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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. But obviously not when compared to SR4
  2. I hated the driving in sleeping dogs.
  3. Torchlight, Torchlight 2, Hob. Though I didn't play Hob yet.
  4. Did I miss the discussion about Runic getting shut down?
  5. Finally off on vacations tomorrow, so playing for 9 days. But I started a playthrough of Spellforce 2 this week in anticipation of Spellforce 3 in December.
  6. Still a lot, but better
  7. So I was looking at the Steam Deus Ex Franchise Sale. Mankind Devided Digital Deluxe Edition (the game + season pass) 22,39 Euro Deus Ex Collection Bundle (Deuys Ex, Deus Ex Invisible War, Deus Ex The Fall, Deus Ex Mankind Devided, Mankind Devided Season Pass (I already own Human Revolution)) 19,03 Euro. (And still not buying it, what with my backlog)
  8. Next article reads: Obsidian Forum regular poster Labadal distances himself from NeoGAF. "I wasn't in the loop in anything about this," Labadal wrote on the Obsidian Forum, and ended his post, like so many other former NeoGAF readers, saying "time to find a new news aggregator."
  9. I think I have turned into a pure casual gamer. Saw screenshots of D:OS2 with the inventory open, and I thought I was looking at a Match-3 game.
  10. Civ III is currently free in the Humble Store if anyone is feeling nostalgic.
  11. For a moment I thought you were back to SR.
  12. The humour is there. But the game has a darker edge to it. There are times where there is no humour, just the story. With the 3rd and 4th, even when things were dark, the over-the-topness kept things somehow light. SR2 is the game where all the truly dramatic events of Saints Row took place. So the earth blew up in the fourth game - sh!t happens.
  13. I think the game has a really good start to get you into character. And in general the writing is very solid.
  14. Wait wait wait what. xD And you don't even want to know what is out there for CK2
  15. The disturbing thing about Stellaris is that there is a nude patch for it :/
  16. The first two aren't as lighthearted. I haven't played the first. And after suffering through the driving controls of the second (which were greatly improved in the third game) I am not certain I could. But the games are brutal. They had some humour, but overall the second game is an extremely violent crime story that sets itself apart from GTA through the brutality more than the absurdity.
  17. How The Saints Saved Christmas should be replayed every Christmas as part of the festivities. Favourite part in EtD is when Pierce fast forwards, then complains about the plot not making sense. Made funnier by my nephew having done that only recently before I played EtD - skip cutscense,skip cutsene, "Why is Lara in a cave? She was on a boat. This is stupid!"
  18. Eh, the developer will have a zipfile with the "nude patch" in their dropbox or google drive *shrug* Or they may have a checkbox in the settings. But I want my Match 3 games to be about matching gems. Everything else is annoying and gets in the way.
  19. Gat out of Hell had great writing. The musical was pure gold. But it was a crap game. And removing the custom player character was only the beginning of what was wrong with it.
  20. Say what? I don't cosplay at all, does that mean I do not play any games? Whoah, what have I been doing with all that time? And the cash?
  21. So Agents of Mayhem had the same thing happen to it as did Gat Out Of Hell?
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