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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Maybe, but I think it's more likely Trump gets taken out of the race by a heart attack (after all this is a guy who chows down on fast food and thinks exercise is bad for you) than by losing the primary. Given the level of hero worship he has in the GOP, any rivals would immediately alienate the base they need to win the primary. Though it would be funny to see a bunch of guys aping Trump accuse each other and Daddy Don of fraud and corruption on stage. And then it ends with a ton of lawsuits.
  2. I watched up to episode 12 on Steins;Gate 0 over the last few days and it's weird. Anyways, I guess @majestic is going to see the shift from Mad Scientist Kyouma to PTSD Okabe. Tu...tu...ru
  3. Oh Mayushii's watch has stopped.....
  4. That was episode 12 and no they aren't but that's because something spoiler heavy. I won't spoil you on your predictions, but the twist isn't any of them.
  5. Making some beef fajitas with some guacamole and roasted vegetables. I hope it turns out good. I don't blame him tbh.
  6. I guess I won't have to report you for bad taste after all.
  7. She isn't. Do spoiler in brackets at the beginning and then /spoiler in brackets at the end. It will **** up the post if you put stuff past the spoiler, because this site sucks on mobile. I did not know that.
  8. You'll have to wait and see. Tuturu.
  9. I think ItMoM is the probably the only movie I can think of that does cosmic horror really well. I watched the apocalypse trilogy together a couple of years ago and while the Thing is good and Prince of Darkness was pretty good, something about In The Mouth of Madness made it feel more unique. Do you read Sutter Cane?
  10. Because that wouldn't be near as indecent for Daru. Uhhhh
  11. My dog just died. She was diagnosed with lymphoma about 3 months ago and given about 1-2 months then. She had been slowing down but was otherwise OK until last week, when she started swelling up and stopped eating very much. The vet recommended euthanasia and warned me that if she crashes it would be a nightmare. Bitty seemed to bounce back over the weekend but I knew that we were at the end. Last night she hardly slept because she's been struggling to breathe and this morning her legs had a ton of fluid in them so I called the vet and made an appointment. It's done, and I came home for the first time in over 20 years without a dog there. Half of me hates myself for doing it, and the other half hates myself for letting her suffer because I couldn't let her go. ****.
  12. You've scared the abyss. What's next, a 6 hour workday? A living wage? A transportation system that isn't falling apart? Not droning a wedding because the AI thinks 3+ brown people = bad? I think you need to reflect on why you hate freedom and bootstraps.
  13. You brave majestic but their are worse things that lurk here ?
  14. Not really. Trump is still here and he's reproduced himself into forms like the pedo Gaetz and the qanon lady. For the next decade we'll have to deal with mini Trumps who will be doing the same **** he did, and there is a good chance one of them will be in the white house in 4 years. And climate change is going to kill us all lmao.
  15. At this point, do you really want to challenge the depths of awful to go lower?
  16. I didn't hate it like Bart did, but I just didn't really care. You may like it more than I did, or you may go full hatewatch and write long essays that you'll use in your battle with Unicorn of War at the coming Animerok. If it's the later, may your words be sharp. There is going to be a live action Steins;Gate which means that there will be a 3d Daru. Lmao. You know, Sean Baker has become one of my favorite directors since he shot Tangerine on iPhones. I'm really looking forward to Red Rocket, that and The Beta Test are pretty much what I've been looking forward to seeing this year in terms of features.
  17. I see what you did there. Is that really saying much? Too bad it's not like the manga where
  18. So I played around a bit more and in addition to Oversized not working, weapons that set damage (like a bastard sword that rolls a d20 for damage) do not benefit from size increases. So no size category exploits for crazy dice yet. Also, Blood Red Cleaver hits you with the extra 6d6 damage too.
  19. Steins;Gate 0 episodes 2 and 3. It's still early, but I think I like it less than Steins;Gate. But it's good enough to keep going.
  20. As much as he's gone through, taking a nap on a weekday afternoon sounds like living the life.
  21. There really is a German word for everything.
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