After a review of the thread - and a prune here and there - the thread is open again. Please do post with the guidelines in mind and I promise no hex/binary closures
Ouch - not only derailed form the get go, but oh such harshness. Perhaps we'll close this one down and hope the evil troll-gremlin will not jump so harshly in the future ...
Thread Pruned: Though this topic covers a vast range of opinions, I would remind people that this fora is open to people of ALL ages and that it remains public. As a result, I would urge people to post without the need to demonstrate the graphic nature of the human continuum of sexuality. Please post with sensitivity to the forum guidelines and the understanding that both children and their parents also make use of these public fora.
I would say that this thread has now travelled beyond its initial intent. Feel free to contact any of the mod/admin team with questions of fora administration. If there is a desire to discuss the continuum of human sexuality, please feel free to continue the discussion in anew thread. As with all topics that contain many opinions, I would merely ask that all people speak with care and civility when addressing one another. Discuss the topic and do not debate the person.
I would first like to thank all of you who have demonstrated a real passion for these fora. When I started doing this a long time ago @ BIS it was or this very reason - thanks for keeping the faith
I must admit that I will not debate modding style in fora - please feel free to contact me through PM. Why you may ask ... and let's say battle scars from trolls has made it so Please feel free to discuss the fora and moderating in the constructuve and respectful manner in which you have generally done - you are being watched
Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary
Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary
Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary
Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary
See previous threads:
Well that was a most unkind thread. Regardless of unchecked assumptions, all members are welcome as long as they follow the forum guidelines. I would say the only problems in this thread has been the disrespect that has abounded. Most unfortunate.