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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. +2 for level 2, + 4 for level 3, + 6 for level 4 is the 12 you put in in the editor. Though I am off to bed, so don't mind me
  2. Meh. Raider from way out of LoS shot through two walls and crit hit one of my people. Meh. One day there will be a game where LoS will work properly.
  3. I think they took the ingame avatar and put her into some first cinematics for the kickstarter campaign, just to have something nice to show. The ingame character does not need facial expressions, while the large eyes make them visible in the smalle scale without appearing that large. But let's continue with Part 2. Where the plants are spooky and the wolves are wolfie. weird flying islands in the sky
  4. It's a platfformer, you can run, you can jump... and you can die when you barely miss that next ledge. End of Part 1. Next time on "Woolfe: The Red Ridinghood Diaries" we leave the city for greener pastures. But will they be green? Stay tuned
  5. Early alpha screenshots so be considerate while viewing "Mary's skin was fair, her hair was bright, her mind? Not so much. She copied my homework, I ate her lunch."
  6. And they aren't changing too much with 3. So really looking forward to just more fun when that comes out. Just wondering if it will have any tower defense or if they are taking that out completly, now that they are releasing the Deathtrap spin-off with just the tower defense part.
  7. I'm sure people will bitch when we save the veggies
  8. Haven't gotten that far. Still stuck in Ag, with everyone except for Alice in Wasteland infected.
  9. What is the world comming to? There was a time you would include The Witcher 2 at the far right of that equation
  10. Resist peer pressure. It's less peer pressure and more about spending some time with them. I don't see them more than a couple of time per year. If my cousins tried to get me into Archeage I'd avoid them as well
  11. When GOG was giving away free copies of games, Jack Keane was the one that was taking the longest to be given away. So people were joking about nobody wanting to play it even for free.
  12. I think you are th first peron I know wo has outed himself as playing Jack Keane.
  13. Maybe that'd work if Steam wouldn't randomly add games you never bought to your library. Dunno, you actually play that? They always add stuff I would never even consider trying out.
  14. There is always next time. Just means Keyrock has to post more to get the next thread started sooner.
  15. Crushed. I wouldn't have said anything if it was just a single post like that. But TWO posts on the same page with only some form of "LOL" as text, and only those two posts, deserved a comment. You act as if you are completly new to this forum and expected something different
  16. Have to be after that new storefront
  17. I don't know. I love the new Steam crap. It is so horrendous and unintuitive, I am bound to actually miss out on more stuff I'd otherwise have been tempted to buy. I predict saving a lot of money from now on
  18. Awareness or unawareness does not change my brokeness
  19. They should just hire Hassat Hunter for that and be done with it
  20. I always felt that Spec Ops was trying to be to military shooters what Apocalypse Now was to war movies.
  21. Just did a pacifist game of Age of Wonders 3. Only explored dungeons etc, cleared independent critters in my domain and allied with all AIs. Everybody lived... well, except for those monster dens and bandit camps.
  22. Humble Store is giving Tropico 3 for free for another 10 hours or so. (I know, I know, the series has reached 5, but free is free )
  23. Physical rewards seem to be something a lot of kickstarters have trouble getting right. MAy have to do with it being something so removed from the jobs they have experience with. They don't consider at first just how much effort can go into packaging and sending hundreds of parcels around the world
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