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Chilloutman last won the day on June 5 2023

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2511 Excellent

About Chilloutman

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    (12) Mage
    (12) Mage


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  1. I succumbed and bought Old World on GoG. I got that civ itch with all the talks about civ 7 but it does not seem to fit me anymore. So trying this one out after mild disappointment with Humankind. If anyone is interested as well there is now 75% sale on base game, scooped all DLC with my purchase for 50 bucks total, sounds ok to me. Hope it will keep me hooked, thats my budged for this year xD
  2. Anyone else having issues using 'like' feature? for some reason I am getting this error from time to time:
  3. I think it depends on your empire civic, as hive mind or some such your dont have to deal with claims
  4. We have saying: 'All mushrooms are edible, some only once tho' side fact - I love mushrooms, they taste great
  5. Well, guess again, its not. But I agree, it looked boring even without politics
  6. heh. I watched it yesterday and didn't wanted to be the 'first anti-woker'. Funny Avallone is now involved as well calling for lawsuit against Obs xD
  7. There are species which are around longer than whales, Crocs and Sharks are here almost unchanged from times first dinos showed up
  8. So I also became active in that so called self made activity and decided its great idea to lay down glass wool myself today for my house reconstruction. Not ever again. Hope tomorrow fun with hardened polystyrene going to be much smoother sailing. Fondly remembering digging drainage on the weekend now...
  9. A is correct
  10. anyone around watching? Show us your predictions if you bought it
  11. Genuine question. Its bothering me log time but I just realized that 'sign in' does not have button but 'sign up' does and have more pronounced colors and I always miss click on it. Is it some marketing jedi mind trick? I am sure people much more often use 'sign in' than' sign up'. Anyone else is flabbergasted by it or is it just my OCD?
  12. well I am confused, did I violated guidelines anyhow? I can celebrate LGBT+ person but than I kinda feel I am diminishing dignity of women in that case. I have to practice a lot of double think to stay safe on those grounds xD I don't see anything in guidelines I am even close to be getting to
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