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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. No worries, it got me to clean out my messages from 8 years ago so it all worked out fine.
  2. Well he reads enough to reference JoJo memes in the titles.
  3. Reminds me of the combat xp grind in kingmaker and then leveling off of skill checks.
  4. ??? I've never responded to free key offer for this game. The only free game I've gotten from a user on here was from ShadySands like 6 years ago. You did tell me about mythic Path mechanics in messages. I don't think Owlcat browses this forum and my investment in a 2e videogame is limited to stating a preference.
  5. Yes. I backed it on KS enough to look at EA, but I had some stuff going on that made playing videogames for very long hard. It didn't help that Skald and Arcanist were the first two classes I picked, and I ran into issues with them right out of the gate. The furtherst I got in beta was to the water elemental, which managed to tpk me in tb. Before that, the hardest enemy was doors. You seem interested in having a conversation that has little to do with anything I've posted. I was agreeing with another poster on a preference for 2e vs 1e in a hypothetical videogame. That is it. I do not care about sales figures, fanbases, or feasibility of 2e vs 1e and have no desire to debate them. Oh yeah. In a CRPG where you've already got most of the roles filled out and you can select stuff as a party manager it's got the potential to shine, but it would be awful to main and would probably only get carted out when you knew checks would be a major issue and spellcasting couldn't fix it. The class still needs an overhaul though. Off hand and counting Early Acess I can think of 3 party based CRPGs games between the release of Kingmaker and WotR. Wasteland 3, BG3, and Solasta. Even assuming you liked all 3 of those, the (sub)genre doesn't really produce many games these days so you take what you can. I think WotR will be like Kingmaker, pretty good once most of the bugs are ironed out and the Call of the Wild mod is introduced, but cheesey as hell and far from ideal.
  6. Consider that his phantasmal killer. In hell. That pounce shouldn't be underestimated.
  7. I wouldn't compare the Warpriest doctrine to the Alchemist. Warpriest doctrine is not a good divine gish as the 1e class was, but it's good enough early on and later game serves well enough as a front line support. You can justify a Warpriest as a support caster for the fortitude saves and armor to cast heal or buffs close to the front lines. It's obviously not as good as the Druid or Bard though, and I'd say Divine in general needs some love in 2e. Competitively it's very hard to justify the Alchemist in a party over almost anything else. It is very much an nth wheel, and even then why not take another caster or martial or skill monkey? Item bonuses to skill checks are great, but you can always buy alchemical items or even craft them with a skill feat and some downtime. I've payed Owlcat for the game, as has uuuhhii (I assume), and at least a few folks on the 2e subreddit who came away wanting a 2e game. I don't claim to speak for every purchaser or player of WotR, but I doubt everyone who bought and/or played the game did it solely or even mostly due to the appeal of the Pathfinder 1e ruleset with Owlcat's ability and stat inflation modifications. I'd assume that at least a few people bought it for the same reason I did, because party-based crpgs are sadly few and far between and that within bounded satisfaction WotR is good enough. If Owlcat did another 1e adventure path I'd probably buy it and play it 6 - 12 months after release like I did with WotR, but I'd much prefer a 2e or Starfinder game by them or someone else than a videogame version of Hell's Rebels or Return of the Runelords.
  8. One thing I'm concerned about 2e is how the Alchemist would be implemented. As of now it's the only class I actively dislike, it is very much a backup class that only shines when handing out items to other people, and you can just buy that stuff with items. On top of that the alchemy per day seems like it would be very difficult to implement into a video game. Personally I don't care who makes it. I'm not personally attached to any studio or company and will take a good game wherever I can find one. I don't care what many owlcat fans want, I want a better game. If that requires angering the folks who can't enjoy a game unless you have to employ mind-shattering cheese not to get constantly tpk'd by enemies with power levels over 9000 then so be it.
  9. At this point I'd wish they'd do a Starfinder game or go to 2e. 1e is too much of a cluster****.
  10. Well half of them do turn you into an evil monstrosity, so it is like Kyubey.
  12. With Pathfinder 1e you've got some builds that will absolutely wreck the balance with a handful of levels (like vivisectionist/Scaled fist/paladin/sword saint) but be an absolutely insane concept and others that will be meh to very good but flavorful. Owlcat balanced the game around the former and built companions like the latter. And it shows, like you could drop Cthullu (one of the CR 30 monsters in PnP) into CRPG WotR and he would get stomped by a mid game encounter.
  13. This forum software sucks. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/09/24/texas-congressional-redistricting/ Not if you live in a bubble.
  14. No. You are forced to become a magical creature of some sort for most of the game.
  15. For me it's neck and neck with TNG. I think TOS had much less frequency of bad episodes (accounting for it being half the size of TNG), but TNG had more episodes that were very memorable and good. DS9 takes the top spot, Voyager hits number four (and is a big drop off from the others), while any other series I don't like enough to watch.
  16. I have finished TOS just in time. Pretty good imo, even if there were more than a few episodes that did not age well or were just not good in general. 3rd best Trek series.
  17. Did one of the bugs delete all anime?
  18. Steins;Gate 3 and 4 I have no idea what is happening but this show sure is something.
  19. Let's not conflate big booty with 40-something episodes of a horse trying to **** a 12 year old.
  20. I'm just going to pretend Love Live! is a fever dream you had.
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