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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Neoliberalism is a filthy thing, and I find the idea of corporations trying to destabilize entire regions in the name of profit entirely plausible, but do we have actual proof of this going on here? No, we do not have absolute proof that a cabal of shadowy corporations are destabilizing Europe so they can have more cheap labor and obtain more capital with the intent of reaping profits. But we do have 1. An EU that aggressively pushes Neoliberalism, particularly harsh austerity in response to debt, that has done huge damage to the standard of living in PIGS 2. Conditions(both austerity and EU mandates that discourage state-owned capital) that have allowed private businesses to scoop up previously state-owned capital(search for Greece's situation with airports for a good example) and a trade agreement(TTIP) which cedes state power to corporations 3. A wave of refugees consisting largely of men, who if following the behavior of most other immigrants of poor states will work for less than locals and as such cause tensions with existing citizens Combined, this is a recipe for disaster that will likely result in a drop in standard of living for the average citizen while increasing profits and control for corporations. Whether this is an intentional attempt to destabilize Europe for profit or a bunch of idiots blinded by ideology on a collision course matters little to me if the result is the same.
  2. There are subtle differences hidden between the following groups of statements. Can you find them all? Group A: "Germany is purposefully trying to destabilize Europe!" "The EU is conspiring to erode people's national identities because people without a strong sense of belonging to a national community are easier to control[citation needed]!" Group B: "The EU has implemented neoliberal policies, possibly due to the influence of Germany." "The EU's track record with the integration of migrants so far has been less than stellar." Ah yes, because clearly this continued austerity is doing wonders for PIGS. Look at Greece, unemployment there should be down to a low 20% if they just take a little more from citizens and give a little more to the private sector to boost confidence! And this TTIP being championed will do even more wonders, with giving corporations the right to sue states if they feel profit was negatively impacted and more privatization. The EU only has everyone's best interests in mind and isn't a shady attempt to assert corporate dominance over memeber states and you're a filthy commie if you think otherwise.
  3. Wait what. Germany is planning on destabilizing Europe so German businesses can buy up capital and the EU can push neoliberalism as hard as possible. You missed the part with political "normalization", meaning that a federalization of the states in the EU and more centralized power. People without a strong sense of national community are more passive and will be easier to control in the power vacuum that it creates....or the leaders are simply completely clueless and we are riding the chaos-train. Both of you sound suspiciously like you're spewing tinfoil-hat nonsense, do you have any extraordinary evidence to back up your extraordinary claims? (Also, I somehow doubt Woldan meant to allude to that. I'm kinda curious about his insane conspiracy theory as well.) Yes the EU, which Germany has a good deal of influence on, is clearly not pursuing a neoliberal agenda that has done severe damage to the economies of PIGS while benefiting Germany. And past experience has shown that these refugees will not be used as a source of cheap labor and will get along splendidly with the locals. It's got to be crazy talk that neoliberals would bend over backwards to accommodate corporations.
  4. I know that feeling, I can't get drunk off beer because the amount of fluid needed to get there gets me bloated as hell. I'll usually ice some tequila or bourbon and drink about a pint or so of that when I feel like getting drunk.
  5. Wait what. Germany is planning on destabilizing Europe so German businesses can buy up capital and the EU can push neoliberalism as hard as possible. You missed the part with political "normalization", meaning that a federalization of the states in the EU and more centralized power. People without a strong sense of national community are more passive and will be easier to control in the power vacuum that it creates....or the leaders are simply completely clueless and we are riding the chaos-train. I do not want to be right in either case. That's part of the plan. They're breaking down state sovereignty(such as the ability to nationalize certain industries) so that private entities can exert more control. The TPP and TTIP are the legal means to do this and the influx of refugees is designed to agitate locals and prevent action against this power grab.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFIhmWB7k0U
  7. Wait what. Germany is planning on destabilizing Europe so German businesses can buy up capital and the EU can push neoliberalism as hard as possible.
  8. I have never had a choice to be or not to be a certain race. I do not have a choice to change my race. However, most people do have a choice on whether they are fat or want to stay fat. The overwhelming majority of fat people are fat because they eat and eat and eat, and they are too lazy to get off their asses to do exercises and lose the calories. Now they are demanding special privileges and treatments for being fat and lazy. So you are assblasted the fatties are encroaching on your territory?
  9. You're just upset someone tried to take your race card aren't you?
  10. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v37/n18/slavoj-zizek/the-non-existence-of-norway
  11. Well sorry about the influx of cheap labor to prevent wage growth for the work force currently there and the likely attacks from jihadists. Perhaps this is what will cause the EU to crash with no suhrvivohrs though.
  12. It's a long way from Austria to Texas, but I think I'm going to stock up on ammunition just in case.
  13. If we don't hear back we'll assume you were devoured by some sort of unnatural creature of legend. Woldan will just beat it to death.
  14. I don't think Hurlwife would be very pleased with that. Was it just an extraction? I got that done a couple months back and my surgeon said I could eat soups and pasta. Granted those aren't as tasty as ice cream but you should be able to get them down if the extraction went ok.
  15. Hope you don't develop his waistline.
  16. I drank a lot and am now drinking more.
  17. The point is that, as usual, the full weight of the law is falling on this idiot because she's small fish and being open about her reasons. If you are a big shot and smart enough to spread responsibility around with legal gymnastics, you can get away with murder, quite literally. We're all equal under the law, but some are more equal than others, right? Clearly some backwater clerk not marrying gays is more grievous than starting a war or crashing the economy.
  18. That just shows she loves marriage so much she did it four times. Now that's commitment.
  19. I can use them as an example of being blinded by ideology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk8ibrfXvpQ
  20. Convert to some weird religion(or pull a Hubbard and make one up) and claim they're showing intolerance to you.
  21. I'm not defending their opinion mate, I'm just showing where they got it.
  22. I believe they just read the syllabi linked. https://ccgrs.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/48/2015/08/20153_Breikss.pdf I believe this is what they may be referring to.
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