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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The way I heard it was it was Shrek porn, which is not a rabbit hole I want to go down.
  2. It seems DIO is consistent, because in JoJo he also has implied sex with a dark skinned guy with white hair. Lmao.
  3. 900000 of those views was from Jeff Bezos alone.
  4. I'm alright with bizarre and unexplained stuff, I'm not ok boring. Utena is quickly becoming the latter.
  5. They're both pretty unbalanced, in that you can pump your AC and saves into the stratosphere with the right combos. Like a Swordsaint with Paladin and Scaled Fist dips will get INT to AC, INT to initiative, CHA to AC, CHA to save, DEX to damage, and access to a robe that can be stacked with bracers of armor for a net +13 AC. At that point you can pretty much avoid all attacks and spells while hitting like a truck.
  6. The only constantly interesting characters tbh. Right now the show is wearing on me, not to the degree that say Super S did, but enough to put me off from watching as quick as I did with the first arc. A big part is the repetitive nature of the black rose duelists. Some side character shows up, turns evil, loses to Utena, then it's over unless Anthy goes to visit her brother for teh secks. Nothing seems to change after each episode, we have no idea why the creepy professor and his boy!Anthy want to kill Anthy, and apparently no character has thought to look into it. Maybe it all gets explained at the end, but the journey is starting to suck. I also hate the puffy sleeves on the girls' uniforms.
  7. Ok, I spoiled myself on some mythic stuff. Don't look if you want to go in completely blind, and take it with a grain of salt.
  8. So after testing it some more, it seems there is an opportunity to change your Mythic Path at some point. I did cheat to do this, and one of the paths remains locked while one that wasn't announced during the kickstarter campaign was available. Don't look unless you want to be spoiled. Oh yeah, and it looks like Kingmaker weapons are in the game files at least.
  9. Aktually....Demons are immune to Electricity, Devils are the ones immune to Fire. Edit: And testing with a Earth Elemental Sorc hitting himself with magic missile, snowball, ray of frost, and jolt.... elemental damage gets transmuted to acid but force does not. So I think we may be looking at just transmuting elemental damage.
  10. If it works like pnp it should. If that's the case an Elemental Sorc just got a lot more appealing, IIRC that Arcana isn't implemented in Kingmaker. Edit: I'd have to rule dive, but per pnp it should affect energy damage. This obviously means Elemental damage, but could exclude alignment damage (like holy, unholy), force, or negative/positive. I don't think it should though.
  11. Revolutionary Girl Utena 17. The show is weird for me because I enjoy it ok but I really don't care about any of the characters. Touga is probably my favorite right now because he's DIOa magnificent bastard, but unfortunately he's currently hiding in his room. I wish it would pull a JoJo, a Devilman, or even a Berserk and kill off some of the characters, for dueling with swords no main or side character has bit it yet. Seriously, let Miki get the SHIZAAAAA! treatment or let Nanami get dismembered by a mob and her head driven through with a stake while they dance around a burning house. ****, pull a god damn Eclipse and have Touga put on a ****ty batman costume. Or have someone lock Chu-Chu in a box and burn him alive. Just kill someone already. Please. Now that my desire for a surreal shojo to morph into a brutal seinen or josei is out of the way, the episode itself. I really am not enjoying this Black Rose **** very much. While some parts were cool, it's become repetitive and copied the worst parts of Sailor Moon where Utena defeats every enemy with the Dios attack. Which doesn't actually kill them because lmao. Anthy is less of a person now than before, with the exception of visiting Akio every week. The way that's framed I can see why Nanami is jealous of Anthy, because it looks like Akio is closer to Anthy than a brother should be. Oh, I guess I should talk about the episode itself. Jury is a lesbian (big shock there) and the girl she is crushing on hates her so much she turns evil and steals her heart sword. She predictably loses, because Utena has the plot armor of Dios. Just like Miki's sister (what is it with this show and incestuous implications lmao), I don't have much reason to care about Jury's crush and the show didn't make me care about Jury more. A pity, because Jury is the closest character I genuinely like, even if Touga is way more entertaining.
  12. Downloading it now, going to play around with a few builds I may run in a few months when the game is hopefully more stable. Currently planning on Magus/Trickster, Bloodrager/Demon, and Druid or Shaman/Swarm. Any other class/mythic combos yall want me to check out?
  13. I just want to see if I could get a Magus with a 11-20/x4 crit range. I'll probably wait until the last DLC releases to actually play the game.
  14. Well it's out now, so I guess I can hear about how broken it is over the next few months. Good luck to all of yall foolishbrave enough to go into the broken mess.
  15. Ok then, I stand corrected. Like I said before, I care less about the laws wording and legal minutiae than I care about the fact it is going to make where I live considerably worse. If this law was around 7 years ago, I could have gotten hit with a 10k lawsuit for having given a friend a ride to a clinic. Unfortunately, the law is not academic for me and is going to effect me and my friends and family directly. Long enough to really **** a lot of people over.
  16. There's no reason to apologize for the latter, unless you're part of the body that writes Texas education standards. In which case, . But yeah. Texas education is not very good. When I was younger and angrier I mistakenly blamed the teachers (and I had a few bad ones for sure), but now that I've grown I realize that like many things in Texas the education system is broken systematically with no repair on the horizon and most teachers were really trying their best in a situation that was hell for them.
  17. I think the idea is that it could circumvent Roe v Wade by having it be civil suits instead of criminal. You can also read it as subsidizing anti-abortion activists through pilfering abortion providers and recipients. Personally I care less about the legal minutiae of the abortion bounty law and more about the fact it is going to make things considerably worse. Fact of the matter is that abortions are going to become next to impossible to get in Texas and it wasn't easy before the law. This is probably going to not effect rich folk too much (including the Republicans' mistresses) but poor folk are going to have to choose between raising an unwanted child (which even beyond the costs of raising a kiddo, just giving birth can be prohibitively expensive), throwijg yet another kid into foster care,, paying 10000 to some dip****s, or "back alley" abortions that could kill them. In short, the law is ****ed.
  18. Since Star Trek on Netflix is going away, I'm going to finish up TOS. Kirk killed Jack the Ripper, who is actually a space ghost or something. With a transporter. And now I'm at the Tribble episode. I already watched Voyager and as far as I know there were no more Trek shows after that. Anyone who says otherwise is just having a nightmare. So I don't think I'll miss much until Paramount takes away DS9.
  19. We weren't taught that when I was in School. Though I guess the Texas education system is a lot worse than California.
  20. BG1+2 portraits were some of the worst parts of the game. Bards have had a slow power creep from being useless in the IE games to beating out Wizards and Clerics in the most recent pnp editions. Still, I don't think I've ever played one. I should probably change that. They're cooler than Druids at least. I was bad too, but me making magic with musical performances is about as feasible as me throwing fireballs or cutting a dragon in half.
  21. Well looks like I'm a Bard. I can't think of any game I've played a bard in, tbh.
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