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Tel Aviv

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Everything posted by Tel Aviv

  1. I'll be picking it up straight away. Can't wait! The only thing I'm unsure about is whether I should go for the Japanese audio or stick with the English dub.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC20rI6mOiE
  3. O.J.: Made in America. If you've seven and a half hours going spare I highly recommend it.
  4. I don't suppose anyone has picked this up on PS4? Just wondering how it holds up from a technical standpoint.
  5. Wow. Haven't heard of Hauschka before. Wonderful stuff.
  6. I'm excited.
  7. Sicario has a pretty great soundtrack too. I wonder what he has planned for Blade Runner. Vangelis is a tough act to follow.
  8. So they're remaking Dune, but can they trump Toto? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAGqcTCj0dY
  9. I get Mankind Divided, had the same feeling, but why Dishonored 2? I think its too much the same game, and it has all the same issues as the first - a lacklustre story and characters most of all. They have some terrific writers at Arkane - you only have to read the books and diaries in-world to realise that - and all the potential is there for a ripping yarn yet they can't seem to make good on that promise. I can't say I'm sold on voiced protagonists either. Also, as much as I like Karnaca its no Dunwall. In Dishonoured it felt like every mission told me something greater about the city itself. Other than The Dust District, I didn't get that same feeling from the sequel. Even The Dreadful Wale felt pretty lifeless in comparison to The Hound Pits Pub. Having said that, my expectations were sky-high ...to the point of being unrealistic. I think it's good overall, great in places (level design) - just not quite the transcendent life-affirming experience I was hoping for.
  10. I actually found Dishonoured 2 and Mankind Divided to be two of the year's most underwhelming games. Not because they're bad, but because they felt like a backward step.
  11. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix Disgaea 2 PC on Jan 30th I'm probably alone in this, but my excitement for the Final Fantasy XII remaster is off the charts.
  12. You'd be surprised. Each level is laden with content. It's actually a little overwhelming at first. You can also buy the first season in its entirety now, which is very definitely a full games worth. Give it a shot!
  13. Surprisingly Hitman. It's the most fun I've had with any game this year.
  14. Somebody take this Shadowrun: Dragonfall unlock off my hands.
  15. Seriously, if anyone wants it... I can't even give this game away!
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