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Everything posted by Barothmuk

  1. Not really relevant to my point. Liberal idpol can only clumsily lash out at some symptoms rather then directing their ire towards the actual root cause. It's because of this they'll come to erroneous conclusions like the average Joe Blow down the street being the cause of the refugee crisis as opposed to, well, the people who have directly orchestrated and profiteered from the events that brought it about.
  2. I cannot for the life of me decode this.
  3. I'm ****stirring you Bruce. (although I obviously still support those positions)
  4. I am technically of native descent. That said that's still obviously a silly solution. There's a bit of a gap between accepting the material consequences of industrial development and Bruce's deliberate downplaying of historical events that still have residual effects today.
  5. By deflecting the British Empire's treatment of aboriginals to an unrelated topic.
  6. Finished it today. First RPG in a long time that's held my interest all the way to the end. Definitely flawed but the characters and setting more than made up for it in my eyes. Edit: Also stumbled across this spoilery video-review on RPGCodex. It's quite good.
  7. Unless you're triggered by words like patriarchal they're usually quite tame.
  8. I believe this is what they may be referring to. I guess topics like reproduction or female genital mutilation are a no-no then.
  9. The article didn't explain why the terms male and female weren't allowed.
  10. How do the previous two fare in this department?
  11. Enjoying it so far. Really wish there was more combat though. Feels like it's 75% text, 25% combat.
  12. Carolyn Hammond's translation of Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War. It's pretty dry but its been on my list of things. Anyway, Shadowrun has rekindled my love for the cyberpunk genre so I was wondering if anyone knew of any half decent cyberpunk lit? (preferably from the last 20 years)
  13. Don't worry, I'm sure 3 weeks from now a Jewish financed Hindu apocalypse will bring about the Christian rapture. Just got to believe.
  14. Since this is broadly "the politics thread" I'll post this article I was sent today. The Rise of the Post-New Left Political Vocabulary Given many share my general disdain for identity politics I figured it could be of interest.
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