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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. transport tycoon deluxe https://www.openttd.org/en/
  2. Mafia is still good, Unreal tournament is sitll great arena shooter
  3. well than I am sorry but I am probably thick, I don't know what is that joke or why its funny
  4. Jeesus you really like to derail any specific discussion about facts, its really hard to talk about something with you as you dodge the second you don't have any fact to based your points on You: ''Well, that was the joke, people bring it up when some dude lights up his school, etc. Aggression isn't violence necessarily, anyway, people certainly need to find healthier outlets for it based on commuters' behaviour :lol:'' First paragraph of article I linked: In almost every society men are the ones who are overwhelmingly involved in wars, in all kinds of intergroup aggressions and intragroup homicide; they mobilize themselves in armies of violent fans, in criminal gangs, in bands of thugs, etc. These observations are as old as the world and have allowed us to create a clear distinction between male and female sexes regarding their predisposition to violence. Wars are a biosocial product of men and a field for male’s manifestation [Goldstein, 2001]. The same thing is true of crime and cruelty, which are closely linked to masculinity. Yes, reason why mostly (all?) school shootings are by male is because males are more aggressive and cruel. I never disputed it soo why are you bringing it up at all?
  5. not getting what you two are now saying, I am probably too stupid. Anyway I think I won this argument
  6. define toxic? Were people fighting in war for abolishment of slavery toxic? Agression is just a term, it depends when and how is used. I think its quite clear
  7. you clearly do: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/homo-aggressivus/201409/male-aggression https://www.nytimes.com/1983/06/20/style/aggression-still-a-stronger-trait-for-males.html
  8. That is not what I said and you know it. I'll watch that video when I can, but having played all of the Doom games except for that Bethesda one I'll be surprised if I come away changing my mind about Doom Guy's masculinity being a major part of his character or the game. For the rest of it, agree to disagree? I'm annoyed by the length of my post and the time it took me to write it, I really don't care enough to discuss it any further. ''Doom Guy's masculinity being a major part of his character'' dude, he litteraly saw demons with MF chainsaw, how more masculine you can be?
  9. Well good I might actually use the damn things then. Well they need to lower a tonnage for it as well, I would take 3 meds over 1 large any day
  10. Thanks for input, I would make detailed response but this forum quote system making me nuts so just few points: ''You got me wrong, first of all; I don't think Doom having a female protagonist is better by default. I also don't think it's worse. I have no other information about the film other than this change. Even in that vacuum, I find this change to be meaningless because Doom guy's gender is absolutely inconsequential to the narrative and spirit of the game. The only reason he even had a gender or face was for an interface gag.'' That is again only your opinion, I think doom guy is integral part of Doom, he was in all Doom games and there is quite a lot of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BF_a-ZwDRQ ''Outside of that vacuum, clearly this is not going to be a straight adaptation since a straight adaption will mean one dude, alone, no dialogue whatsoever, just killing demons over and over. In reality, doom guy's gender isn't being changed. By the very nature of film "Doom Guy" is straight up going to be removed and replaced with a group of people, the narrative lead of which in this case has been announced to be female. The argument that "doom guy is being changed into a woman" is, in its very core, an absolute lie. And here's the kicker, the same thing happened last time: Karl Urban in the previous attempt wasn't Doom Guy, he was "soldier dude who got superhuman serum after his team fell apart due to some virulent mutation". None of that is Doom Guy, despite him being male.'' I also consider previous 'adaptation' attrocious, I don't think it related to current discussion, I don't consider any of previous cast to be Doom guy and I can't say that apart from Mars setting there was anything related between games and movie (which again is horrible movie) ''If you want me to point out in which way this would be beneficial, I can't do that because once again, we've got no other information to go on and regardless beneficial is very subjective. Perhaps it's integral to whatever themes or message the current creative team has planned, or perhaps (and more likely) it's just meant to generate publicity at what I consider to be no meaningful cost. In which case it'll be transparant and manipulative, but nothing of value was lost. Arguments could be made for female representation or female exploitation - maybe the director just likes making films with hot women, which is beneficial as eye candy, or maybe the studio feels female leads are tracking well right now and it'll make more money, which'll be beneficial. But right now, I can't in any honest way make those arguments because I simply don't know what they're doing with the film.'' yes as latest 'adaptations' as new Ghostbusters or Star Wars are really killing it in movies... And are you now agreeing with sexualisation and exploitation of wamen? ''In response, I could ask what other reason do you have other than "canon" for Doom to have a male protagonist? Did it help the other Doom movie? Looking at it, if this movie has a female protagonist, but does actually deal with demonic invasion, it'll be by default a more loyal adaptation than the last one by a massive margin.'' again that previous 'adaptation' was horendous does not mean this one have to be just less horendous, sounds like sof bigotry through low expectation ''Also, canon doesn't matter to adaptation by very definition. Adapation is by default a different version and different medium to the original product. It will, simply by virtue of its existence, generate it's own canon in the same way the books and the show of Game of Thrones follow their own seperate canon, and did so even back when it was as loyal as it could be by ommiting certain scenes and characters for time constraints. Watchmen is my go-to example for why you shouldn't be too loyal - that movie doesn't work at all despite using much of the source material as a literal storyboard. Film has different methods and needs for pacing, framing, storytelling, characterisation, atmosphere and time-management than a comic book or a video game.'' Hey come on, yes different medium means some compromises, but Deaneris is not now guy in that series, Tyrion is not 2 meters tall portorican, you get my drift right? ''Even if it did, I still have no use for canon. I have no use for what is Doom canon specifically, since I don't care for Doom's canon little bit in the first place, but even in general "canon" is a word for nerds to beat other nerds over the heads with for being wrong about things that don't even exist. Most creator's rightfully ignore it, and mostly so do people. When the movie of Jurassic Park came out, nobody really cared that Ian Malcolm survived when he doesn't survive the book. Even the writer didn't, since he brought him back with a retcon in the second novel as the main character with a joke to how the same thing happened to Sherlock Holmes. Jurassic Park canon didn't even matter to the actual Jurassic Park canon written by the dude who created Jurassic Park canon. Canon is make believe.'' Same old 'I don't care so why should you?' Don't care about spiderman and never seen anything around Last Airbender so I can't comment on the rest Now lets move on if noone else is interested in this banter (and sorry for some bad english, does not have time to make proper check )
  11. I have really hard time understand that opposing point of view. I really wan't to at least grasp why its better for Doom movie to have female protagonist while cannon is male and that cannon is 20 years old. Put in at least some points why it would be beneficial? I can understand that you 'Don't care' but clearly some of us care so dispute it at least a little bit instead of pointing out that my preference does not matter to you.
  12. i kinda think so, i have this ingrained in brain as iddqd: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-ab&biw=1920&bih=946&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=eSwoW9mpONX9rQHYrZ44&q=doomguy+ui+head&oq=doomguy+ui+head&gs_l=img.3...4421.5001.0.5129. same as wolf: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&biw=1920&bih=946&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=JC0oW7LOJpm5rQHcpKnIAg&q=wolfenstein+original+ui+head&oq=wolfenstein+original+ui+head&gs_l=img.3...3175.4086.0.4173. I know you might not played it buy i would like to save this element of that .. eh universe?
  13. pff such low play to get few likes, you should be ashamed to use your friend like that
  14. Well in the case of Doom, nothing is being destroyed. look, i would be probably same annoyed if they decide to not feature deamons or not make it on mars. If I want to watch Doom movie lets keep those basic elements (including doom guy) in and than let you expand on it because it would also require little bit more story than 2 hours of bashing deamons. I could see it like kinda that new Mad Max style movie - 2 hours of action but still enable to tell some story, even feminists praised it. I like it because I like how Max was struggling to endure all that femine empowerement and don't just kill those yapping ladies *just joking*
  15. You just proved my point, if Lara would be male you can call that movie Uncharted because its her femine identity which makes her different from Indiana Jones. But enough of this off topic
  16. man I actually don't care that much, but those mental gymnastics to justify some stuff makes me giggle white man doing 'black face' and pitchforks are on the move black man playing Zeus - muh, diversity...
  17. No idea, never took social sciences. But when it comes to Doom, just that the change is really meaningless, all you need is hands for the guns and a voice to grunt with Wonder who'd think a movie about a guy solo'ing the legions of hell would be interesting for a movie, though Gender is not social, its biology baby! So only characteristic of doom guy - tough guy is not important? You want to strip him of his pretty much only characteristic? not cool man, not cool. Its like saying that deamons just try to kill him, we can swap them for evil puppies, because who cares right?
  18. So you would be ok with gay midged playing Lara right? I agree on old Doom, it was crap, probably because there was no Doom Guy!
  19. so Gender is just spectrum right? Agree on that Diablo movie tho i would just be scared it will end up like WoW movie...
  20. Yeah and next Tomb Rider can star homosexual black midget named Lara
  21. yeah she got boobs we got it
  22. apperently there is going to be Doom movie and wait for it.... it will not be with Doomguy but Doomchick
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