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Tel Aviv

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Everything posted by Tel Aviv

  1. Bit silly this, but I find the outcome kinda depressing. No disrespect intended - I understand the reasoning of most Leave voters - but it's a bummer. We've turned our backs on refugees and the rest of the international community. Cynicism won. A sign of the times, I guess. But I can't grumble too much! It'll be an interesting few months/years/decades at least.
  2. I'm shocked. Given that the majority of Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain, I wonder what this might mean for the future of the Union. What a bummer.
  3. Holy ****!
  4. In honour of the new Ghostbusters:
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxfQEZXRPNQ
  6. New Polly Jean.
  7. I've been out of the loop for a little while, guys. Any recommendations?
  8. Jesus - this thread is over ten years old. No wonder I sound like such a ****. Anyway, say what you will about the game but Max Payne 3 had a very good soundtrack.
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