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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Spy X Family s2 finale - Anya faces get a backseat to Bond faces, with Twilight laughing at the skinny wet dog. I guess I don't have a problem with the dog episodes but was kinda disappointing to see Anya and the School stuff to finish off. At least they're off the boat. Paprika (2006). Wow, what an experience. It's sad that Kon died so young, the man easily had several more projects like this in him and the world is less without them. Anyways the film itself is stunning with the parade sequences alone having more artistic merit than whole series, it's one of the better portrayals of dreams in cinema which makes a very strange overlap with Dust Devil (1992) that I just watched (no watch @Bartimaeus, you will hate it). Hands down reccomend, no caveats.
  2. Dust Devil (1992) It's a very weird film, an acid western that dips its toes into horror but doesn't quite dive in. From what I read the film was a victim of the infamous Weinstein (yes that Weintstein) cut and lost about a quarter of runtime. It could have definitely used it, particularly near the end of the film, but what's left is still good enough to be a confusing nightmare with grimy yet striking visuals and a foreboding score.
  3. Drug tests or no, poppy seeds are mid at best and good cinnamon rolls will destroy any poppy seed roll.
  4. I haven't played the game properly in a while, but I've had multiple people I would have not expected to mention the game to me bring it up. For better or worse BG3 seems to have broken through in ways that few other games, let alone rpgs, have. Honestly it's kind of incredible to see everyone from occultist zoomers to thrice-divorced almost-boomers play this ****ing game. Probably the closest to seeing Star Wars: A New Hope on release that we'll get. I'd say the only games I've heard anything remotely similar for in 2023 are Alan Wake 2 and Tears of the Kingdom, both of which appear to be honest to goodness masterpieces to me, but they're still on a smaller scale than BG3. Which says a lot in the latter case because Legend of Zelda is a juggernaut. I guess BG3 won't see anyone trap the netherbrain in a fruit stall though.
  5. The anime is better tbh, it's cool to see more development for Ramona and the evil exes plus it has Will Forte.
  6. Scott Pilgrim vs ZA WARUDO The World (2010) I think I saw this after I graduated high school and maybe a couple of times after that. It's weird coming back to the movie because in my head it kinda bled together with another early 2010s movie with Michael Cera in a band, but it's honestly pretty great.
  7. Well I was wrong, Elemental Ascetic does not play well with Elemental Scion or any abilities that change the damage dice (size or number) of Kinetic Blast. The gimmick was cool at least.
  8. I consider Reddit and Discord to be forms of forums (hon hon hon), broadly speaking.
  9. I'm intently waiting on The Forum Moderator or The Terminally Online Poster.
  10. And here I thought it was the price point that kept people out of 40k, but I guess getting killed by a book will cut down on potential players.
  11. I'm not going to wade into escapism or the polysemic nature of language, but I can relate to what @Azdeus is saying and what @Hawke64 mentioned about pay to win (aside from exploiting gambling addictions, which is bad on its own terms). It would be very bad for players who regularly play a big multi-player game to have to deal with pay to win screwing everything up by shifting the meta towards paying for stuff (beyond the normal price or subscription) or get ****ed. It's bad design for the long term because it makes needing to pay for stuff having a much larger part of the game than skill and you'll end up with a shrinking base of players until you're only left with those dedicated enough to consistently pay for stuff or enjoy suffering. Thankfully I don't play much besides single-player and don't run into too much of it, but if I did play multi-player stuff I'd jump ship the second they introduced pay to win horse****.
  12. I watched it again after the new Dune (Part 1) and right now I think it's better. But I also thought that Dune Part 1 was pretty much a 2+ hour advertisement for the sequel and also have......strange taste in general. Make the inhuman man-worm show up early. Paul can see the future or some ****, let him see the future of the man-worm.
  13. I have never read Dune and most of my knowledge is from the 1984 movie. I just think the man-worm is funny.
  14. I'm disappointed they didn't show the man-worm hybrid god emperor.
  15. Well on the bright side, by the time you finish Stone Ocean the next part will be out and we can all watch JoJo doing a western in an alternate universe. It's probably because the antagonist is close to an anime version of Bruno. I don't recall being negative to the episode but it's been a while and it's definitely not as good as the previous episode or succeeding one. Anyways they're off the boat in Spy x Family. Anya doing many more faces.
  16. I think I know less about OD than before I saw the teaser but that only increases the appeal for me.
  17. Videodrome (1983) - Long Live The New Flesh! It's an incredible ride, horrifying and weirdly horny 80s practical effects combined with conspiracy and incomprehensible techo-occult babble. Absolutely glorious.
  18. That's absolutely ridiculous. Sounds like the interface could be more............balanced.
  19. So my TtA playthrough got borked due to mods so looks like I'll get to do that again before I do LoN. So I am rerolling Through the Ashes with an Elemental Ascetic/Elemental Scion Kineticist Oread and so far so good. Monk AC + Elemental Fists is honestly pretty cool and so far is working better than shifter claws or monk fists for TtA, the lower bab is the only real problem but that's only going to be like -2 to hit.
  20. How many wet leopard growls have you seen so far?
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