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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. That's your opinion man, but it's wrong. Nanami is horrible. In just 4 episodes she's managed to be completely unlikeable and nerve grating. The last time a character grated me this way was probably So far in the sub she has no personality and is just boring. Like vanilla ice cream topped with vanilla sauce and whipped cream. Or Aerie.
  2. I was going off how she says it, but I guess that'd be OHHHNEEEEEEE-CHAAAANNN
  3. Roasted corn, bacon wrapped filets, and a fresh salad. Paired with some bourbon and Cointreau. Pretty good.
  4. Fixed I'm watching the sub, so it may be a VA difference but so far she's annoyed the **** out of me. So far she's done diabolical laughter when trying to make Anthy look weird (her just carrying around a snail, snake, and an octopus is objectively weirder tho) and screamed ohnee-chan while thirsty for her brother. Hopefully she gets better, but right now I just want her to **** off. It's been a couple of years since I last watched either, but I think that the NGE ending gets better after seeing EoE. It gives an insider view to what the HIE looks like compared to the outsider view in EoE, and I think Shinji getting congratulated for accepting himself works better than choking Asuka on the beach while the rest of humanity is in the goo. Of course the best ending is the secret SHAVE IMPACT ending, where Gendo shaves his chin strap and realizes life is good flying through the sky with a razor in your hand.
  5. Right now it seems like she's just there to get slapped and bullied. I'm not sure if she's going to do a heel turn or just get killed, but either is better than the slap doll she currently is. Well that's either good or bad. Guess there's only one way to figure out. Ok, well then it's going to be quite a ride for you once the gang finds DIO's mansion.
  6. OH GOD!!!! That's three Mikis in a week. Let's hope stopwatch Miki comes out better. Anyways episode 6 happened. There seems to be a high number of animals who get loose at that school. DIO's sister is still a bitch. I have no idea what the purpose of the stopwatch is. I dislike Anthy at the moment. Iggy and Petshop in the sewer. Now I'm just more confused. Anyways....I actually preferred the CONGRATULATIONS ending to EoE. Lmao. I have no idea why, maybe I'm just a contrarian.
  7. Revolutionary Girl Utena 3-5 Does Anthy get slapped every episode? Pretty much keeps up the status quo, except DIO's sister is a bitch and DIO ****s a guys sister on a piano. "Your sister is as cute as you are" So it's like The End of Evangelion.
  8. Utena episode 2. Fighting duels doesn't seem to be a good way to decide engagements, but what do I know? Anthy doesn't seem to do anything but get slapped and act servile to her current fiance. I wonder what Student Council DIO and End of the World are up to, but I guess it will be completely insane. Wait so there's a movie too? What did I jump in to? Devilman Lady is a few steps behind the Overfiend. If you can deal with it then it's ok, I just don't want you to feel like I tricked you into reading hentai. Hol Horse and Boingo in the cab.
  9. Utena episode 1. Sword of DIO? DIO himself as a student council president? End of the World? Is this a very long JoJo reference? It looks very 90's, kind of like a Sailor Moon if the girls were a few years older. I'm sure Wakaba will end up Naru as time goes on. Other than that, I'm really not sure what's going on here. @majestic
  10. @majestic That's pretty much the manga ending except
  11. The first time I watched it I knew nothing about it. Went in completely blind with the first episode I thought it's going to be a regular action series, but more horny and edgy. Then after episode 6 ends I was confused by what I saw because it was such a departure being sexual predator photographers and SIRYEEEEEN!!!!!!!, and every subsequent episode was even more OH MY GOD!!!! until
  12. Rewatch of DEIBURMAN 6-10: OH MY GOD! Well that was a blast. Gets a lot less horny. Pretty much takes a hard left turn here and rams through a wall because **** it. Animation is very rough in spots but when it's on point it's on point.
  13. While it is funny taken out of context, the 10 page Sailor moon essay is more on brand. Anyways..... thread theme
  14. Not inspiring irrational anger is a good sign!
  15. Rewatch of Devilman Crybaby epidodes 2-5: The Saga of Silene Much like the first episode, this **** is horny. I think this works better than stuff like big tiddy laser lady in Magic User's Club (yes I watched the intro, it does look really dumb) because it is more explicit and doesn't feel like it was just tacked on. Other than that, I'm struggling to say anything that wouldn't be spoiling. I really like the designs of demons and think the characters manage to get fleshed out well without resorting to monologues.
  16. Joke, I rarely get offended and never over video games. Well that was something.
  17. I'm KP and this is not my favorite meme in the Anime thread.
  18. Yes, in fact the 70s TV show is featured in Crybaby and Taro is a Devilman Otaku.
  19. Jotaro at the poker table. You should go.
  20. Rewatch of Devilman Crybaby episode 1. It holds up, but is blatantly sexual in a way that the cheesecake from Rebuild or standard big tiddy anime girls aren't. It works for the type of show Devilman is, but it's worth noting before any of yall stumble into it blind and start imitating Joesph Joestar. Majorly NSFW. The art looks really rough at times, particularly with limbs. But it's hand drawn and I think looks more authentic than some of the uncanny valley cgi out there. That's a horse that we've beaten into undeath around here, so I'll just say Crybaby looks best when it goes into absolute insanity territory. Excellent use of colors combined with a truly kinetic animation delivers some of the most horrific monsters possible and does it with style. As to the plot, I'll try not to spoil it. But this episode is the setup and basically what happens is a crybaby teenager on the track team meets up with his old friend, who is now a professor. They shoot at some rappers before going to a sex party where they take in some substances and then it goes into OH MY GOD! territory. Currently hard recommend. This **** slaps.
  21. Leave it to Hurlsnot to downplay the dire plight of vacation homeowners.
  22. Old news, but I think this is a pretty interesting article on local politics. https://www.hcn.org/issues/53.1/south-economy-when-covid-hit-a-colorado-county-kicked-out-second-home-owners-they-hit-back
  23. Well, 6 episodes is nothing compared to Rebuild or SMC so it's not like he hasn't been through worse.
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