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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. They're looting and polluting; which is not the way. They need to hear what Captain Planet has to say. Captain Planet 2016 At least we know he'd actually do something about climate change instead of just putting it off.
  2. Yeah, my black friends I talked to when this first started happening was that he's racist and being racist automatically means he has something against black people. Even though, I couldn't ever get an example of it.
  3. I just clicked on this thread for the first time in ages and was I drunk when I wrote this or was I actually responding to someone? It was true though, was very disappointed in that one. Figure we get more Ceaser vs Zulu, but we got.........that.
  4. edif
  5. Yes, this is correct and logical. You would think at sometime Trump would want the media to discuss his realistic policies ....the ones that matter like economic ones Yet he keeps hijacking his own narrative No you were not listening. He gave a serious and well thought out speech on his economic policy in Detroit last week and the media ignored it altogether. They covered Clinton's almost verbatim. No thats not true as I mentioned The media did discuss it, I watched several hours of political and economic commentary. Thats why I posted the views of Moodys analysts like Mark Zandi. Here is an updated link, the video interview with Wolf Blitzer is particularly relevant http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/08/08/zandi_on_trump_speech_nafta_was_good_for_economy_in_general_dark_irony_if_we_step_back_from_trade.html Smh at the person in that article. "Haven't done the research" and "better place than where we was 23 years ago" just to me as a pissant means he doesn't know what the **** he's talking about. Nafta is a MAJOR part in WHY we have been in a ****ing recession for so damn long (tbh I don't even know if we are out of it bc it doesn't feel that way). Yes I know Bush's war tremendously "helped" put us further in the hole and obamas spending, but the average tax payer could be okay if ALOT of our jobs didn't go over seas...
  6. Because if the media wasn't biased, then trump wouldn't be talked about anywhere near what he is talked about right now. Since he's talked about ALOT (free publicity), people see what and how he's being judged then see a difference with others. When people see things someone says or do blown up and talked constantly, then find out thru other means (social media etc) that someone else is doing and saying ****, but there's a different tone and actions (if any) from the same media that supposed to be unbiasee. So yes when he does something bad and starts blasting him, since it's very visible that someone else isn't getting the same treatment when they do something bad, people start thinking that the wrong the one who's getting blasted for isn't as bad as it seems because it's very visible there's a different treatment going on. The news when on the subject of politics or racism have sunk to the levels of tabloids. Because the media isn't giving the same treatment to Hillary makes people disbelieve what could be truth 100% or just not care, because why should they believe or care about what the news say when they are very visibly having a biased opinion and goal?
  7. That is a interesting article, it raises some relevant points but I dispute the core message or several core points for example " The media bear a lot of responsibility for the creation of Trump, and treating all Republican presidential candidates as if they’re a danger to American society is just one way they’ve done it. It’s unlikely that the media are going to en-masse recognize their bias, but perhaps if the Trump campaign has taught the media anything, it’s to ratchet down the rhetoric so that words mean something again " What amazes me is that even in the USA the media gets unfairly blamed or there contribution towards a certain social dynamic is exaggerated The media did not create Trump or encourage his rise to the Republican candidacy, this is a spurious assessment. Trump was strategic and had his 5-6 political objectives right from the beginning, the media would naturally discuss any view any candidate may have but because Trump was so contriversial of course he had media focus You cannot blame the media for reporting on a story, if anything Trump used the media to gain significance Also Romney was no where seen globally in the same negative light as Trump, the worst and most memorable thing he must have said was the 47 % comment about people wanting handouts from government. So yes he was seen as a wealthy, callous elitist but he never created the offense Trump has Romney was not the problem for the GOP, he never was .....Trump has created the real issues The problem is as the column pointed out, Romney was portrayed as this terrible, anti-American villain. As was McCain, Bush before him, Dole before him, Reagan before them. The media is so closely aligned with the left that every Republican candidate is described as the biggest threat to the future of the country since Hitler and so on. The problem is now we have a candidate who might actually deserve that description and no one is listening because the media has ruined it's own credibility. People read how terrible Trump is and think they've heard it all before. It's like the boy who cried wolf. When the wolf actually shows up no one believes him. I understand the criticism but I think its unfair or inaccurate, for example ask any other forum member living outside the USA what they thought about Romney and how the media in their country portrayed him I'll be surprised if most people will say he was seen as a villain or as controversial as Trump? Bruce, if u actually lived here, GD is right on the money. It's gotten to the point that I don't take the media version at all and go straight to the source if I can. Our media is very bias, VERY. If it's an opponent against democrats, u will see and hear every mistake the opponent makes and watch ant hills become mountains. U will not see the same for their nominee. Ditto for the ones that are republican. The problem is that if u wanna know about a opponent, u gotta watch both median and then STILL look at it urself because one side is either not saying anything at all or severely downplaying it or else embellishing and blowing it wayyyyy outta perportion.
  8. I'm stoned and I laughed way to hard at that lmfao
  9. I really really really really want to vote for Gary Johnson but I'm believing in what people say about throwing away ur vote. Yes I know if he gets a certain percentage, then future elections will get easier and better for independents, but this election is still between Trump and Clinton. And between them 2, I'd go with Trump. They both gonna **** up and do something stupid, I see it as with trump if/when he does something it's gonna be obvious and out there and we would know about and be able to deal with it sooner. Hillary would still be ****ing up just as much as trump, but with her ud have to look and look hard and most likely won't know it until u see ur mills and jobs going away to another country.
  10. At least with Trump, u know where he stands and what his issues are. I really don't know what Hillary is about doing tbh. She was for the TPP but saw that mass amount of people don't like it so she flipped flopped but then picks a VP who is for the TPP. Seems like a scale goat so she can go after it and put the blame else where. Can anyone tell me what exactly Hillary stances are? From the many ads I've seen, it's been bashing Trump but Trump at least puts ads out that shows what he wants to fix and change, whereas the only thing I've seen with Hillary is kids getting schooling.....kids are already get schooling and he'll even the illegal ones are as well and don't even have to pay for it. How is what he says about illegals racist? The rapist comments, if anyone was paying attention was towards the citizens at the time who were coming forward about crimes happening to them and finding out that not only were the people illegal but also have been deported several times. He's speaking towards them because they spoke out because they were being silenced bc it's not a PC topic (meaning if it isn't a white person or a cop as a villain, the media doesn't care). And talking about him being racist, when the media is democratic machine and they are the BIGGEST instigator of racism and hell I'd even say causing the mass majority of racist tension in the USA to the point where most people don't even believe the news half the time because everyone knows they have an agenda and will bend the story to their views they wanna push. **** both parties, they both ****ing scum. At least I will back the person who at least is open about it and wanting to at least change something than someone who is blantant my obvious scum and pretending she isn't. Between 2 pieces of ****, I'm going with the one who actually has the balls to be themselves and lay it on the table. Whatever u say about trump, u can also look at the other party and see the same thing. Ones at least open, the other pretends that they aren't. Because the demo rates really need their "racist victims" vote and will keep their voters in that position so they can always count on their votes. Just my personal opinion.
  11. Problem is nothing's going to happen.........at all. This election is setting a bar and I don't know if we can survive one trying to "one up" the bar they have set.
  12. Seems the Mayans got the years mixed up. Being 4 years off is pretty good considering
  13. You mean besides reviving Geralt, changing a few key characteristics for Triss (the most apparent one being her refusing to ever show her cleavage), seemingly completely ignoring original portrayal of Aen Elle (Avallac'h, Eredin - these elves), massively exaggerating Ithilinne's Prophecy ... ... CDP is reasonably faithful, but they're not particularly bothered by making significant changes to the lore if it suits them. Interesting post, I have no knowledge of any Witcher lore. I haven't read any of the books so I only know what the game tells me I want to read the books now They are good. The game keeps the tone and atmosphere imho. If u like to read and u like the witcher..well ur gonna enjoy the books.
  14. If that were true they'd still be pushing hard against gay marriage. They seem to be mostly backing off on that front. The sooner they get off that hill the better they'll be. But you were the one who correctly pointed a while ago that no serious US politician will openly be against something like gay marriage, that political horse has thankfully left the barn ages ago So I wouldn't expect even the most hardcore Republican populist to raise gay marriage as a serious issue at the Republican Convention but why bring up again this whole " Clinton is a criminal and should be in jail " when we have just recently had the FBI findings and they found no reason to charge her...its a really strange and concerning form of pandering because it suggests, amongst other things, certain Republicans dont trust the FBI and there ability to act impartially ? The suggestion the FBI is corrupt and incompetent is really the last thing the USA needs to now debate, especially when its untrue, considering all the current social and political issues the psyche of the USA is grappling with like BLM, homegrown terrorism and police getting killed To still go on about something like this surly is just disingenuous and divisive ? Actually it's not just the FBI, but the AG and IRS as well. The problem we are having with with Hillarys case is that THEY say there's no criminal activity BUT won't show the evidence WHY they think that. They are not showing anything and while the FBI lost a lot of respect when he even stated that yes Hillary lied under oath (which is a federal offense) and said yes there was unauthorized Intel leaked out And even admitted how careless she was with top secret info......they say she didn't "INTEND" to break the law so she didn't..... The AG within 3 hours said Hillary hadn't done anything illegal. 3 hours which this shoulda taken weeks and also lets not forget the meeting with BIll who the AG asked for no cameras or anything during said meeting. The ****ing cherry on the top is that she wouldn't answer ANY question that had to deal with any type of evidence at all. So you have the FBI who admits that Hillary did something illegal with the lying and admits that she did in fact send out secret Intel emails from her home computer in the basement after she said she didn't and that the secretary of the state was very careless with the info she sent out.....and that she shouldn't be charged. The AG basicallyi says she shouldn't be charged and won't give any info on the case whatsoever and won't share any info on how they reached the decision. Trust me, I've been watching the cases on cspan and its obvious things are being covered up and it isn't kosher. Hell they doing it in a way that A. The FBI has lost a LOT of face and only saved fave by actually answering the questions whereas the Attorny General has lost all respect with how things have gone and her judgement to not answer a single....... A ****ing single question on the case at all. She's basically said she didn't do her job and left it up to her team and won't give any info on her team, if the info was shared or the same between the FBI, **** the bitch wouldn't even answer if driving 65 miles in a 55 was breaking the law. So no, trust me on this, publics got a right to not trust any of them at ALL when dealing Hillary. Just go and look, it actually became funny and very entertaining in a rewarding way how they ripped the AG to shreds, literally political suicide. Shes on the same level as Hillary imho. So Bruce, instead of reading bias reports from all sides, take some time and watch the court videos and make ur own judgement.
  15. So it turns out the guy was another war veteran.. like in the other shooting. I suppose, by the logic of many here- that this should put all veterans under scrutiny right? Don't you know, every person who joins the military is a Saint for Defending Our Country from the Evils of Non-America! They Can Do No Wrong and don't look at their homeless numbers please?! That's a concerning point, do many Veterans end up on the street? Unfortuantly so.
  16. I fully agree. It's toned down and with that certain scenes and even one of my favorite arcs got sidestepped. With it being toned down I shoulda saw it coming. Im a bit nervous how they are gonna tone down the inquistioner arc, that one was very messed up but that was part of why it was really good. All in all I'm just happy to get something berserk so I don't care. Waiting on the manga to finish or actually go for 20 years, I'll take whatever I can lol as long as it somewhat resembles the series.
  17. Erdogan wants to go one step further and introduce the death penalty. Makes it a lot easier to get rid of all opposition to his plans for an all powerful executive presidency. He even built the palace where he plans to spend the rest of his days... Introduction of death penalty would mean that Turkey have decided to throw all their plans to join EU away. Not allowed to have death penalty if part of EU?
  18. Problemly have but busy scrubbing his background of any BLM or Muslim material to not be shown to the public.
  19. Strangely haven't played anything the past 3 days I think?
  20. I'm dying lmfao!I am surprise at the amount of money spent. Not on Hillarys side of course, but trumps.
  21. I'm hoping for trey gowdy as his VP pick.
  22. Lmfao!!! That's savage
  23. Trump u would have the fbi and the AG doing their job at least, to me it says a lot when the "police" we have for the politicians won't do anything to the party who pays their bills. So for a mostly demo senate, I'd rather have a rep president and a rep run senate I'd rather have a demo president. With Hillary, she would have a most demo senate and it goes without saying the FBI and Attorny General letting her get away with anything. IMHO Hillary is getting Rdy to get in a position of really Total power. Demo rate or republican, either one that's a scary position for USA to me. That's too much power for anyone, not the least someone who is "incompentant".
  24. Damn I've been watching lynch and comey getting murdered in the courts. Comey seems to have somewhat of a chance because he's at least been "somewhat" cooperatives but lynch.....the same sentence outta her mouth every time it opens up to answer a question. I know it's just a show with comey and lynch that's gonna get the heat and ire away from Clinton.
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