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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. There isn't much left of original bio so...
  2. I don't know, for me star wars was always kinda childish fantasy, sounds perfectly in vein of latest ''Bio'' products
  3. nato is extremly important for europe unity, opposed to EU - funny huh?
  4. How Germany is effing up Europe if they don't want spent their money to strengthen their own defense? I understand that Nato countries maybe angry if they think that Germany don't do as what has been agreed on, and they are free to kick Germany out if nothing else helps. What? There is so many reasons I can't force myself to point them all out. But at least the basics - If we have agreenment both sides should honour it. Its manners 101 Yes this is what all NATO members should do yet only 5 NATO members are paying what they should and contributing fairly, this includes the U.S., Greece, the United Kingdom, Estonia and Poland. So its not just Germany that needs to pay more http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/NATO-Member-Countries-Trump/2017/01/25/id/770363/ I know, thats why USA requested recently that all members should pay their agreed share, and as far as I know some states responded positively - even tho they stated taht it will take few years. Some may not do it, but at least they are not shouting it into media ffs
  5. How Germany is effing up Europe if they don't want spent their money to strengthen their own defense? I understand that Nato countries maybe angry if they think that Germany don't do as what has been agreed on, and they are free to kick Germany out if nothing else helps. What? There is so many reasons I can't force myself to point them all out. But at least the basics - If we have agreenment both sides should honour it. Its manners 101
  6. http://www.dw.com/en/germany-wont-spend-2-percent-on-defense-says-spd-candidate/a-38368346 even worse than Merkel, oh my god why Germany always have to eff up Europe :/
  7. That is problem with politics today. If you are doing it whole life you are so disconnected from majority of population. I think that it should be mandatory to work as middle class/lower class employee for at least 10 years until you are eligible to became politician Two words... TERM LIMITS. We need them in the worst way. thats too rough, you don't want to get rid of good politicans to just replace them with bad ones because of terms. Terms have meaning in posts from which you can't be voted out
  8. That is problem with politics today. If you are doing it whole life you are so disconnected from majority of population. I think that it should be mandatory to work as middle class/lower class employee for at least 10 years until you are eligible to became politician
  9. Elaine from Seinfeld in Washington DC? She plays a politician on TV so some folks think she can BE a politician? Would Al Franken be a Senator from MN if he was never on Saturday Night Live? Would Donald Trump be President if not for The Apprentice? Of the other "celebrity" things he's done? If he had stayed just a real-state billionaire? Remember the line from Ghostbusters (the original one) "Choose the form of your destroyer"? God help us! Here is the article. It's a funny show and the article isn't about politics so much as the show: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/what-happens-to-political-comedy-when-the-real-world-goes-beyond-satire-veep-is-about-to-find-out/2017/04/07/bd4be4e6-0281-11e7-ad5b-d22680e18d10_story.html?utm_term=.3db617db265c Its pretty normal, because people feel like they know that person, on other hand, wasn't one of best presidents in US history an actor?
  10. More importantly it is Blessed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1zjeYhJs7o thats racist xD
  11. The city they attacked was under rebel control Chemical weapons in Syria are in a way all over the place. There were a number of warehouses that were ransacked. Syrian government and some opposition forces have them. What proof do we have that actually the Syrian government was behind this attack other than it happened in a city under rebel control? With this attack by the US any rebel forces can use simple logic: use chemical weapons on civilians > media will automatically blame Assad > the US will attack our enemy Assad. but to be honest only Assad and Russians are operating planes in that area if I am not mistaken
  12. noone knows who is good guy and who is bad guy there. I would just fence whole middle east and wait for winner to show at the gates
  13. It is not a bad thing "now". It is a bad thing period. Instead of trying to write believable characters in plausible situations, they simply go by the numbers to try and make a statement. The complaint here, and previously in SoD's case -by transgendered people no less- is that these characters are trite and cheapened because their whole theme is transgenderism. So back to my original question about making it one trait of a fully developed member of the crew. Funny thing, I didn't get so much heat when I laughed at biower pandering back in ME2, with the whole concept of Miranda. But now it's different, because SHUT UP WHITE CISHET ****LORD But you called out specifically the apology as pandering, while it seems they apologize exactly because they realize the way they wrote the character is trite and cheap. (Or, if you want to be more cynical, because even the audience they were aiming to pander to thinks that it is trite and cheap.) Again, most characters are trite and cheap, but for some reason LGTB characters needs to be implemented properly or mob will knock on your door. Who cares about rest of ****ty written characters right? That is the issue. They ponder for vocal minority where there are much bigger problems affecting wider audience.
  14. Review bombing definitely happened, it happens for all sorts of reasons. Nevertheless, the SoD character was not generally defended by actual trans people- indeed, many seemed to think Beamdog's approach trivialised the issue as much as Hainly in MEA- but by the Polygons and Kotakus of the world. The response from actual trans people seems to be fairly similar to the two characters, the press response and review bombing accusations publicised the issue in SoD's case and made it look like it was only an issue for 4chan types. For MEA, Bioware has not doubled down on the issue and blamed 4chan (even though they have done that before). Personally I'm of the opinion that such issues are almost always insultingly trivialised in gaming media, and like most things should be avoided unless you're actually going to do them well instead of as a once over lightly for 'political' reasons. Using a long hibernation sleep to transition is actually a pretty good concept, but if you aren't going to do it justice then just don't do it at all. Well, than you will be attacked that you didn't brought it up, seems like everyone needs to make problem from something these days
  15. You could ask Hainly why she joined the initiative and she basically told you she wanted a fresh start as Hainly and to stop being Stephan. Then she said her name is made up from the first letters of her favorite cities. .........And that's bad because...? As I understand it, in the rush to make sure it was understood the character was trans, the dialogue has Hainly revealing things about themselves that would be atypical for a first time meeting a person discussion and by referencing her previous name in a way that was inauthentic. So the change will be to - again as I understand it - make the dialogue more natural and more authentic. Its like every other character i suppose? I mean in *many* RPGs when you interact with NPCs they spill so much beans thats unreal. How offten you go around town asking if someone have some quest for you?
  16. 350M people and best you could come up was these two freaks sad right?
  17. The boldened bit made me a wee bit scared of you. I wouldn't go off grid though, I'm trying to change things instead to stop them from doing these things. As much as the thought of Guard Dogs boobytraps scare me, this kind of ignorance terrifies me. What is ignorant about Internet security? Cyber-terrorism and extremists using the Internet is a real threat You guys don't need to understand the precedent, its already working does it works? Any examples? It exists in the heart of the Internet in the USA, the company I work for is involved in integration We have no access at all to that environment as it is a secure site and they are our customers so no examples right? Pretty much spending billions of cash to watch billions of people without no real reason
  18. The boldened bit made me a wee bit scared of you. I wouldn't go off grid though, I'm trying to change things instead to stop them from doing these things. As much as the thought of Guard Dogs boobytraps scare me, this kind of ignorance terrifies me. What is ignorant about Internet security? Cyber-terrorism and extremists using the Internet is a real threat You guys don't need to understand the precedent, its already working does it works? Any examples?
  19. The boldened bit made me a wee bit scared of you. I wouldn't go off grid though, I'm trying to change things instead to stop them from doing these things. As much as the thought of Guard Dogs boobytraps scare me, this kind of ignorance terrifies me. What is ignorant about Internet security? Cyber-terrorism and extremists using the Internet is a real threat You guys don't need to understand the precedent, its already working real threat is if someone can overheat nuke reactor using internet. My browsing history is for sure no threat to anyone. Even if I am terrorist its not a threat - I am a threat if anything. You are sheep
  20. They could literally force me to strap a GoPro to my wang before I would go live off the grid. "Privacy" aint that important to me. If I ever disappear from the forums you'll know I went "grizzly Adams"! Or got a bullet in the head from the Leftists. Oh I doubt that will happen. but if it did, trust me it will make the news. Unless they manage to sneak up on me is some way I won't be the only one to die that day. With all my firearms, countermeasures I've placed around my home, and an absolute committed willingness to use them I figure I'll give a good account of myself the day that happens. do you got mine field around house or what? xD
  21. Maybe, but at least you might get a chance to use your Joy stick
  22. They could literally force me to strap a GoPro to my wang before I would go live off the grid. "Privacy" aint that important to me. If I ever disappear from the forums you'll know I went "grizzly Adams"! PM me when you done that, will come to visit Will do... bring beer! Man I am Czech, we don't go anywhere without at least a keg
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