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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I find it ridiculous that Wikileaks is necessary but when **** like the TPP is going on with no transparency someone needs to ensure it comes to light. Make of that what you will.
  2. [Video] A bit more about how the deal impacts Europe, but serfdom to corporate behemoths is the future for America. Voting will not stop it because they already control the government and have for decades. Hopefully the market crash is big enough to completely destabilize the world economy so we don't live under this for more than a decade.
  3. I agree about TotSC, because it expands the base campaign while the other expansions have largely added an additional campaign(that often serves as a final chapter). Admittedly I have never played BG(T) without TotSC but I find myself always hitting at least the ice prison island compared to skipping ToB maybe half the time. At any rate I hope Beamdog manages to put together some new content on par with BG2 and the Ascension mod, but I'm not going to bet on it.
  4. I'm willing to bet after tonight Hillary and Cruz get a lot of donations from Wall Street.
  5. Sanders wins NH, prepare for assblasted Hillary shills.
  6. Sanders economic plan seems good according to one economist. We need more memes in this thread.
  7. The moon is actually a potato farm. You know who runs the potato farm?
  8. But Gore's VP candidate was Joe Lieberman. And if Gore would have died - say, if an aircraft had crashed into the White House while he was there, or if he would have been in the wrong part of the Pentagon or in the WTC during 9/11, or if he would have been killed with anthrax or something, Lieberman would have been president. And he is a neocon just like Bush. If we just get rid of Gore somehow, I bet the rest would have turned out the same way as under GWB. Of course. The US political spectrum is an extremely narrow section of economic liberalism and there is very little difference between neocons and neoliberals in terms of foreign and domestic policy. With the exception of Sanders, Paul(s), and Trump I don't think we've seen any presidential candidates from the major parties with diverging views from the spectrum and even if they were elected the most they would be able to do is veto **** from the legislature because the HoR and Senate are packed with neocons and neolibs.
  9. The moon landing was real but why haven't we gone back in decades? The answer is that the Hibernian Druids have long used a portal to the moon to perform rituals that ensure dominance over the world and they did not want a moonbase full of observers that could expose them.
  10. Bernie closes 30-point lead after Iowa
  11. I was talking about drops, I rarely get anything good and slogging through with a bad group isn't really pleasant. Last run I did I got a 216 boots, another 216 boots, and a dread holocron decoration. Probably going to stick with wzs for a while, which I've had some success running Watchman instead of Combat on my sent. And I like that sound too. I find the class more fun than my sent, which largely seems to excel at getting stunned and killed.
  12. I'd play it once, but the swamp will make you frustrated as hell and isn't rewarding. If there is a mod to skip the swamp, like the skip Taris from KOTOR, by all means use it and save hours of your time.
  13. Already done.Bruce is more then welcome to correct but I'm pretty sure he is not a social democrat. He's mentioned a few times that his ideal is "a mix of capitalism and socialism like the nordic countries" which from what I've been able to understand is Capitalism with a welfare state. That's social democrats, or at least what they do when they're in power.
  14. Well having to deal with the RNG one too many times I find myself only doing wzs and ignoring ops unless my guild needs a dps. Have discovered that I don't really like Sentinel too much and prefer Guardian(particularly Vigilance) and Scoundrel(Scrapper) for my melee classes, so perhaps that explains my reluctance to do much with my only current 65.
  15. Rand Paul isn't his father and somehow managed to be both more mainstream republican and less likeable at the same time.
  16. That's why you're seeing the push.
  17. Rojava, although it's a big stretch to call that a state.
  18. Ideally Bernie grabs the popular vote in either the primaries or the general but loses due to superdelegates or something. Hillary or Cruz will bring almost as much acceleration as the Donald anyways.
  19. .... the ****? He wrote a book about Mario and cosplays afaik.
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