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Everything posted by Eyeshield1625

  1. Yes! Thanks for the info )
  2. I understand the reasoning for not doing the blu-ray/dvd. I would rather get the digital version with all the production than to get 9-10ths of it on dvd. I wonder what their going to swap it with. The collectors art book would be awesome even if it was just a soft cover, though it might be cheaper to make more hard cover than to make soft cover. It's probably not gonna be that though so I hope they come up with something good.
  3. The inn looked amazing I can't wait to see more of the backer created items and inns. Wizards also sounded pretty cool. I wonder how many spells you can have on you at one time for combat (as in I'm walking in the forest and I need to fight how many spells can I use right now?) Can we have the same spells in multiple books. Like if I had a heal spell in 1 book and switched to another book with an amazing fire spell could I still have the heal spell there too. I mean could I have written the heal spell into 2 books not using casting a spell in another book. anyways can't wait to hear more.
  4. If it was just backer than no, but if they were able to get good voice actors to do parts then yes. Though I don't think anyone expects this game to have voice overs (which is what I voted). I honestly would rather just read the text and use my imagination for what the characters sound like. Also even if they didn't pay the actors the time in the recording studio could get costly.
  5. 1. From what I've heard it will be part of the story line but optional. I wouldn't expect any major plot revelations to happen there. Maybe a surprise ,but nothing that you couldn't beat the game without. 2.It's basically a long side quest. You finish one part then come back later and do some more. It shouldn't break up the story more than doing other side quest would... I hope. 3. Like I said in number one it's optional so you could just do it at the end and fly through the entire dungeon instead of doing it in parts. Though I would suggest you do it right before you finish the game instead of after so you get the story info. 4. Yeah but you would have to grind and a faster way to level up would be to complete the story and side quest. I also have a feeling that the really good loot will be at the bottom levels. The loot at the top should be good for your current level but not game breaking.. I hope. 5. You should seeing as its optional. Also we don't know what the levels the creatures are at the last levels of the dungeon. They could be stronger than the final boss. Also yes if you wait that long to go into the dungeon you'll fly through a good portion of it. But seeing as how low ex you'll be getting for those levels you probably won't be op.. well not until you get to the harder stuff. Sorry for that long winded post but I hoped that helped. edit: seeing how a small part's not optional. Though it could just be clearing the first floor or just seeing where the dungeon is located. So until we know more my thoughts still stand as is.
  6. I voted yes was going to upgrade my pledge anyway ,but this was nice motivation on their part. When are they you going to announce the results and the stretch goals?
  7. I agree with this I already picked my size because I was sure it would fit, but this would help people who could ware a m or l depening on the brand.
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