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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. God damn it stop editing your posts before I pull out a stone mask and reject my humanity. At least that guy wouldn't try to romance a 10 year old. Or a 1010 year old who was stuck in the body of a child before DEATH PHANTOM unlocked her puberty and transformed her into BLACK LADY. Sailor Moon is very strange.
  2. It also has up to season 4 dubbed, which I think is the new one and not the Sailor Moon Says one. So you can't hear Pedosus tell Chibi-Usa that she'd make a beautiful bride, but you can hear him voiced by a real life sex creep.
  3. He wanted recommendations for PS4 (or 5) games I think. Nothing really out of the ordinary from that one post.
  4. Well that's three recommendations so I'll watch Samurai Champloo.
  5. My first console was a Nintendo 64. I think my first game was Ocarina of Time or Super Smash Brothers. But it's been a long time.
  6. I haven't had a playstation since the original. I did enjoy FF Tactics and Ogre Battle 64, and it's a damn shame that FFT games since then have been bad and no more Ogre Battles appear to be on the horizon.
  7. Just a fair warning, **** gets dark. I don't know, but it's hilarious.
  8. I recommend it. The protagonist is a fella but instead of shonen yelling all the time he's more quiet and contemplative. There's a lot of fantasy violence too, so it may bring back memories of splattering bandits in BG1.
  9. Perhaps it's because I grew up in Texas, but it doesn't surprise me at all. If anything I'm surprised there haven't been more imitators. The US is full of dumbasses who want to believe the dumbest ****, Alex gives the ones who want to believe conspiracies about alien demons an outlet and hawks the brain pills while he's at it. When you get down to it the grift ain't that much different from more normal media personalities or reality TV stars, they're building a brand based of an image and cashing in. Which is to say we're all ****ed and should just watch anime instead of caring. Like Berserk, the best 90s seinen anime.
  10. I honestly thought you were making a joke about not wanting to play it on a Play Station.
  11. I think it works because it's ludicrous and insane, rather than in spite of it. From the beginning it was hinted at that Gendo and Seele were up to something, and given the trajectories of Evangelion it being some nonsensical thing makes more sense than some standard thing where Shinji fights his dad in a robot or gets shipped with Asuka. A mind bending wtf was the best way to end it. Anyways it's time for Berserk.
  12. Way of the Househusband s1 part 2. It's pretty much the same as the first batch of episodes, not very well animated but hilarious. I'd recommend it as something light to watch that doesn't require too much attention.
  13. But then the financial lizard brains may have to get a real job. I don't really like analogies because it seems to me that a classroom is fundamentally different than a business or sports team. The kids aren't really competing with another class room the same way that sports teams do and if you're manufacturing products or services for commercial use then you're probably violating some kind of labor laws. You're trying to guide the kids to make sure they develop skills to succeed, that's not really analogous to what a business does and I think trying to treat it that way will be disastrous. As someone who was in "gifted" programs until mid high school, I can certainly say that I would have benefitted more from a smaller class size with more involved teachers than what being put in a program. Maybe that wouldn't have helped much because Texas education is not great to begin with, but I think it would have been better than what I actually got.
  14. Crunchyroll is free (with adds if on a mobile, add free on PC afaik) and has all episodes of AoT (english subbed). You may need a vpn but it's there if you don't want to spend your money on the dvds and can deal with english subs, plus it's free and legal.
  15. No pecan brownies, but I made osso bucks, risotto, and some roasted zucchini. Turned out pretty good.
  16. You know what, HIP was great. Come at me.
  17. I'd sign off on a JK Simmons biopic starring JK Simmons.
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