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About ComMcNeil

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  1. I think there will be a lot of variation based on the play speed (slow mode/fast mode) and on the level of completion of the whole game. I personally had around 50 hours logged in steam when I finished the game, although probably about 5-10 of these were AFK with just the game open in the background. When I finished it, I did not complete od nua and some sidequests though, which I am currently doing.
  2. Which bug is this? I was playing a generally nice person, but... In terms of completing the quest, yup! If you try to, it just doesn't update itself and Pallegina disappears. funny, it worked for me a few days ago, so the bug seems to not always hit (or i did not meet the "requirements")
  3. I think the same, but apparently not everyone as a post saying a similar thing to yours got downvoted to hell on reddit. Personally, I think it is a very annoying bug and of course, should be fixed ASAP - that is clear. However, if you are able to beat encounters even with your passives gone (and I do not think they make that much of a difference in most cases), then I would say just play on
  4. I experienced this as well, was at cap and sent 1 supply to the stash. Disappeared afterwards. Not that gamebreaking imho, fix should just be to not being able to pick it up if you are capped
  5. I agree. Unless you play ironman, you just reload the encounter (if you saved beforehand :D) and try to do it better
  6. I guess that expert mode really only makes a difference IF you enable it on the first playthrough. If you play through it normally and enable it on the second playthrough, you already know a lot of stuff expert mode disables in the first place. Ultimately, everyones own choice of course
  7. Hi ComMcNeil, please contact our Support. If you can send us as much detail about what your friend is seeing (e.g., exact error messages) when he enters his key, that'll help us when we contact Steam about it. Also, what country he's in and what platform he's trying to redeem for (Windows/Mac/Linux.) Will do, thanks shameless self quote, but if Darren Monohan reads this: The problem was a "user error" on his part so my submitted ticket can be disregarded, found unfortunately no way to directly close it thank you nevertheless!
  8. Hi ComMcNeil, please contact our Support. If you can send us as much detail about what your friend is seeing (e.g., exact error messages) when he enters his key, that'll help us when we contact Steam about it. Also, what country he's in and what platform he's trying to redeem for (Windows/Mac/Linux.) Will do, thanks
  9. Email support. I opened up a ticket with paradox support (nothing I found directly at obsidian) - lets see how fast this can be resolved
  10. I have a problem guys - I backed the 165$ tier, including 2 keys. I just redeemed my own Royal edition on steam for preloading, but the King edition key seems to be not working for my friend what can be done here?
  11. not only that, Wasteland 2 will probably be released in about a month
  12. hate it, and I very much liked the BG (2) way on this, you could even dump imoen after rescuing her for crying out loud :D
  13. Some of the idea here are pretty elaborate, pretty cool I for one am a little against the cultural/material descriptor, as it makes evaluating gear a little more difficult, if not supplemented by numbers. I think DAO had a similar system where this exploded somewhat, see this link http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Item_sets_%28Origins%29 And there were only sets, in addition, there were also 9 tiers of materials for 3 types of equipment (leather, metal, wood). This is simply too much. Looking at it on a high level, I would like the armor system to be something, that makes the player looking forward to upgrades. When I look back at BG2, I think my party really changed armor a handfull of times during the complete story. Most of the time, I would find a new suit of armor, which went to one of my party members, which in turn gave his old armor to another one. After the first few levels in the game, you did not change your armor that much anymore, as you already had a solid alotment of protective items, so IF you found something better, it was an event worth celebrating. Nevertheless if I think back, BG2 (or IE games in general) made it not that easy to spot if an armor was better or not. I for one just tried on every new armor that looked interesting and if the AC went up, I kept it. In regards to armor classes, I would tie it into the stamina system - I think thats something DAO touched on a little, but there, stamina was more like mana. Giving heavier armor more protection of "health" but in turn reduce stamina regeneration or max stamina may be a tradeoff worth of looking into. Or incorporate more crowd control into the game (trip attacks) which take longer to recover from in heavy armor that light.
  14. I dont think it defeats its purpose...but a few things need to be defined If all attacks you recieve only subtract from your stamina first and only if stamina is empty THEN from your health, I see your point. However, if attacks do damage to stamina and health at the same time, than I dont think it makes much of a difference other than increasing the difficulty and making it necessary to have full health whenever possible. Even in the first case, it only makes combat more difficult, as you have fewer regenerating resources left after each battle where you take health damage. Compare it to old IE games, hit point damage did not heal anyway and if you could not heal up, every combat got more and more risky of losing someone
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