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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. So in Mordheim every critical hit gives an Open Wound debuff until end of the mission, which reduces Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. Butal difficulty Walk in the Fog scenario - in which both warbands are spread out in a long line. I decided right away to abandon the secondary objective (collect 13 wyrdstones) and to rush everyone to my east flank, where my Executioner would advance towards the enemy, supported by my Templar. Of course when they made contact, it was with the enemy Matriarch and Maiden of Sigmar. I had hoped one of them would have deployed on the far side. In retrospect I should have remembered where the impressive deployment spots are for the reverse setup. I charged with the Executioner, to stop the Maiden from assisting the Matriarch, engaged with my Captain and Flagellants. They exchanged a couple of hits, then my Executioner crit and stunned her. Crit again. The Templar crit, the Witch Hunter crit. When the Maiden got back to her feet, her to-hit chance was down to 19%. Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes you get stupendously lucky.
  2. I'll vote Geralt the worst because I tried to read the books. When I see them on bookstore shelves I still get shivers. Not the good kind of shivers.
  3. Have you considered giving one of those Lad's Got Talent down the road?
  4. Skaven swarmed my archer Zealot and tore him to pieces. The rest of the witch hunters then hacked and bashed the rats into wyrdstone dust, but the Zealot is dead. And he had just maxed his ballistic skill... Oh well, ce'st la Mordheim.
  5. Tried out my executioner earlier. He looks good. But I need to see how he does against other impressives and not just henchmen.
  6. None, I only do skirmishes I have done 1-1 with the mercs. Am at 2-1 with possessed and 2-4 with skaven I think. Been a while. My witch hunters just got their Executioner. Haven't tried him out yet.
  7. Good job! Sisters is the only campaign I completed. After that I don't have the energy to brave the rest. Though hunters is easier than the original ones. Mercs and Hunters cover similar ground warband wise. Both have access to a lot of ranged. Mercs have the best ranged henchman (though I like the Cult of the Possessed Brethren as well when it comes to archers). Hunters can build their Zealots for range (one of mine is an archer), but they'll never be as good as a Marksman or Brethren. Merc Captains are great parry tanks. Witch Hunter captains are great dodge tanks. They both basically have the same starting passive, just one for parry the other for dodge. I am not a fan of the warband specific skills for mercs. Trial by Pain for the Hunters is amazing though - opponent takes damage every time they attack? Killed a couple of enemies that way
  8. That's definitely a bug (or someone died accidentally.) He thanked me for not killing anyone. I had a number of comments about my lack of a body count so far. HR had that bug, where tranq darts would sometimes kill people. The game gave no feedback either way, so you completed the game and didn't get the pacifist achievement, because somewhere early on someone had died when you knocked them out.
  9. That Cito guy obviously has no clue what the modding community is up to. If the "Breeder" modders move from FNV to 4, those apes will act quite differently...
  10. You really need to build a character for casting if you want to use magic in Mordheim. My Purifier hurls spells as if there was no tomorrow. But she has a Sigmarite Warhammer to reduce wrath chance and mastered the skill for it as well. Ideally I should have her with a helmet that reduces it further, but I gave her an extended spell range enchantment instead. You do want to get it to a point though where your first spell per turn is almost "free". A wrath chance of 5% is a good gamble. Though I haven't played my sisters lately. Been concentrating on my Witch Hunters. Act II Mission IV is a pain, but since you beat the Aluress mission you'll be fine. Merga will only join the fight after you (de)activate all the obelisks. So you can try to move part of your warband into position for that. The reinforcements are a real pain. edit: also, people are discussing Mordheim and I am not told? What gives?
  11. Nobody say anything, but Drowsy is here, don't spook him! Haven't sen you in ages.
  12. Male character in Age of Barbarian rescues a maiden. She asks if they'll be able to get out alive and he tells her not to worry since from now on "My sword will do the thinking." ...
  13. Haven't found Ciri, but I think I spotted Waldo. Edit: Found her
  14. I beat the basilisk in Age of Barbarian. Now nothing can stop me!
  15. People will give you looks regardless of what you discuss. People were giving me looks when I said that I know it is excessive, but it is so much more fun to first shoot the wings off a fly with a hunting rifle, before finishing it off.
  16. Yeah. Even though they cover up more skin and thus realistically should offer less protection.
  17. Yeah, I know what you mean. Had to have been there to understand why I interpret it as mixed signals. Some things like that are hard to describe in a forum post. But the only reason I am annoyed at the moment really is that I was working on that moving on thing, and then she has to go and get back in touch
  18. Ah, found my previous rant in the old thread The mixed signals though, Barti, include her saying goodbye, then deciding to hang around for another hour to chat, get me to walk her to the taxi stand (instead of just grabbing one of those outside the dance place), and then not getting in the taxi edit: but I am just venting, somewhere she won't see.
  19. Dance school. We tango(ed). The girl I'd every now and then catch staring at me across the dance floor. OK, she probably could catch me looking at her as well
  20. Yeah, i am trying to force myself to do that
  21. Need to learn to be less well-mannered. And people should have to watch Princess Bride in school to learn about the difference between what people say and what people mean. So she says no, she doesn't want to go out. Fair enough. A bit annoyed with all the mixed signals until then, I thank her for the (finally) clear answer. And that should be that. She goes her way and I go mine (which would include playing some Mordheim, naturally). Then she sends me a message with birthday wishes. *sigh* And a bit more eloquent than the usual happy birthday exclamation mark exclamation mark. Now being well mannered I thank her and return wishes of my own. What to wish though? Idea! Have a great vacation, and let me know how you liked the island. Seeing how she knows I have often gone there myself. Of course in the same way as Farmboy says "as you wish" and means "I love you", I said "let me know" and meant "go away". Which I expected her to do anyway, since she is the person who did not want to go out. Two weeks later she sends me a message about her vacations. *sigh* And asks how I have been. I reply courteously to the vacation part and say "So I take it you have returned". Which was again not really meant to engender a reply. Got one anyway. *Double sigh* Seriously, ladies, if someone asks you out, feel free to say no. It's no big deal. Most of us will have both heard it before and said it before ourselves. It is normal for two people not to share attraction. But if you have turned someone down, they don't really need to be informed if you are back from the trip, visiting your parents etc. /end rant
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