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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I watched 30 seconds of it so I think I'm good. I'll check out AoT someday, but everytime I think I'll get into it something comes up. It's close to finished isn't it?
  2. https://www.mediamatters.org/diversity-discrimination/featured-cpac-speaker-said-judaism-complete-lie-and-referred-jewish-people lmao
  3. Then go ahead, maybe it'll make Super S look good in retrospect. Or maybe you'll have nightmares about creatures with propositions like giraffes until you lose your mind.
  4. Is it just me or are there a lot of remakes/remasters going on?
  5. Yeah, but I still wouldn't want to sit through it. Within just anime there's better stuff you can spend your time on than excessively long 90's tournament arcs or Tuxedo Stalker and the long arms you are experiencing in Crystal.
  6. Probably, but you lose a lot. It's pretty good when it doesn't do tournament arc stuff but tournament arcs are like two thirds of the show.
  7. If I'm not mistaken wind power was actually generating more than expected before the freeze. Most projections reduce wind power because the cold weather typically interferes with them here. But I guess tilting at windturbines is going to happen regardless because of sexual frustration towards AOC or something. Really the issue is that Texas has an oversupply of energy (artificially cheap thanks to the government) and isn't particularly efficient. This means power is going to be plentiful in optimal conditions, but when we see a steep drop in supply coupled with a rise in demand **** is going to break down. That set of conditions fits extreme weather, and I'd say that is when you most need power to be reliable. This is exacerbated by the Texas electric grid being separate from other US grids which means you can't borrow power as easily. What all this means is that any solution that just tries to build more energy production without looking at efficiency is not going to work and we're going to be ****ed the next time we get hit with a storm. It's not as sexy as slamming down nuclear plants or whatever though so I doubt it's going to happen and most of the people in charge will still be there.
  8. Unless it's very badly made I can usually stick it out for a while. 13 episodes isn't too much. I just finished Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan. Pretty much everything I said earlier applies, with the big exception of muscle dudes because the antagonist of episode 4 is a muscle dude in a way that is so ****ing stupid it's funny. Out of curiosity I watched the second episode dubbed and it's not bad but not for me. Rohan sounds too different even when the voice actor nails the smug prick personality down, he just sounds more....proper while what I got from the sub was someone very blunt and strange. I may unpack my thoughts later and post some spoilers, but coming right out of it I think it's bizarre how TSKR manages to be very different from the part of JoJo (Diamond is Unbreakable) that it draws characters from. DiU is the most light hearted JoJo gets, all things considered it's probably the part you guys would like the most given it's less about "serious mode" episodes and more about some weird high school kids with strange (and very specific) powers having a very weird summer. TSKR on the other hand tends towards generally being.....gloomy? In general JoJo is gruesome so it's not surprising on that front, but I think that the types of resolution are really melancholy. I'll see if I can write more tomorrow, but it's late early and I'm tired. Currently verdict is positive though.
  9. Ain't that the truth. What I saw looks very sweet in the feel good or genuine sense with a madcap weird sort of feel to animation and character designs. I tend to gravitate towards very weird stuff so that's a point in favor, and otherwise I generally am agnostic in terms of tone, feel, artstyle, etc. so long as it's well made which by that video it is. I think I'll give it a shot when I have time, which will most likely be when I finish Sailor Moon.
  10. I have never watched Steven Universe, but between some of the dumbest people on the internet hating it and @Bartimaeus vouching for it I'm willing to give it a shot. Since it's on Hulu I won't get ****ed by Cartoon ****work and can watch it. What is it like?
  11. Now I want donuts and ice cream, but will have to settle for fig newtons bars and baileys.
  12. I guess this is the logical step after Joker. I don't think people were shocked by her because she was different so much as because she wanted to skin over a hundred puppies, but it's been a while since I've seen 101 Dalmatians. This looks pretty good and I will check it out when I get a chance.
  13. I'm glad my biggest issue with Crystal was the gangly limbs and that I never got past the first episode.
  14. I haven't touched the beta since getting screwed on Arcanist and wiped by a water elemental. Thinking about going in as a Magus or Bloodrager when I have time. Stretch goal filler. Should've just **** out a class or prestige class(es) instead.
  15. Assuming all episodes are the same length as the first, about an hour and a half. And every episode looks to be an independent one shot.
  16. I watched the first episode and a bit of the second of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan and relevant to this thread is that the main character collects Sailor Moon figurines. lmao As to the show itself, like the main JoJo anime it is almost pure translation of the manga with very little adaptation. I don't think this is a bad thing in this case as the manga is strong, but the downside is you see very little fluff/filler that expands on the characters like we get in Sailor Moon. Given that the premise of this anime is one-shot stories with a single main character in common though, getting attached to characters is probably not intended the same way it is for series with a regular main and supporting cast. I really like the way the animation rolls and the coloring feels very bright without being gaudy. Episode 1 does a good enough job of setting up the story and executing it, the closest thing I can compare it to is an episode of The Twilight Zone but if everyone did acid and had outrageous fashion styles they could just roll with in public. All in all I'd recommend it if you like short horror stories that are very weird, while it does have a lot of references to JoJo (particularly Diamond is Unbreakable) you can enjoy it without knowing anything. In terms of artstyle it looks different enough from parts 1 - 3 of JoJo so if muscle dudes is a big turn off this may work better for you.
  17. Yeah, I recommended it to him based on him talking about how much he loved Sailor Moon or being crazy, but it's a very different kind of crazy. I have said this so many times over the years.
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