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Tel Aviv

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Everything posted by Tel Aviv

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNs9MU6Vez8
  2. Geralt was supposed to infiltrate the Hunt at one point, wasn't he? Shame it was cut - it might have given Eredin and his buddies some much needed face time.
  3. My pick for 'Game of the Year' and 'Best Bikini Physics' is Metal Gear Solid V.
  4. I find the Wild Hunt pretty disappointing. There's no real interaction with them - they're absent for much of the story and so they don't leave much of an impression. The Ladies of the Wood on the other hand... ugh!
  5. I've decided not to buy Fallout 4 - I think I'm done with present day Bethesda. Glad so many of you are enjoying it though! Also glad Stephen Russell is getting more VO work.
  6. Egads! I hope it isn't an expensive one. Mine is $100, but I'd lose it if my wife lost hers. Good news! I found it in a trouser pocket earlier today. Unfortunately, I fessed up to my wife last night.
  7. I've lost my wedding ring!
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etebeZDt7Eo
  9. I've been on a bit of an anime bender lately. Just finished Your Lie in April. I blubbed. It really is pretty special.
  10. Metal Gear Solid V. Witnessed a truck driver plow into a soldier, killing him instantly. The driver then got out, took a good look at the soldier's corpse and reported it to his buddies as though I was responsible. I know this is probably just a design oversight but I like to think that the driver was purposefully trying to cover his ass.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UOtscTCJBk
  12. I'm pretty sure there's something in the options screen that allows you to turn off the question marks. That might be a better way to go, so you don't necessarily see the hundreds of question marks that only lead to a chest full of useless loot. Yeah, I thought I'd read that somewhere but when I looked a few weeks back I couldn't find the option. Probably me being dense! I'll take another look.
  13. Finally completed the game and it only took me three months! RPGs are far too long these days. I had to take a week off playing once I made it Skellige - major video game fatigue. It's the question marks that do it. Is there anything more disheartening than a world map full of ?
  14. I can't stop watching Heston split his sides.
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