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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. *starts the derailment (possible moving from the Roost) countdown ... FLoSD.ObE
  2. Niebuhr, Reinhold. Love and Justice: Selections from the Shorter Writings of Reinhold Niebuhr. Ed. D.B.Robertson
  3. Patches & Utilities RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (2.2.0) (MMORPG) Strategy (Real Time) Company of Heroes (2.101) Strategy (Turn Based) The Operation Art of War III (
  4. Thread Pruned: Perhaps we could try to keep the locker room insights, well in a locker room not connected to Obsidian ...
  5. Software Mozilla Firefox Browser (
  6. I have the notebook version fwiiw. It still remains the card to get for DR notebooks!
  7. Patches & Utilities FPS America's Army (2.8.2) OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) ATI Catalyst (2k/XP 32/64-bit/Vista [WHQL]: 7.9) K-Lite Audio/Video Codec Pack Full/Standard/Basic (3.45) Mega (3.45) Software OpenOffice (2.3.0) Opensource Office Suite Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.91) Windows Optimisation Process Explorer (11.02) MS OS DLL Tracker SpeedFan (4.33) Freeware Hardware Monitor
  8. *Are we really engaging energy in this regard? /cynicism
  9. Thread Pruned
  10. That was beautiful!
  11. I do believe we have left the Junkyard and have wondered down to Redding for some other than geeky entertainment ...
  12. That's great Pixie! If you have time, could you share the fix here?
  13. A few more options fwiiw: http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html...86&forum=80 http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html...um=80&sp=15 http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?...306#post2364306
  14. Well this worked back in the day when this happened in other games ... have you tried disabling your sound card at that point when you play? I am shooting in the dark to be honest, but it has worked in the past :? Sorry Pixie, I continue to avoid Vista so I have no practical way to test your problem :/
  15. Any of this help Pixie? http://forums.filefront.com/sw-kotor-probl...ws-vista-3.html http://swforums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html...78&forum=80 http://forums.lucasarts.com/thread.jspa?th...94&tstart=0 KOTOR & Vista do indeed seem to be problematic.
  16. No!! ... sheesh sometimes scales get in the way of conversation ...
  17. You can do a lot to minimize the damage from coal. Carbon scrubbers, etc. what's the general scientific opinion on scrubbers, btw? Anyone have links?
  18. Can't handle? Is that a DX 10 issue?
  19. Well I would say that we have arrived - well maybe awhile ago - the reality that this is just not a fit ... /begins to sweep up the sand
  20. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Real Time) Medieval: Total War Franchise II (1.3) Utilities *]Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.90) Windows Optimisation Process Explorer (11.00) MS OS DLL Tracker
  21. I remain pretty much convinced I am skipping Vista fwiiw ...
  22. Utilities CPUID Freeware CPU-Z (1.41) Hardware Detection
  23. ..checks argumentative & inflammatory meter ... /warning rhetorically offered
  24. Thread Pruned: Please do consider the many realities that make me have to do stuff ... most of those factors are well described both in intent and in action in the Forum Guidelines. Should those prove too challenging, I guess next time I will have to do more actual stuff other than pontificating from the Roost ...
  25. Thread Pruned: Derailment imminent and PMs inevitable w/o ...
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