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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. D:OS is a fun game. Sadly I stopped playing it when I found the shadowruns games. Now those I'd have to say have been my favorite games that have came out for the last few years.
  2. Does the remastered have the multiplayer maps and option?
  3. For the first time in my life, I can understand why now someone would wanna join a doomsday cult. I don't feel that way myself but I can see a lil bit of understanding why someone would wanna throw everything away to some monstrosity at the bottom of the sea to wipe everything away. I can sympathize a tiny tiny tiny bit now lol Just let this damn election end and bring on the pain. I'm tired of waiting
  4. I agree, both republicans and democrates have heavy handedly used fear mongering tactics this and I'd say the last 3 elections. Something really needs to change. Also can someone enlighten me? Why are we in Syria? I've heard it's because Saudia and Co. wants to build an oil pipe line through Syria and with Russia big export is oil, they are against it. USA wants to oust Assad for that reason and Russia wants Assad in to stop that. Any truth to that?
  5. ****ing A, net neutrality is soon gonna be gone
  6. I think it's more of the media now spinning him as a "bad" person. So far if I didn't actually read the quote before hand, a lot of media bashing I'm reading is twisting that statement around to make it seem like he was backing Zimmerman when all he said was that by the law he was justified which was true but that the situation was flawed and Zimmerman even though legally had the right to what he did, doesn't mean he SHOULD have. He laid the blame on Zimmerman, the law, and of course the media because the media did play a HUGE part in the blowup. Also they labeling him as a pervert because he talked about sex after he had a vecsextamy and that he admitted to looking a nude photos....OW LORDY LORDY how ****ing awful is he.... Another fine sad example on how ****ed up our media is.
  7. Welp traded in Doom for Destiny. Dunno why but Doom just didn't grip me and bored me. I remember drawing Doom maps for levels I would one day create back in elementary and middle school....I think I got spoilt with Doom 3. I'm not afraid to say it's my fav Doom game hands down. Replaying BioShock and trying out the remastered version. It's great but then again I loved the first one ever since it came out. Also still plugging away at Killing Floor 2. I feel like ur not actually playing the game unless u do suicidial or hell on earth because how the enemies move and react and how many and certain enemies only show up at higher levels. Can't wait for it to come to PS4 so I can play with RL friends. Also casually playing WoW. I will have to say....it seems they are improving. I didn't think I would like the legendary weapons ur stuck with BUT so far the quests and whatnot revolving around them and whatever base ur class is, actually fun and does remind me a bit of vanilla times. **** the raven mount, even after all these ****ing years it still won't drop for me sigh.
  8. It's all good, read the thing and it seemed very un-Bruce like of ya lmao if that makes any sense. I have no idea what his question was, the only time I saw him was some meme that was him asking something perverted like of something that Trump did and asking bc a friend wanted to know lol. Can't find it to save the life of me
  9. The New York Times Politics section. https://archive.is/Q9KQD I have to be honest those comments about him actually make me think much less of him....he now seems more like some Internet troglodyte and its best he remains at a place like reddit...he will find good company ........? Huh? I'm lost Bruce, what about those comments make him seem bad or a troglodyte? Am I missing something in that I read he seems like a same laid back person?
  10. I know, either one would. Trump I think would meet to much opposition to do anything IF he knew what to do in the first place. I dunno, I think if Trump's VP ran as president or hell the republican from SC I believe would stomp her. I dunno if sanders will be still be alive that long to oppose her or would even want to after seeing and experiencing a rigged election against him.
  11. Sweet. Just found out they released an English version in July, gonna download it and try it out tomorrow then
  12. Has anyone tried out the fallout 1.5 mod?
  13. I will say this about the situation....it shows neither Trump NOR Hillary should run for president. It looks like Trump will end up as another Bill Clinton and Hillary will actually be bringing Bill with her..... Either way a good chance for a huge amount of sexual harassment and "rape" to be going on in the White House for at least 4yrs. I will say this, I think I finally found a silver lining with the election. Even if Hillary wins, she won't get a second term. Look at who her opponent is right now and how well she had been doing with Trump... All they gotta do is present an actual decent opponent and she will go down like an intern on Bill's sack.
  14. Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary Why is that ? Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward. Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions.... Now think why. Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims. Why do u believe one victim over the other? Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win. So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump. That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa. We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off.
  15. Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary Why is that ? They are not comparable, There are two different varieties of bad. Remember what I said about scorpions and the zika virus. They have nothing in common other than that they are bad. There is only on reason anyone with half a brain would have to vote FOR Hillary Clinton: stopping Donald Trump. There is only one reason anyone with half a brain would have to vote FOR Donald Trump: stopping Hillary Clinton. That's why that happens. You cannot make an positive argument on either of their merits. They are awful. Truly awful. If anyone have ever been inclined to vote 3rd Party, THIS IS THE YEAR. A vote for Johnson or Stein may pay dividends in 2020. A vote for Clinton or Trump is just choosing between scorpions and Zika. Our Presidential elections have been about the lesser of two evils for long time. I guess it was inevitable we'd get a choice where there is no "lesser". Fully correct. So when u have to decide which u would rather have, to be stung over and over again with scorpions for 4 years or would you want to be infected and sick with the virus for 4 years, of course it's gonna be back and forth.
  16. It is horrible, but it won't really make any difference. When something like this happens, there's always people who come out and say it happened to them here in America weither it's true or because it's a free meal ticket. I know that sounds bad, it's just that the meal ticket happens so much that we don't actually care because half the time we are expecting the low life's to come out and we don't know which is which anymore so that if we didn't have a problem with the person before, most of the time we still don't because we can't take **** for face value anymore here. One thing about this election is that it's shown us how ****ed up we are and how much **** we deal with and don't care and also a high disregard (more) for media AND our govt. Trump is a piece of **** who shoulda never gotten office but we are so used to brain dead reality shows that are ****ed up to keep our attention. Hillary is a crook and I believe the most damning thing about her is that she went against the illusion blantantly that our govt officials are held to the same rules and standards we are. We know they are all corrupt but it's to keep on the low because if it came to light they can be "harmed" by the same weapon we are controlled by. She shows that the illusion is fake and cannot be harmed by our krytonite. Johnson...I dunno, seems like a cool guy but seems like an easy going laid back stoner. That's someone cool to chill with, but u wouldn't want someone in charge who's not knowledgeable and to easy going. I honestly believe right now we need a Joker instead of a batsman and just burn it down so we can rebuild. Maybe that's why Trump has gotten along so well after all the BS shown about him. Hillarys definitely the Penquin
  17. That's USA growth if I'm not mistaken. One thing is that our growth shouldn't be seen as what will happen in all countries economic growth, because each country has different factors/work habits/pay/laws/etc. One thing is for certain is that we have not gone with a Single Straight plan, our work stradegy is always changing because economy is a living breathing fake thing. Also I think the one thing that EU has going against it that the USA doesn't is that we are a single country working with others so with us if we fail, it hurts us worse than others. If the EU fails, it's like having ALL the business partners fail because all of them have to pay up and shift to keep everyone afloat. We usually follow the sink or swim mentality (the bailout some years ago went against our normal procedure and showed that bailing out doesn't work) but it seems the EU can't follow that without going against their foundation. Meaning our format (what u listed) means if something fails, it fails and something new comes in or that corner just closes up and is no longer viable, so the market we have makes room for competition and takes care of when things fail. Evause someone will come along and either fill it or open a new corner. The EU can't do that because if there's to much failure, the EU can't (I don't think) disown a partner if they aren't breaking the rules whereas we can. I'm wondering what's gonna happen if and when the EU goes thru a big recession, will they keep trying to bail everyone out OR try to make it on their own without the EU or will they stick with the EU and everyone go down together. -not a business major lol
  18. The phone call in the elementary school in silent hill 1. Also the "real" story to it was very nice.
  19. Is it offensive because we don't really hear "**** grabbing" in our normal surroundings. I'll admit I'm a bit of a perv, but I haven't heard **** grabbing....I think ever. If he had instead said "tittle grabbing" or "ass grabbing", would we be as offended? Is it because we ain't really used to that term?
  20. - It's about putting the cows in the stables and claim that they are now horses and feel good about it, that's what the political leaders and the champagne socialists think. - It's also about industry leaders thinking that cows staying in the stable can be learned to work as well, if not better, than their previous horses. It's fascinating to witness how people unintensionally destroying their societies are willing to put up with as long as their conscience is clear. To add with something we are dealing with here -calling the cows horses so that the prices of horses will go down but still charging the same price if not more for the services of said "horses". To clarify for the PC people, pay less for employees but still charging same price for services they provide. That's the main problem most people have when u bring in more people, less pay to be shared but the companies are not gonna lower prices of their goods even though they are paying their employees less. Hell thats why our economy hasn't really gotten much better the last 10 years bc companies found out that they can short staff and pay less for same services that were being fulfilled by more people and being paid more. Because less money and more work is better than having no money and no work.
  21. And this 'apparently' is credible or just BS ? From what I'm overhearing, this debate is not going well for Trump, as well. Odd, as I had expected him to do well this time around. The debate is going horrible but I have a feeling it won't actually "hurt" him just like the debates won't actually "help" Hillary with her opponent voters. I say apparently because from their mouths and the secret service men who were employed by the clintons have already shed light on it. BUT because it never went to court (look at hillarys scandals and wonder why never brought to trial) it isn't official. Since the courts won't touch Hillary or bill weither right or wrong, I said apparently.
  22. I do have a question about the refugees in the EU, is it to "help" them or is it because they are in a bad position so the EU basically gets "cheaper" labor while looking like it's actually doing "good"? I mean the EU doesn't get to use this good deed as a tax write off since they are the bosses of themselves. And the EU is basically about economics, so using the "good" deed of helping them out from a business standpoint....sorry here in America, during our biggest immigration acceptance in the past, immigrants were viewed as extra votes and cheap labor. Question is, from a business stand point, what is the bottom dollar to helping these refugees? Don't think like a citizen who is viewing this morally, think as a business stand point and think "WHY" they are pushing these refugees. Just saying helping the refugees because they need help is falling on deaf ears because a lot of us have been hearing the same line from our countries and know it's a pile of **** reason and not the reason why it's happening. Since this isn't America, I'm asking WHY are these refugees so important to the bottom dollar to the EU?
  23. Smart move, he says mean things but goes with victims who have been done wrong by her husband and her....Let's see if SAYING and TALKING is worse than DOING. Isn't all of this on Bill not Hillary ? Nope, Hillary apparently knew a lot of the rape victims and would threaten them against action against her husband. Basically would cover his ass knowing what he did.
  24. Smart move, he says mean things but goes with victims who have been done wrong by her husband and her.... Let's see if SAYING and TALKING is worse than DOING.
  25. Or do what I do and find an image on google u think fits and save it. Use paint or whatever to scale it to the right sizes and save in the game file.
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