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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Spam it on forums that you don't like. But what is real liberty? I've heard AnCaps argue it's free markets, Left Libertarians argue it's freedom from property(ie being able to work land without paying some guy because he has a piece of paper saying he owns it) and the state, Fascists argue it's the establishment of a home for your nation, and other non-mutually inclusive statements from various ideologies. It seems to me that "real liberty" is determined by ideology rather than being a constant value, which is why the religious liberty folks feel justified in state enforced standards based on theocratic values and calling it liberty. The social democrats perhaps, but socialists are more likely to be bitching at each other about whether reformism will work or if a terra cotta proletarian army will spring up and put their special snowflake party with maybe 100 members into power.
  2. Why, who is he? Previous mayor of New York City and owner of Bloomberg LP. Policy-wise he'd be closest to Clinton. It's largely because the Hitler test seems to measure how in favor one is of left(ish) economic ideas and how supportive of Israel one is while the Fascist test is only two options with one being sort of....vicious I guess. All in all not very accurate tests, but I'll call myself a Halftler until I forget about it.
  3. Maybe you're the gentle, tender half of Hitler? The misunderstood half. The half that just wanted to be loved. So I'm a mediocre painter who wants to live on a farm with a much younger woman?
  4. 0% Fascist but a Halftler. What does this mean?
  5. TIME Magazine smearing Bernie Trump vs. Sanders!
  6. Go to Tumblr if you want people to believe you're a transblack rockkin.
  7. It's probably because the discussion has revolved primarily around Sanders and Trump, but I have an unfounded suspicion that Meshugger's theory that Rubio is in the closest has somehow contributed.
  8. It's a liberal wrapping themselves in the imagery of radicals from decades ago in an attempt to conceal their advocacy for the continuation of the current system as radical change. Attempting to make sense of the obvious contradictions will only lead to a massive headache.
  9. Breakfast burritos with hashbrowns, chorizo, eggs, fresh jalapenos, onions, lime, and jack cheese. Paired with Irish whiskey and tequila.
  10. My condolences on both counts. Today I'm doing nothing but drinking, playing videogames, and laundry. Looks like I won't have to work tomorrow and there ain't **** to do today so might as well relax.
  11. Jeb Bush is out, expect Rubio to pick up what meager support Bush had.
  12. Democrats going after the Bern for "hurting the progressive image"
  13. I think anything below 70°F is cold and hot is above 100°F. You people are causing me to get chills thinking about all this ice.
  14. I don't think he would step down but if Hillary wins the general, which is the most likely option assuming no major upsets or scandal, a repeat of Taft could happen. If it does, we would see an enormous amount of butthurt that would make putting another corporate shill on the SC worth it.
  15. Buy Capital signed by Carly Fiorina and proceeds will go to the Sanders campaign As to the conspiracy
  16. I once ended up arguing with a friend's roommate on the merits of smearing peanut butter on his testicles(his bf was into some weird **** and he was very drunk) rather than eating it on a sandwich. Arguing with Bruce is much the same, with strange arguments being spouted in strange twists of English and the uncanny ability to say very little with many words. At any rate I don't think you have to worry about people taking you seriously Bruce, I think they'd be more worried if they agreed with you.
  17. I'm still waiting to read that debate between you and KP on the European debt crisis. You can find it here.
  18. Uh oh, Val is going to take his ball and go home. We better lay off guys. You should know by now that asking people to play nice on the internet usually backfires. Unless you have some ulterior motives here... Vermin Supreme.
  19. Yes. Do you have a point to make about the lack of transparency on these trade agreements that impact almost everyone on this forums or are you just triggered by Assange?
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