim


    Like for example it isn't even half century ago when in many (western) countries women could not actually own credit card, bank account etc. things without man co-signing those.

    It also wasn't that long ago when in many (western) countries inheritance laws jump over women in favor of male relatives (and some times male cousin could be higher in line than actual daughter of deceased).

    It isn't also that long when we had laws in many (western) countries that moved ownership of things that woman owned to her husband if she married.


    Today these laws still have impact on women statuses in societies as general as they have made our societies such that we have much more rich men than women.



    Look I am not arguing about how things were. 



    Neither am I



    so how:


    Today these laws still have impact on women statuses in societies as general as they have made our societies such that we have much more rich men than women.


    If they are no longer in place? (expecting some mental gymnastics)



    Because of those laws of the past there are less of female versions of Trump and Koch brothers who use their inherited wealth to lobby laws and become political leaders.



    Please cite any law you can find in the last 70 (I'll give you twenty more) years in the USA which discriminates against female heirs.


    Heck, I'll be impressed if you can find one in the last 120 years.




    Some of the subjects he touches on are a bit tough for many to tackle. (...)


    He's often (but not always) definitely an advanced level of content



    There's nothing "tough" or "advanced" about rank idiocy such as "women are destroying civilization". 



    Obviously you either didn't watch the videos, or you couldn't see past the headline.


    And I guess the women I know who have suggested much of what BPS suggests in his videos are self hating women. :w00t:


    Anon, as that subject is worthy of it's own thread and methinks probably a subject that could not survive the more short sighted trigger happy thread closing mods round these parts who share your stunted view. I've seen much less controversial subjects shut down on this forum.


    If you want to discuss that, I'm not sure what internet forum is good for it, or if a good internet forum for it even exists. Sad that is, as once upon a time afore the eternal September I knew of such places.


    On BPS I'll say this and no more in this thread as this thread isn't about him: if you're daft enough to dismiss everything a person says based on the fact that they published a(some) video(s) you disagree with, well... you be daft. Either way: enjoy!

  8. I hadn’t even heard of the Black Pigeon Speaks guy before you mentioned it. Did a quick google and his videos are so controversial that the thumbnails aren’t shown in the search and he’s some kind of alt-righter. They’re also the kind of person that elicits a video response to them asking whether women destroy civilization.


    Yes, Google/Youtube censors him to a degree, along with an increasingly large number of others.


    He came up in another thread, as I posted one of his satirical videos.


    Some of the subjects he touches on are a bit tough for many to tackle. Women destroying civilization? That's certainly a taboo subject, to the point even of who on earth could possibly propose such a thing? Only a bigot certainly, right?


    He's often (but not always) definitely an advanced level of content, and/or for those who never knee jerk react to anything. I disagree with much that he posits, but most of what he posts is good food for thought. I certainly appreciate his disdain and thorough lack of care for 'political correctness'. The guy has a good brain, and his points of view are generally well fleshed out.



    Dear Val,

    at least state sponsored classrooms have me a good enough education to understand the levels of bull**** BlackPigeonSpeaks emits.


    An indoctrinated statist

    The first step in solving a problem is realizing what it is. You've completed step one it seems. Congrats!

    wait, is the problem BPS or the state sponsored classroom?


    I did you the favour of fact checking both on multiple occasions in the past. The classroom always did significantly better. So I’m assuming we’re talking about BPS; and yes, people like him are a problem.


    See you in the black block, comrade



    My bad. I meant to bold something so I was clear. Bolded now. Key part underlined too. ;)


    You did me the favor of fact checking state sponsored classrooms vs Black Pigeon Speaks in the past? Please refresh my memory.


    How are people like Black Pigeon Speaks a problem?

  10. I do hope the Net Neutrality change doesn't take away all these great platforms for people to whine about stuff. How much of that guy's life did he spend on that video? I gave him about 90 seconds, so hopefully that made it worth it.


    Alas. Good satire is lost on you, and a well produced documentary about how a once great satirical show became something else is lost on you as well.


    Like the Simpsons or not, yesteryear or ever, that's a good documentary as it examines things beyond the Simpsons.


    Appreciating satire requires an attention span longer than 90 seconds. What you spend your time watching is your prerogative of course. However, why you so often waste your time, mine, and others commenting on things you have not watched or thought through is beyond me.

  11. Not sure what you have against the CDC valsuelm, are you sure you aren’t confusing with FEMA?


    Not confusing, however FEMA is evil as well, as are most U.S. Federal Government agencies.


    Sure, they're advertised to do good, but the unconstitutionality of most of them aside, they not only don't do what they're advertised to do, they often do the exact opposite. e.g. the EPA works far more for big oil than it does for the environment or the people at large. Likewise, the FDA and CDC work far more for Big Pharma and other invested industries than they do for the people at large. And of course the FCC protects the very monopolies and cartels that it supposedly protects the American People from. And that's just a few examples, there are plenty more.


    Corruption, Fraud, and Lies rule these institutions. If you don't think so, I suggest you start paying close attention (find and demand primary sources ;)) to what they do. If you do, in a year or two your entire outlook on the world is like to change.


    The world is not as it is generally advertised on TV, in movies, in newspapers, or the various state sponsored classrooms.



    Might as well, since with Trump in charge it doesn't work anyway.

    Ah yes.... because the government was working flawlessly before he arrived at the White House....


    ... and because everything the government does can be laid at the feet of the President, for they are 'in charge'.

    Remind me, who just told the CDC 'evidence-based' is off the table?


    It wasn't perfect before, but better shut it down than have Trump deliberately ruin it for everyone.



    There are plenty of words and phrases that are synonymous with the 'banned'.


    I'd love to see the actual memo in context, as the story so many such as yourself are up in arms about is more than likely contrived fluff.


    That said, the CDC is evil. Shutting it down is the only good thing to do with it, no matter who is sitting in the White House.

  13. You'll have to define what you mean by "chip-sets" and "processors" for me.


    Are you unaware of what chipsets are? Serious question, as a lot of people don't know. In fact, in my experience a lot of people who consider themselves knowledgeable about computer hardware don't even know.


    Here's a decent article for the layman on what chipsets are:



    Put simply:


    Processor X (AMD or Intel) requires chipset Y to run on. Sometimes Processor X can run on multiple chipsets, sometimes one specific chipset is required. Historically AMD has tended to be more backwards compatible than Intel has been.


    The chipset determines CPU compatibility, memory compatibility, what features are available to motherboard manufacturers to put on their motherboards, how many of feature X is available (ie: how many PCI, USB, SATA channels there are, and what type), etc

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