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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I make just a bit more than the median income for my age and really inheriting my parents house is pretty much the only reasonable way I'm going to be a home owner. You and your wife work your asses off as educators and if my obsidianstalking.txt is accurate, you think you'll be renting forever. Fact of the matter is that hard work doesn't pay what it used to, to buy something like my folks house would cost me over double what it cost them 20 years ago and I sure as **** ain't making twice what they did. UBI isn't going to fix that, at best it'll make my rent payments a little easier.
  2. I purposefully don't remember any episode featuring Neelix.
  3. Financial dip****s have lizard brains that renders them incapable of understanding people. Anyways most proposals I've seen for UBI aren't enough to live off of for most people. For the most part UBI proposals are a bandaid on the increasing cost of living (particularly housing) and most people would still need to work in order to live reasonably. The idea that UBI would lead to a mass exodus of the work force is about as realistic as Bill Gates turnings everyone into thralls with microchips smuggled in vaccines.
  4. I'll miss seeing Janeway try to kill off the crew of Voyager.
  5. Sounds like the OVA dropped a lot of stuff. Probably for the best, Pet Shop was...unsettling. Anyways Utena 14-16. Two duels and a cow metamorphosis.
  6. What about Pet Shop though? DIO's stupid animal sidekick pet thing was....something else entirely. Or did Pet Shop get cut from the OVA?
  7. I've almost managed to forget Harry Potter existed, and apparently so has Daniel Radcliffe. Miracle Workers is a very weird show.
  8. Utena episode 13 - The Clip Show Did I really need to watch this? I don't think so, what new stuff I did get wasn't much.
  9. Chu-Chu is the only one who's not an **** though. Stanky.
  10. I just finished episode 12. It's clear she preferred Utena to DIO, but even still she never does anything to get what she wants. Her sole purpose is to get won in duels and slapped. That just doesn't make a likeable or interesting character to me. Maybe they'll pull it out in the clip show or Black Rose saga, but right now the shadow girls are more interesting than Anthy.
  11. It's harder to explain what I like than what I don't. Like I can't tell you why I like Feministo DIO but I can tell you that Anthy is more of an object than a character.
  12. I actually like the show, I just dislike clip shows.
  13. Ok then, I think I've got it for the most part. Correct me if I'm wrong. 1. Only full casters can merge spell lists, this applies to all Mythic Paths. 2. To merge spellbooks, you need to be the same caster type as the Path. So no Cleric/Lich or Wizard/Angel merges. 3. Mythic Path spell lists include unique spells, some of which are better versions of common spells in the same level. 4. Merged spellbooks gives you early access to spells by 3 levels, so you have the same spell slots as a 10th level cleric at 7th level when merged with Angel. 5. You add mythic tier to caster level, so a Cleric level 7/ Angel 3rd tier would have a caster level of 10. Assuming all of that is true, I think the Warpriest is going to get overshadowed as a warrior priest by the Crusader Cleric or Battle Oracle (especially if Warsighted archetype is in), outside of early game or specific builds. Magus will fare better as a gish (compared to Wizard/EK with Lich) because Spell Combat and Spellstrike can't really be replicated with feats or flat bonuses like Sacred Weapon or Fervor. Well this game will be a theorycrafting event.
  14. Ok, so spellbook merge not only gives you early access to spells but better spells in the same level (and more spell slots?). So dropping a dqomain and a spell slot per level for combat feats is better than it was in Kingmaker or PnP. Why can't Warpriest merge spellbooks? Is that only an option for 9th level casters or an Angel exclusive issue? I'd have to review the Cleric spell list, but between Eagle Soul and the Divine enlarge I think you can probably net enough strength bonuses to make increasing the spell DC more attractive than +hit and damage. I'm going with Magus/Legend, Inquisitor/Demon or Swarm, and Sorcerer or Orcale/Dragon or Angel.
  15. I'll probably get there tonight or tomorrow.
  16. Ah, so the merged spellbook gives you bonus slots that make up for diminished spellcasting. I guess between that and high Wisdom you could make up for it, but it still seems a high price to pay for 5(?) bonus feats. I guess the Warpriest would be jealous though.
  17. Does it have diminished spellcasting like in PnP? Imo the archetypes with diminished spellcasting never really got stuff good enough to justify it, I'm particularly thinking of the Kensai who sucks at low levels. Probably a safe bet. The Kingmaker mod that took out kingdom management is essential for me. Unfortunately I don't think you can mod out romances.....or mod in every npc being a horny bisexual that isn't in to your character so you can be forever alone as a dragon or swarm of locusts. Oh well, if Kingmaker mods track at least we'll get Occultists.
  18. The Cleric archetype? I hope it's not broken but I'm not going to take a chance. Too much frustration in having a long playthrough implode because of bugs.
  19. Yall may be, I'm going to wait at least a few months until I try it so hopefully it will be stable.
  20. How wude! Does Utena get hamon and blast Touga DIO with HOT PINK OVERDRIVE?
  21. Named attacks in JoJo are absolutely hilarious in a way I have not seen topped. Stands kind of start to push them out, but Stands are even crazier.
  22. Utena 7-11 Lots of duels, some curry, and Elephants. So Juri doesn't believe in magic, there is a body swapping curry explosion, Nanami killed a cat, Saionji gets expelled, and Touga DIO defeats Utena. It's a weird show, that's for sure. I really am starting to dislike how eyes are drawn as a solid color with some white orbs in them. Technically that's Dire, not Dio Brando.
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