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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I always knew there was something off about you. One thing i've got to admit, the Kraken is a shellfish lover. Yet he always has suckers on his arms.
  2. I read the title as BruceVC criminalizes Homosexuality. I think I would benefit from a nap.
  3. Are we back to the cutting arguments? We can't know what the devs cut because we do not have access to what they were planning to do. I can't complain that they cut a Kraken battle to implement X, because I don't know if they were planning to implement a Kraken battle in the first place.
  4. I have to agree with you Nep. Especially because you're staying in a Finnish Innsmouth, so most women there will have likely had sex with fishmen. Get the **** out ASAP.
  5. Link?For science, of course.... http://www.gibberlings3.net/readmes/Readme-RE.txt
  6. I just found out there is a bg2 mod that lets you sex Firkraag. I'm disturbed someone used their time to implement that.
  7. I hung out with some old friends and resumed drinking. Currently making tamales and watching The Avengers.
  8. You would be right. I recall seeing several threads asking for TB in the first few months after the kickstarter. Then we had some guy who claimed that TB was for people who liked challenge while RTwP was for people who liked story or something like that.
  9. If you don't want to install any mods at all, then the EE is better. If you want to install mods, then go for the GOG versions. I would consider Ascension an essential mod for BG2, and other than a BP version that isn't available for BG2EE. IWD has very little in the way of story or dialogue, but it does have the best combat out of the IE games. If you really enjoy the combat in BG2, you will probably enjoy IWD. Fire Emblem is very hard. No resurrection, random leveling results, and the RNG will likely screw you in a few situations.
  10. Do you still get to create a character?
  11. Baldur's Gate is a solid starting point, but it might be best to BGT it or buy the EE(if you have plenty of $ and aren't concerned with mods besides tweaks). BG2 is widely considered to be a better experience, but doesn't have as good exploration. PST is a good place to start if you're looking for less combat. NWN2 is good, but I would play the OC only once or skip it entirely. IMO, it isn't that great. I would avoid IWD until you've played BG and only play it if you really enjoyed BG's combat. IWD doesn't have much besides combat. Dragon Age will be a bit controversial. I'd play it if you enjoyed KOTOR1 or 2, as it is sort of like a fantasy version of that. Fixed. Also Fire Emblem Sealed Sword. You can find a emulator, if you're a naughty boy.
  12. Nothing that can be modded will be spared creepy sex mods. Yeah, but the codexians keep coming.
  13. Magic should have limits. Magic items should be powerful and trump mundane items. Epic levels are an awesome concept. The PC as an unremarable individual is boring. Balance is important and a wide range of builds should be viable. Boobplate and chainmail bikinis are awesome, as are golden codpieces.
  14. Are you sure that just isn't some girl you've handcuffed to your bed? Now that's just... barbaric. Heh, I cant wait to get my hands on the totally non-degenerative PoE strategy guide. I shall print it out and read it while on the crapper. That is just disgusting. You look at porn on the crapper, not strategy guides.
  15. Mages are pretty boring to play. Paladins are the best class. Two-Handed or Sword 'n' Board are cooler than Two-Weapons. It sucks when there is a clear and consistent bias towards one class or style of play. Arcanum is the biggest piece of crap I've ever played.
  16. The ability to role-play a character how you see fit is more important than anything else, including advancement mechanics or combat. BG1 is better than BG2. A superhero RPG would be the best concept ever.
  17. I'm not sold on GotG yet. I'm glad they're keeping it more space odyssey and less superhero, but it seems a little off to me.
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