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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Would it be possible to buff Hold the Line? Out of the three passive abilities that give +1 engagement it's the only one that doesn't have an additional effect. Maybe grant +1 AR to elemental damage or bump it up to +2 enemies engaged. Frenzy us bad and should be buffed but should remain SC Druid exclusive, would it be possible to have it add 10 seconds to the duration of SS?
  2. I don't hold that view my friend, this being the internet I'm not sure if you're critiquing me or GD on property. To be brief I think that a foundational idea in society isn't an error of the majority because the majority played no part in crafting it and it has been around long enough for them to accept it as the way things are. It becomes a part of ideology or myth and isn't challenged en masse without extreme pressure, like food shortages or similar. As to the second part, while force is not the sole reason that society exists as it does, it is a major part of it as the modern state has maintained a police and military apparatus for centuries. I don't buy the argument about myth because it seems to be predicated on a superficial investigation that recounts how myth (whether religion or ideology) has played a vital part in historical society rather than looking into why that is. Coordination based upon interest seems to be completely possible without myth, though likely in a form that functions radically different than current methods of organization which are largely authoritarian in nature.
  3. Improvement: A tie between loading times and appearance, in PoE the loading times can get almost as bad as DOS2 near the end of the game and it really stepped up in terms of quality for both backgrounds and models. Multiclassing btfos the cross-class talents and itemization was so good it ended up diminishing soulbound items relative to PoE soulbound. Step Back: For the most part I don't think Deadfire had any steps back per se, because most of the problems I have with are implementations of things I agree with in principle or already existed in PoE. The only thing I find unequivocally worse than in PoE was how they handled the plot, which feels torn between factional infighting over territory and chasing a giant statue who almost killed you. Frankly I think that Deadfire would have been much better off either doing the former with a new protagonist or the latter with The Watcher, if we are so lucky as to get a PoE3 and beyond I hope that we get a new protagonist every game and avoid having to write in the main character from the last game as a level 1 scrub. Oh, and I will be eternally butthurt we didn't get sea monsters and I couldn't kill most of the things from Monsters of the Deadfire Archipelago. Bonus round, missteps (things I agree with in principle but were implemented badly): Exploration and the ship was cool at the beginning but ultimately became tedious. I'd like to see exploration beyond travelling to defined areas, but after the first quarter of the game I wished there was a fast travel option. I think Pen/AR is a much better idea than PoE's AR, but the implementation left much to be desired. A big problem was how punishing underpen was and how comparatively difficult overpen could be, I'd prefer something that has longer scaling, like -10 to 15% damage per Pen under AR and +3 to 5% damage per Pen over AR with similar caps as in Deadfire. I also think the base stats of weapons should be revised where +2 Pen counts as special ability so there isn't any base damage difference from standard pen weapons and versatile damage weapons don't have the -1 Pen penalty. Affliction/Inspiration was a significant improvement over the afflictions in PoE, but I felt Inspirations in particular were poorly distributed like only one class source of Energized and it's self-targeted. In a hypothetical PoE3 I'd like to see more access to tier 2 and 3 inspirations across the classes with tier each 3 inspiration occurring in at least two classes.
  4. I agree, but legality is a spook to begin with. The legitimacy of the state does not come from any natural law or diety, it comes from wielded force and exists to perpetuate itself and support the class that (largely) composes it.
  5. I have an idea for a Fire Godlike Priest of Magran that uses Condemnation and Punishment spells before shooting stuff. It's intended to a fun character played on Veteran with all of the Community Patch, but I still want it to be reasonably effective so I have a couple of questions about it. First, I want to play it as a multiclass and am heavily leaning towards Ranger. Is plain, arcane archer, or sharpshooter best for a gun build? Secondly, the gun setups I'm looking at are 1) Arquebus, 2) Dual Pistols/Blunderbusses, 3) Single Pistol/Blunderbuss, 4) Pistol/Blunderbuss w/ Bashing Shield or Melee weapon. What are some good recommendations for these and backup weapons to use to deal with Pierce resistant/immune enemies? Cheers.
  6. I believe Carnage just applies a third (+ 3.3% per Barbarian PL) of base weapon damage as raw, it's not a weaker weapon attack like it was in PoE so won't benefit from Rogue strikes. Not sure if it works with sneak attack either. I'm no Boereor but I think Berserker/Streetfighter would work for your concept. Personally I don't like Streetfighter because maintaining the procs is counterintuitive to me, but it's very powerful if played correctly. A Barbarian/Fighter brings interrupts and self-buffs that are pretty good for hitting and taking hits, and it has an AoE that I believe will spread the DoT (clear out). A Barbarian/Monk benefits from the great abilities of Monk but off the top of my head it doesn't have a way to hit multiple enemies with an attack that would spread DoTs as heartbeat drumming and swift strikes just give you more attacks. There's always single class barb, who gets Heart of Fury and can now shout enemies to death in a pretty big aoe.
  7. Wizard/Melee relies heavily on buffs or summoned weapons and doesn't really profit from Evoker in the way a single class or other caster would. I'd go for single class or blood mage depending on if you want to empower or not, though I'm not familiar with the mod you mentioned and thay obviously changes the mechanics of Wizard. If you really want Evoker, the Fighters disciplined strikes is good for concentration and both upgrades are good, but other than defense there really isn't much else besides Brilliant from tactician. Rogue itself doesn't have great things for Evoker, but Assassin brings a passive that will let you nuke from stealth while Trickster gives decent illusion buffs you can cast with guile, meaning more Evocation spells. However both tend to be more effective with Spirit Lance (best weapon in the game imo)and their abilities, and even if you don't want to use the summoned weapon the martial classes tend to work better with the great wizard buffs and abilities than they do as casting direct damage spells. Of course if you're not playing on PotD you can get away with almost anything and fun matters more than net effectiveness.
  8. Isn't Ngo the fella who edits the blog that made that list Atomwaffen used as a kill list, peddles phrenology, and went along with Patriot Prayer to attack some punk bar where they broke a woman's vertebra? If that's him, seems like the equivalent of sitting with red sox fans in a yankees t and crying foul when something happens. Good grift to suck up 60k betabux for taking a few punches and getting hit with a milkshake though. Robespierre did nothing wrong.
  9. Being ok with torture and mass murder for "a good cause" is a requirement for holding office in the US.
  10. Being in utah is punishment enough, all of reddit should be quarantined, and the aussies never fail to amuse.
  11. If it's turn based and I can hit those squidheads with barrels of poison I'm down for this. Hopefully we'll do more in the city of Baldur's Gate than stop by before the endgame. He's a booty man.
  12. Who would have thought Trump would be involved in the Blood War?
  13. They Come Knocking. Boring tbh, wouldn't reccomend unless you don't have anything better to do for an hour and a half or enjoy modern b horror flicks.
  14. Of all people to become forumcop the numbersman is the last I would have expected. Hope the stress doesn't cause him to go crazier than you already have to be to post on a niche videogame forum. KTCHONG for mod.
  15. There's a few episodes of TNG and 2 movies that prove this wrong.
  16. So that's like 3 other (confirmed) happy couples and a lot of bad endings. I think we can say Starfleet isn't good for lasting relationships.
  17. If we were all atomized individuals or even families that would be fine, but society isn't simply the sum of individuals it contains, it's also their interactions with each other and the environment. I have to be concerned with what others are up to else I could end up with dirty water, no electricity, a dead planet, a slew of romcoms, and other tragedies that negatively impact what I'm doing.
  18. In my experience growing up Catholic around mostly protestants, no where near to the same degree. If you take the teachings of the Catholic church to heart you're going to spend most of your life feeling guilty to the point of neurosis. Protestants seem to play much more loosely in practice.
  19. In total 40(-somerhing)% of eligible voters didn't show up. No idea of demographics, swing states, or any impact of the VRA loss. It's funny because when you think about it in terms of actual votes, Trump was in 3rd place.
  20. It's been a while since I watched ds9 or voyager, but iirc most relationships ended with break ups or someone dying. All things considered, O'Brien didn't do too bad.
  21. Come to think of it, isn't O'Brien the only main(ish) character who stays happily married throughout the series? Arguably that's a better love life than getting dumped or widowed.
  22. I was under the impression his relationship with Henshaw never took off and that the future was a what if that doesn't happen. I don't think the show would have necessarily been better if he got a gf, but it is just something I thought about after finishing it up. Wesley doesn't count because he's wesley.
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