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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Transparent Aluminum Armor.
  2. Yeah, it was pretty bad. The best part is Olivia Munn.
  3. XQ-58A makes second flight.
  4. Eh, just another stepping stone to our future sexbots.
  5. I hear the Iranian have also invented a super strong concrete that I wish we could get our hands on.
  6. Geez, I just watched 6m15s of that for no reason.
  7. Excellent. Btw, the italics feature is barely perceptible to me.
  8. I think everything up to ~2m20 is real, the rest is CGI. EDIT: I guess the whole video is CGI: https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2019/6/17/18681682/boston-dynamics-robot-uprising-parody-video-cgi-fake
  9. Murder Mystery on Netflix Fairly entertaining and Jennifer Aniston is still a smoke show.
  10. So casters could freely cast any spell in their repertoire (with some limit per level)?
  11. 100% of my gaming is done on mobile now but I still use a PC daily for work and surfing.
  12. Prolly a narwhal attack, set into motion by the reptoids, to pin the blame on long suffering Iran.
  13. Hey, if the dems could lose Wisconsin for the first time since 1984, anything is possible.
  14. The Private Division pre-order link is indeed inactive but the MS store seems to be up and running:
  15. In the grimdark future of 2077, only Keanu has balls.
  16. I started watching Good Omens and got about 3/4 of the way through the first episode before I hit my "meh" limit and turned on Sports Center to fall asleep to. Ill try to circle back to it later with my wife.
  17. I judge people that use bullet point. I genuinely lol'd at the "commies".
  18. Mowing the grass is somehow relaxing to me, but I never had so much to mow that I needed a riding mower. But self propelled all day. What is this secret message you speak of?
  19. The trailer was gorgeous but if you guys rigs cant handle it, mine would burst into flame. Now the VtMBL2 trailer? It already gave me vertigo!
  20. Huh, I thought that was Lara Croft.
  21. Too bad the rest of the body wasn't still present. Absolute unit!
  22. Huge, Shaggy Head of 40000 Year Old Wolf.
  23. Its one of humanities fatal flaws. Weve been trying to dictate to one another since we crawled out of the surf. Everyone is born with perfect clarity of how someone else should act, but amazingly also has zero insight into their own behavior. Seriously though, its just another coping mechanism like alcohol / drugs / religion. It makes people feel "good".
  24. I wonder how much more advanced of a species we would be if people spent even 10% of the energy judging inward as they do outward.
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