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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I've got to hand it to you Bruce, you can parody yourself quite well.
  2. For the New Year, can we stop blaming a group for the actions of individuals? I don't see how I'm responsible for every Leader on 8chan(a site I visit rarely) or any individual with a twitter account when I don't actively use either and rarely go to those places if not pointed. I don't think anyone should be doxxed or harassed, even people I don't particularly care for such as Kluwe or Cernovich and will report it if able. This doesn't mean not calling them out for things they've done, but there is a difference between calling out AS's warped views on racism and sexism or intellectual dishonesty in videos and spamming her twitter with expletives or dumping her address.
  3. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sjjj4k David Auerbach makes a similar point to what Erik Kain's been saying about gg.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/police-boy-2-accidentally-kills-mom-wal-mart-201635957.html
  5. It's been talked about on infinitechan and KiA, and some are doing it. Not sure if it's going anywhere, but will be interesting to see. That's about what I thought already. Good read anyway. This is what I've been saying all along! Yeah, I hope this starts some conversation on differences on the Authoritarian/Libertarian axis instead of just making everything a Left vs. Right conflict. As someone who leans left on economic issues, I've felt increasingly alienated by a Left-wing that seems increasingly authoritarian and prone to postmodernist idiocy.
  6. http://www.gamepolitics.com/2014/12/30/gamergate-political-attitudes-part-two-old-liberals-vs-new-progressives
  7. How much crack is your mayor smoking now?
  8. I told most of my family to **** off today. Hopefully it's good riddance.
  9. I'll admit to having a hard time understanding Dutch. Of course, as an American I'm under the assumption if you yell in English loud enough anyone can understand you.
  10. I can never tell with Bruce.
  11. @TN very sad. From your perspective how do you feel misrepresented ? Can you give examples That was a joke Bruce.
  12. I can genuinely explain it to you in more detail if you are interested? Feel free.
  13. I've never understood why people pay for sex.
  14. Played this for about an hour last night. Probably the least enjoyable build so far. Creatures are insane compared to the party, who seemed to get a down grade, and I'm getting a lot of frame rate issues when I encounter them. Not sure how many more tweaks classes are going to get, but they need a lot of work.
  15. Not Gamergate specifically, the Authoritarian v. Libertarian conflict. I do believe that Gamergate is a facet of that, and what evidence there is shows that the group commonly refereed to as "pro-gg" tend to lean libertarian. 1. The ideological divide between the desire for more personal freedom and the desire for more governmental power/control in order to provide order and enforce "niceness". 2. The debate over government surveillance without a warrant.(see PATRIOT act) Essentially is it worth giving up your right to privacy in order to give the authorities more tools to supposedly prevent terrorism.
  16. During the Cold War the Russians were very keen to infiltrate counterculture movements to undermine the West they obviously didn't think it was pointless, specially since they used those methods to subvert Afghanistan.Nowadays you see the result of what the Left has brought, you just have to look at Sweden to see an extreme of what this ideology means when it affects politics. Plus you have them also affecting the media because they want to preach their ideology, therefore they have turned entertainment into a political battlefield. Maybe you don't see this a relevant but sadly your opinion doesn't change the fact that if they are ignored they will end up controlling the medium as they did with Games Journalism and the Indie scene. These are not isolated incidents as other facets of nerd culture have been affected, namely the tabletop and comic book communities. Hi Guys I'm back from my Xmas holiday, I had a great time Do you really see the GG movement as significant as the ideological conflict of the Cold War? I'm not sure if you being serious? No, I do see it as a part of the Authoritarian v. Libertarian conflict though. I would say that is possibly as significant as the Cold War, despite being a largely democratic battle inside nations rather than a diplomatic battle between nations.
  17. I just find it a bit ****ed up coming from esteemed advocates of women. And Mike Cernovich and Chris Kluweare having a throwdown.
  18. She's a girl who uses the tag and some aGGros are passing around a picture of her that someone **** a load on.
  19. Welp I just saw something pretty gross on KiA. Won't link cuz would get me the banhammer, but it's something pretty screwed up that happened to Lizzy.
  20. The guy who started Notyourshield and was fired after someone called his employer is now being reported as suicidal. http://m.imgur.com/yAjR0l7
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