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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. @majesticSince the series itself is only 12 episodes long (not counting movies), how do you think it compares to a season of SMC in terms of pacing and supporting characters? And is the CGI going to give me uncanny valley vibes like the recent Berserk Anime it High School Girl?
  2. I didn't think "restrictions on drone strikes and commando raids" would be controversial, but here we are.
  3. Man it's impressive how antifa manages to live rent free in the heads of so many politicians and pundits. By all of this attention you'd think they were actively courted by a major political party who used them as security for events and militia to storm the US capital in an attempted coup.
  4. https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/tv-radio-web/harry-and-meghan-the-union-of-two-great-houses-the-windsors-and-the-celebrities-is-complete-1.4504502?mode=amp
  5. I'll keep that in mind. If this is about timey wimey shenanigans, then I don't hate those as much as I just hate superheroes. As long as they're done well, which is unfortunately rare.
  6. I dunno, before Sailor Moon I'd have assumed a pegasus with a horn who protects our dreams would be ok but now I've learned that isn't true.
  7. When people stop being mad on the internet. And then people need to stop being mad about people being mad on the internet. Afterwards we require people to stop being mad on the internet about people being mad on the internet about people being mad on the internet. So probably never lmao.
  8. What books have actually been canceled then? Josh Hawley's got canned by the publisher, but the backlash to that thing on the 6th seems to be a bit different than most of what I've seen get called cancel culture. Most of these so-called cancellations are just celebrity dip****s getting yelled at on twitter, and I see no reason to care about JK Rowling getting yelled at by people with cartoon avatars after she goes off about trans people or Bari Weiss being mad her coworkers hate her.
  9. Yeah, there's an unfortunate strain in the left to stan for people who are obviously bad because they happen to oppose something as bad or worse. The idea that two things can be bad even when they oppose each other is hard to accept I guess. Oh and about THE SCOURGE OF CANCEL CULTURE DESTROYING CIVILIZATION BY BANNING* DR SEUSS, I had this linked to me about banned books. If accurate, it seems that the Concerned Christians are still the kings of cancelling. Once again the anti-cancelling crusaders charge the windmills while the real monsters get ignored (or supported). *not a real ban
  10. Kanno Sugako, the first Japanese woman to be a political prisoner executed in Japan in circumstances very similar to the trial after the Haymarket Riot. Her life honestly sounds like it could be a movie and I believe there was a play about her.
  11. Nope, though I recognize some of it from memes.
  12. I guess that's kinda true but (incoming JoJo SC spoilers, plus don't read if you haven't finished season 2)
  13. We may have different conceptions of winning.
  14. What if someone else starts watching tho? I think he'll beat me, I'm having to slow down because I'm too tired after work to watch more than 1 a day.
  15. Yes, after all this is a video game forum that draws in people who are used to engaging in detailed discussions over stuff like spell power creep of magic missile vs sleep. Steven Universe is next on my list unless the Cartoon Network acts like a bunch of ****. Let me know what you think about JoJo after you finish up Phantom Blood.
  16. @BartimaeusThat's rough man. But at least you discovered an ambidextrous talent and got to enjoy the wonders of animation. @majesticYeah, like the episodes aren't necessarily bad in themselves (aside from the subtexts you can read in about sexual assault and pedophilia/beastiality, in which case OH NO) but in context to the last three seasons I just watched it's not good. I actually think having long-term writers can explain some of it if they decided or were instructed to go back to the tone of the earlier episodes and took that to jettison how the characters changed over the last three seasons. Another problem is that it feels like we're back to a(n even more) hyper focus on Usagi and Chibi-Usa with the other character sliding into the background.
  17. I can take it in some interpretations (like Sailor Moon, Star Trek, and JoJo, all of which have very different instances yet work better than cape****'s 10000000000 universes that are mostly just **** in gaudy costumes) but generally the whole alternative universe/timeline thing is just dumb. That really sucks to hear about the chronic pain man. I don't have anything like that but frequent bouts of depression prevent me from really playing games like I used to, but I can usually watch **** so there you go. Most anime isn't good, but really we can apply the same to most movies, TV, games, or whatever. I just don't have patience for stuff I don't like anymore. Following what @majestic asked earlier, the most recent episode of Sailor Moon I watched, the ninja one, really captures my feelings so far about Super S. The gags are funny, but watching reheated relationship drama that was already resolved at least one season ago is just ****ing dumb. It doesn't add anything and just makes the show worse. At times I wish it was just ****ing awful so I could walk away, but the good bits and investment from the previous seasons keep me roped in.
  18. lmao I used to be a fan of Marvel comics (hell, my username on this site is from a superhero comic I was reading at the time oh my god I have been on here a long time) but I really soured on superheroes and a lot of stuff over the last few years*. I can remember some stuff, notably those stupid ****ing universes have an assload of alternate timelines and ****, but I don't care and can't be assed to watch them. Really though cape**** is like most porn, once you've seen a bit you've pretty much seen it all. *This coincided with me getting back into anime, watching more movies, and reading more nonfiction
  19. There's some JoJo refences I could make (aside from an old man losing his ****), but I don't want to spoil anything.
  20. Still better than Rise of Skywalker. More Suppositional S
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